Re: Sowell

2004-07-03 Thread Grant Lee
Melvin said: So how is incompatible with Marxism that raising wages above market levels can reduce employment? He just decided that the living conditions of sugar workers were less important than the needs of the economy. Like some present-day socialists, he seems to thinks that using

Re: Sowell

2004-07-01 Thread Grant Lee
David Shemano said: The wonders of the internet. Here is Sowell explaining his shift away from Marxism: David Shemano From that interview: So you were a lefty once. Through the decade of my 20s, I was a Marxist. What made you

Re: Sowell

2004-07-01 Thread Grant Lee
Doug asked: So how is incompatible with Marxism that raising wages above market levels can reduce employment? He just decided that the living conditions of sugar workers were less important than the needs of the economy. Like some present-day socialists, he seems to thinks that using

Low Taxes Do What!?

2004-06-28 Thread Grant Lee
[A sharp jab from the right. Would the economists among us like to comment?] Low Taxes Do What? by Thomas Sowell The high cost of economic illiteracy. Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.Some years ago, the distinguished international-trade economist Jagdish Bhagwati was

Re: Putin

2004-06-22 Thread Grant Lee
Louis said: Milosevic was trying to preserve the tattered remnants of Titoist socialism. What an insult to Tito, comparing to him to a crypto-fascist rabble rouser. As I recall, it was when the NATO air forces started bombing capital equipment belonging to Milosevic's business cronies that

Re: Putin

2004-06-22 Thread Grant Lee
Louis: Leaving aside my admitted hyperbole and your Hitchens bait, I can't imagine how any socialist familiar with the history of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, would want to claim Milosevic as one of their own. If you don't have a low opinion of him now, I can't imagine what it would take to change

Re: Putin

2004-06-22 Thread Grant Lee
Louis said: The answer is easy. Just look at Yugoslavia today. Milosevic was an obstacle to bring the country to heel. It is poorer today than it was under Milosevic, even with the end of sanctions and warfare. And this has nothing to do with Milosevic's policies? Croatian nationalists

Re: Chris Doss's sources

2004-06-21 Thread Grant Lee
Chris said: Anybody saying the war in Chechnya is about goddamn oil would get laughed out the fucking door in Russia. I believe you, but just because an idea is not popular it doesn't make it untrue. I doubt if many Americans believe that the war in Iraq is about oil and yet that idea is

Kerry joins attack on Australian opposition

2004-06-14 Thread Grant Lee
Bush rival joins Latham attack By Peter Hartcher, in Washington and Cosima Marriner June 14, 2004 The campaign of the Democratic candidate for the US presidency, John Kerry, has for the first time rejected Mark Latham's plan to recall Australian troops from Iraq by Christmas, leaving the Labor

Re: wikipedia?

2004-06-12 Thread Grant Lee
Wikipedia, it would probably receive a wider audience. jim devine I'm glad to hear this; I didn't think the existing entries were so bad. Grant Lee (whose name fought on both sides of the US civil war) As I never tire of saying, my name is a snapshot of a historical dialectic in action

Re: wikipedia?

2004-06-10 Thread Grant Lee
Calvin wrote: Devine, James wrote: what ever happened to the idea of producing a wikipedia of leftist political economy? I proposed it and someone said he'd look into it... and then I heard nothing. Why not just produce a wikipedia of objective political economy? If that turns out to be

Singh on a tightrope

2004-05-23 Thread Grant Lee
The Telegraph - Calcutta: Opinion Sunday, May 23, 2004 SINGH ON A TIGHTROPE Can the Congress please its allies and also keep India Inc. happy? Partha Chatterjee The author is director and professor of political science, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta It is no longer

Aljazeera.Net - Shia groups see end to Najaf siege

2004-05-12 Thread Grant Lee
Aljazeera.Net - Shia groups see end to Najaf siege[Some more of the complexities within Iraqi Shia politics are revealed. Note: (1) there has been a peaceful demonstration _against_ Sadr in Najaf; (2) some Sadrists, if not Sadr, appear to endorse the peace plan described below, which (3) includes

Re: cheap oil

2004-05-07 Thread Grant Lee
Doug said: Someone here characterized oil as cheap. By what measure? Even at $20 - which it hasn't been for a long time - its cost is well above the cost of production in the Middle East. At almost $40, there are huge rents being claimed by elites in oil-exporting countries; being a major

