“I believe that the US will not take any decision on acting in Iraq until the 
situation in Venezuela is resolved,” former Venezuelan energy minister Calderon 
Berti told the Brazilian daily Jornal do Brasil Wednesday. Berti, who also 
served as president of PDVSA, said it would be too great a risk to launch a war 
in the Persian Gulf while Venezuela, the world’s fifth largest petroleum 
exporter, was unable to produce. ... Thus, in preparation for a war against 
Iraq promoted on the pretext of removing a dictator, the Bush administration 
may decide to oversee a military coup in Venezuela. In both countries, the key 
unspoken issue is oil."


Washington maneuvers toward Venezuelan coup
By Bill Vann
19 December 2002

With an employer-organized lockout in its third week, the Bush administration 
is maneuvering with the Venezuelan right wing in an attempt to topple the 
country’s elected president, Hugo Chavez.

Washington has expressed mounting concern over the political crisis in 
Venezuela, which supplies approximately 14 percent of US oil imports. The 
shutdown of the country’s state-owned oil corporation, Petroleos de Venezuela 
(PDVSA), has reduced production to a trickle and sent world crude oil prices to 
over $31 a barrel, a two-year high.

On December 13 the White House issued a statement effectively solidarizing 
itself with the demands advanced by the alliance of Venezuelan employers, the 
US-funded trade union bureaucracy and the political parties of the country’s 
oligarchy. “The only peaceful and politically viable path to moving out of the 
crisis is through the holding of early elections,” the statement said.

Under Venezuela’s constitution, Chavez is to remain in power until the end of 
2006. He could be subject to a recall referendum—in August of 2003 at the 
earliest—provided those seeking to oust him secured sufficient support for such 
a vote. For his term to be cut short, the constitution requires that more 
people vote to remove him in such a referendum than the number who voted to 
place him in power in the last presidential election.

Washington’s undisguised contempt for such constitutional considerations is the 
clearest signal that it is prepared once again to support a right-wing military 
coup, as it did last April when Chavez’s opponents succeeded in ousting him for 
two days. He was returned to power in the wake of a popular uprising in the 
streets of Caracas.

If the shoe were on the other foot, and Venezuela’s workers and poor were 
clamoring for the removal of an unpopular US-backed regime through 
extraordinary elections, there is no doubt that the Bush administration would 
be proclaiming the sanctity of constitutional order and denouncing the use 
of “undemocratic” methods.

There are indications of divisions within the Washington establishment over the 
reckless policy being pursued in Venezuela. Some elements fear that by 
continuing to foment right-wing agitation against the current government, the 
Bush administration is plunging the country into civil war.

This week, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer backtracked on the 
administration’s previous statement about early elections, saying that the 
administration had meant to signal its support for an early referendum on 
Chavez’s rule. While such a vote would likewise violate the Venezuelan 
constitution, the shift suggested that at least some in the US government could 
accept something short of Chavez’s immediate overthrow.

For his part, the Venezuelan president has repeatedly promised Washington that 
his government would assure normal and even expanded oil deliveries if a US war 
against Iraq cut off supplies from the Middle East. He has denounced the well-
paid managers of PDVSA for organizing the shutdown of the country’s oil 
facilities, charging them with “sabotage” and accusing them of seeking the 
state corporation’s privatization for their own enrichment.

While the Chavez government has sent troops into oil installations and ordered 
the seizure of idled tankers, it has pointedly stopped short of taking over 
privately owned food producing and distribution companies that have been shut 
down by their owners as part of the anti-government action, drying up vital 
food supplies.

Chavez has made it clear that his populist appeals to Venezuela’s impoverished 
masses need not interfere with trade relations with the US, nor with his 
government’s compliance with the economic prescriptions of the International 
Monetary Fund. But right-wing elements within the Bush administration will not 
forgive him for his ties with Cuba’s Fidel Castro and his earlier denunciation 
of the US war in Afghanistan.

