Hi again,

I would like to hear if anybody uses the large descriptions in PelTag
of the individual tags?

I don't like them and I'm thinking of dropping them because:

* They are more or less verbatim copies from the Exif specification,
  so I guess it is a violation of their copyright to include them.

* They refer to examples, tables, and figures from the Exif
  specification which means that some of the descriptions doesn't make
  much sense by themselves.

* They're marked as translatable, but I don't expect anybody to ever
  work all the way through them.

* They are somewhat large. I just trimmed the file down to 45 KiB from
  111 KiB. To that one should add the savings from the smaller .po
  files and API docs.

Any arguments for or against?

Martin Geisler  ---  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ---  http://mgeisler.net

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