Re: Iraq Communist Party statement on Atrocities at Abu Ghraib

2004-05-06 Thread Grant Lee
Michael said: I don't disagree with you, but I cannot see why we should take this group more seriously than Chalabi or other collaborators. We should take them more seriously because --- unlike Chalabi --- they are people who have lived in Iraq under Saddam, (something which no doubt has

Re: Iraq Communist Party statement on Atrocities at Abu Ghraib

2004-05-06 Thread Grant Lee
Soula: In answer to your question, no, I don't read Arabic. I wish I had the aptitude for languages of someone like Marx (a belated happy 186th to him) who -- not content with German, Greek, Latin, French, English and Italian --- was learning Turkish when he died. I do not think the occupation

Re: Samuel Huntington's Hispanic panic

2004-05-06 Thread Grant Lee
Chris Doss wrote: He wrote a hilarious book review in the eXile recently saying that the left should just admit that the anarchists in the Spanish Civil War were a bunch of loons and that the only one who was looking at the big picture was Stalin. Yes, hilarious is just the right

Re: Iraq Communist Party statement on Atrocities at Abu Ghraib

2004-05-06 Thread Grant Lee
Ken: Thanks for your reasoned remarks, which illustrate a willingness to engage with the present situation. As I've already said, my recent usage of imperialism was not supposed to be definitive, and I agree with your comments on this. THe issue is the status of those who side with

Re: Iraq Communist Party statement on Atrocities at Abu Ghraib

2004-05-06 Thread Grant Lee
Louis said: I guess you aren't aware that the British were responsible originally for dividing people by religion in the colonies. You might as well ask the tobacco industry to spearhead an anti-smoking campaign. Of course I'm aware of that. And what use would it have been to point that out

Re: Iraq Communist Party statement on Atrocities at Abu Ghraib

2004-05-05 Thread Grant Lee
Soula said: There is now an effort from many communist parties to denounce the Iraqi communist party for collaborating in the invasion. It seems that their collaboration purposely or not with the US and the CIA goes back to their vehement fight against the pan Arab project because the

Re: The new Iraqi Flag

2004-05-05 Thread Grant Lee
Louis said: In a technical sense the Afrikaner bourgeoisie exploited both white and black workers, but what does that mean? Yes, a white diamond-cutter produced surplus value, just as a black miner did but the white worker would likely have a black gardener and maid. These people were the

Re: Iraq Communist Party statement on Atrocities at Abu Ghraib

2004-05-05 Thread Grant Lee
Soula said: That is one Hakim down and probably another to go. that is no Shiite opposition, You have got to also realise that there is a stronger Persia-Arab divide than what shiism can pull together because the Iranians in Iraq represented the aristocracy and if one were to read behind

Re: Iraq Communist Party statement on Atrocities at Abu Ghraib

2004-05-05 Thread Grant Lee
Louis said: Of course Abdul Aziz al Hakim is opposed to an immediate US withdrawal. He is a member of the quisling Iraqi governing council. Oh, I see, they're _quislings_. Well that settles that. No doubt you've conducted a thorough, professional survey of Iraqis to ascertain their views of

Re: The new Iraqi Flag

2004-05-05 Thread Grant Lee
Louis said: I would suggest that when 20 percent of the households in the USA own 3 or more cars and only 14 cars per 1,000 residents in Africa, the primary contradiction--at least for the time being--will be between this imperialist power and nations in the South. This is like saying: men

Re: Iraq Communist Party statement on Atrocities at Abu Ghraib

2004-05-05 Thread Grant Lee
Michael said: I cannot understand what kind of communist party would join with the US, or why we should take such a party seriously. I don't think that's the real issue. No-one knows whether the insurgents are more popular than the US-backed council; it will take an election to establish that.

Re: Iraq Communist Party statement on Atrocities at Abu Ghraib

2004-05-05 Thread Grant Lee
Last post for me today. My usage of imperialism a few posts back --- the presumption that one knows better than people on the ground --- was not supposed to be definitive or exclusive of all other usages. Nor did I say it was. Just for the record, I was opposed to the invasion, and I took part

Re: Aussies the world's hardest workers?

