[peirce-l] Re: Panopedia

2006-02-26 Thread Larry Sanger
I have no interest in trying the list's patience by drawing this out further, but I did want to supply one further piece of information. Steven Zenith raises the question about the transparency of the Digital Universe (i.e., if I understand it correctly, whether we will require the use of real

[peirce-l] Re: Panopedia

2006-02-25 Thread Jaime Nubiola
Dear all, I forwarded to Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia, the thread of messages on Panopedia. I copy below his answer announcing the new project Digital Universe that may interest to some people in the list, Jaime Thanks for forwarding these mails about Panopedia. I'm seeing

[peirce-l] Re: Panopedia

2006-02-25 Thread Steven Ericsson Zenith
FWIW. I know of the ManyOne project and have tried before to understand what they are trying to do. Digital Universe is designed to promote that project. However, it requires you to download the ManyOne application suite - a new browser - to subscribe PLUS they want to up sell Internet

[peirce-l] Re: Panopedia

2006-02-25 Thread Larry Sanger
All, Forgive the intrusion. After Jaime Nubiola forwarded Steven Zenith's mail to me, I thought I would respond here on the list (rather than bother Jaime further personally). I have no interest in a long drawn-out discussion--I simply wished to correct a few factual errors in Steven's post.

[peirce-l] Re: Panopedia

2006-02-25 Thread Gary Richmond
Larry, list, Your project appears to hold great promise and is already taking impressive shape imo. It is especially encouraging to see Larry Lessig on board. This list may recall my positive review of an address he gave at Cooper-Union in NYC a year or so ago on copyright issues. I recall

[peirce-l] Re: Panopedia

2006-02-25 Thread Steven Ericsson Zenith
Dear Larry, Thank you for your response. The references that you give reveal transparency regarding your organization but that is not the transparency we are discussing. Wikipedia is also transparent in this sense. We have discussed here the transparency of authorship - especially with

[peirce-l] Re: Panopedia

2006-02-21 Thread Frances Catherine Kelly
Steven... Aside from the issues of objective intent and textual authorship, the promise of an open and free internet with its unpoliced websites and networks that are responsible and reasonable is regrettably as yet unfulfilled. Even the serious lists continue to be filled with trivial atopical

[peirce-l] Re: Panopedia

2006-02-21 Thread Gary Richmond
Steven, Catherine, Ben, list, I would like to suggest that Ben's analysis perhaps rather nicely bridges the gap between what seems like the polar positions held by Steven and frances, Frances arguing on the one hand that: The need for identifying the messenger is in my opinion overstated and

[peirce-l] Re: Panopedia

2006-02-21 Thread Steven Ericsson Zenith
Dear Gary, My thanks for your encouraging words. I agree that Ben's suggestion of cross referencing to Wikipedia is interesting - and I am thinking about the implications of that approach. Wikipedia articles do not have stable states. Who would own the labels? I did consider that one

[peirce-l] Re: Panopedia

2006-02-21 Thread Joseph Ransdell
Steven says: Transparency is a pragmatic. Or, exactly as Joe suggests that Peirce implies (is there a reference to this Joe?): identifying the author is a logical necessity. REPLY: Here's some quotes to that effect: CP 2.315 (c. 1902) For an act of assertion supposes that, a proposition being

[peirce-l] Re: Panopedia

2006-02-20 Thread Frances Catherine Kelly
Steven... This message may be an aside, but the principle of evolutionary love as it is understood by me might be well applied to the act of science. It states that objects and here thinkers should give of themselves and thus their ideas freely, for its own intrinsic sake, with no ulterior motive,

[peirce-l] Re: Panopedia

2006-02-20 Thread Steven Ericsson Zenith
Thank you for your input Frances. I am most firmly convinced that there is no message without a messenger; i.e., any message without a clearly identifiable messenger is simply meaningless. By which I mean literally without intent; absent the embodiment of meaning in a message creator. We