These elements—led by Otto Reich in the State Department and Elliott Abrams in 
the National Security Council—collaborated directly with those who organized 
the abortive April coup. Veterans of the Reagan administration’s 
terrorist “contra” war against Nicaragua, they are determined to utilize 
similar methods to install a more pliant regime in Caracas.

The destabilization efforts against Chavez have won support from US client 
regimes in Latin America, as well as from the financial markets. The 
Organization of American States, which is supposed to be mediating the conflict 
in Venezuela, rejected the Venezuelan ambassador’s call for the body to state 
its support for his country’s elected government. Instead, it issued a 
declaration denouncing attacks on the country’s right-wing media, which became 
the target of mass demonstrations recently because of the vitriolic anti-Chavez 
propaganda broadcast by the country’s privately owned television stations. The 
OAS also indicated that it might support the call for early elections if the 
crisis continued.

Adding insult to injury, Colombia’s ambassador to Caracas urged Colombians 
visiting the country to return home immediately because of the “critical 
political situation” in Venezuela. This warning came from the representative of 
a government involved in a bloody civil war.

Meanwhile, Standard & Poor’s has downgraded credit ratings for both the 
Venezuelan government and the PDVSA, further deepening the country’s economic 

Within Venezuela, the struggle between Chavez and his opponents is being waged 
with an eye on the military. While the chief of the Venezuelan army voiced 
support for the government “against the petroleum sabotage,” leaders of the 
opposition issued calls for the generals to overthrow the government.

“The armed forces should step forward in defense of our people and their 
freedom,” declared Enrique Medina, one of the dissident officers who have 
declared themselves in “disobedience” against the government. “Where are the 
military commanders, what are they waiting for, for the country to destroy 
itself?” added opposition leader Antonio Ledezma.

Carlos Ortega, the head of the Confederation of Venezuelan Workers’ corrupt 
union bureaucracy, which is closely allied with the American AFL-CIO, appeared 
to disassociate himself from direct appeals for a military coup, declaring 
himself in favor of the “democratic route,” while urging the military “not to 
act against the people.”

While maintaining a “democratic” façade, Ortega and his allies in the 
Venezuelan employers’ federation are banking on the continued shutdown of the 
oil industry and highway blockades to create an atmosphere of chaos, thereby 
provoking a coup.

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher implicitly endorsed right-wing calls 
from within Venezuela for quick and decisive action, saying Monday that “the 
situation in Venezuela is volatile and is deteriorating rapidly.” The US 
government, he added, “believes that a solution must be found as soon as 
possible to avoid a greater polarization that could lead to an eruption of 

Overshadowing the events in Venezuela is the impending US war against Iraq. 
Washington has declared its “grave concern” over the chaotic conflict between 
Chavez and his opponents in large part because it requires a reliable supply of 
Venezuelan oil in the event that military intervention in the Middle East 
disrupts petroleum supplies from that region. Petroleum industry specialists 
familiar with the situation warn that the US may be compelled to postpone its 
war plans unless it can end the Venezuelan crisis.

“I believe that the US will not take any decision on acting in Iraq until the 
situation in Venezuela is resolved,” former Venezuelan energy minister Calderon 
Berti told the Brazilian daily Jornal do Brasil Wednesday. Berti, who also 
served as president of PDVSA, said it would be too great a risk to launch a war 
in the Persian Gulf while Venezuela, the world’s fifth largest petroleum 
exporter, was unable to produce.

A major war, he said, could mean the loss of 5.5 million barrels of petroleum a 
day on the world market. Venezuela has a daily production capacity of over 3 
million barrels. If both supplies were cut off, Berti said, oil prices would 
soar to over $40 a barrel, placing severe pressure on the US and world 

Thus, in preparation for a war against Iraq promoted on the pretext of removing 
a dictator, the Bush administration may decide to oversee a military coup in 
Venezuela. In both countries, the key unspoken issue is oil.

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