2004-05-02 Thread Grant Lee
I said: As Marx, among others, alluded, a distinctive thing about the later settler colonial societies was that they imported not only the workers from Europe, but also fully-devloped capitalist relations of production (unhappy Mr Peel). Correction: Marx was alluding to the _incomplete_

Re: Aussies the world's hardest workers?

2004-05-01 Thread Grant Lee
Happy May Day! Jim said: throw a shrimp on the Barbie! The famous tourism ads featuring Paul Hogan used the word shrimp for US audiences; shrimp here are small fish, rather than crustaceans (prawns). Anyway, here's the original article referred to by CNN, based on the new book: _How Australia

Re: Nutcase rock and roll psy warfare ops

2004-04-17 Thread Grant Lee
Doug said: Typing this with Hell's Bells playing on iTunes. Puts me in mind of when I saw AC/DC at The Roundhouse in London in the summer of 1976, before they were famous. We'd stumbled in looking for a drink after the pubs closed at 11 and found ourselves at a great show. I don't get this.

Re: More on LNG

2004-03-25 Thread Grant Lee
Hi Mike, We must have that beer some time soon. Is LNG the same as what's being promoted in Australia as LPG? So as when we run low on petrol (peak oil), we can sell zeez nice carbon based stuff for the burning. In Australia, most petrol stations already sell LPG or as it is known, auto

Re: human capital again

2004-03-23 Thread Grant Lee
Paul Phillips said: The fact that human capital is tracked by class is not really rellevant. Does one tract physical capital by class? Does a backhoe owned by a working class person have less value than the backhoe owned by GW Bush? It's not the notional class of the person which counts,

Re: human capital again

2004-03-23 Thread Grant Lee
PS: I suppose it might be possible that identical twin siblings, both proprietors of identical capitalist enterprises, one with an MBA and one without, had differing rates of accumulation, but even then it wouldn't necessarily be down to their respective levels of education and/or that piece of

Re: Observations on the Socialist Scholars Conference

2004-03-16 Thread Grant Lee
Doug said: I'd say that developing new forms of union organization (involving workers themselves and broader communities than the immediate workplace), changing U.S. labor law, raising the minimum wage, agitating for the basics of a civilized welfare state, reducing the role of shareholders

Re: Observations on the Socialist Scholars Conference

2004-03-16 Thread Grant Lee
Yoshie said: I'm not sure what you mean by the reluctance of the left in developed countries to engage in the class struggle at the level of relations of production. I mean the willingness to take matters of identity politics (for want of a better term) at face value, rather than examining

Re: Observations on the Socialist Scholars Conference

2004-03-16 Thread Grant Lee
Michael Dawson said: How does Sweeney's failure to change the AFL-CIO have anything to do with New Left theorizing, however flawed that may be? In order to save itself from the grave it's backing into, labor needs to sever its ties to existing political parties and radically overhaul its

New Left and union decline (was: Observations on the Socialist Scholars Conference)

2004-03-16 Thread Grant Lee
Yoshie said: I don't see any lack of willingness to examine struggles against white supremacy, sexism, etc. in terms of their relationship to the class struggle, and vice versa, among leftists who have some respect for the socialist and other radical left-wing traditions. Whether or not

Re: Mysteries of cricket

2004-03-13 Thread Grant Lee
But don't ask me actually how to play the game. I always went paralytic. i have always assumed that a paralytic condition is a pre-requisite for the lethargic sport ;-). don't tell my cricketing family, but personally, i prefer basketball! --ravi Truly terrible confessions. I'm

Aid agency heads for the suburbs

2004-03-13 Thread Grant Lee
The West Australian March 05, 2004 [A front page story from my local paper. The last paragraph is illuminating. Perth is rated by The Economist as one of the world's most liveable cities. Marx summed up such paradoxes well in his General Law of Capitalist Accumulation: it is capitalistic

Fw: Fidel watches The Sopranos

2004-03-08 Thread Grant Lee
[From the New York Post's Page Six gossip column...hmmm, how reliable is this, you NYers? *lol*] SOPRANOS sweetie Jamie-Lynn DiScala says it took a brave man to ask her out before she married her manager, A.J. DiScala, last July. I dated one celebrity during the third season and he didn't treat

Re: The Piqueteros and Us

2004-03-03 Thread Grant Lee
Thanks Louis, for the interesting thoughts on the piqueteros and Straub's take on them. As it happens an Argentine friend referred me to the following article from the left/liberal _Pagina 12_, regarding opinion polling on the piqueteros. (My friend's take is that the polling is pretty accurate,

Re: US-Australia FTA text

2004-03-03 Thread Grant Lee
[I love the analogy made below re. Woolworth's, which is purely a supermarket chain in Australia...] Free Trade Deal details made public ABC Local Radio, The World Today, Thursday, 4 March , 2004 HAMISH ROBERTSON: [...] finance correspondent Stephen Long has been perusing the lengthy document,

Re: Whale Rider

2004-03-02 Thread Grant Lee
a Maori coming of age story with a twist--in this case the protagonist is a teenage girl rather than a boy. Although Keisha Castle-Hughes is an Australian Aboriginal, she clearly has an exceptional ability to make her character Pai come to life. In fact, Keisha's mother is Maori and she has

Re: Soft on the Empire

2004-02-26 Thread Grant Lee
Yoshie said: I hear that Gibson's film is soft on the empire and tough on the mob and the national elite. It's a fitting blockbuster for the New American Century. Being familiar with Gibson's philosophies, I have no intention of seeing this movie. Anyway, I'm no expert on the history of

New shots fired over Falklands-Malvinas

2004-02-18 Thread Grant Lee
MercoPress - Falklands-Malvinas South Atlantic News Tuesday, 17 February Max Gainza - Buenos Aires Herald My experience of the Falklands. The massive, daunting military complex at Mount Pleasant Airbase (MPA), the only commercial airport on the Falkland Islands, leaves you feeling anything but

The Sydney riot

2004-02-17 Thread Grant Lee
[Throughout the long lead-up to the riot on Sunday, in the Aboriginal ghetto of the Redfern Block in Sydney, the World Socialist Web Site remains one of the few media sources to have consistently covered the key role in this of a sub-stratum of capital --- a nascent Aboriginal capitalist class.

Re: Beware Generals Bearing a Grudge

2004-02-13 Thread Grant Lee
I recall that Truman described Macarthur's farewell address to Congress as 100% pure bullsh*t, which was probably accurate. Macarthur was a winner and a bastard.. He's even less favourably remembered in Australia --- for most of 1942, most of his land forces were Aussies, and from his office in

Re: The Indonesia story

2004-02-11 Thread Grant Lee
Thanks Eugene, amazing stuff. The story is also on the San Francisco Chronicle website, for those of us who don't have subs and are unable to buy the WSJ at the local newsagent: -

Re: happiness is a transitory state

2004-02-07 Thread Grant Lee
Mariella Frostrup was cited as saying: Look at the poor Scandinavians, with the best social system in Europe, if not the world, and yet they regularly top the global suicide list. If this was ever true, it is no longer true, except perhaps for Iceland. In fact, Denmark, Sweden and Norway are

Re: The Euro's woes -- think of poor Canada

2004-02-03 Thread Grant Lee
Paul Phillips cited Let's start with the Bank of Canada, which enforces our most famous economic rule: keeping core inflation between 1 and 3 per cent, come hell or high water. Following this rule, the bank concluded two years ago that Canada's economy risked severe overheating (despite

Re: China's new Marxist left

2004-01-29 Thread Grant Lee
I was struck by the vigour with which the assembled Chinese Marxist economists were discussing the law of value--- in particular, how to demonstrate that utility yields value and the capitalist is a productive worker. This is ironical, right? I would be one of the last people to defend the

Mauritius seeks to become cyber island

2004-01-27 Thread Grant Lee Mauritius: Mauritius Seeks to Become a Global Cyber Island Paradise[Mauritius also used to have a GINI of zero, although I'm not sure if it's doing that well now. Note as well the role of the Indian government.] Mauritius Seeks to Become a Global Cyber Island Paradise

US general's slip exposes tank deal

2004-01-27 Thread Grant Lee
The Australian: US slip exposes tank 'deal' [ 27jan04 ] [This shows the extent to which Australian forces have become a US foreign legion --- the Leopard 2 appears to be both better and more suited to conditions in SE Asia and the SW Pacific than the M1.] US slip exposes tank 'deal' By John

Nigerian general strike on hold

2004-01-26 Thread Grant Lee
Mail Guardian Online:[Interesting to note in this context that Nigeria is one of the few places in the developing world which has experienced widespread labour shortages recently.] Nigerian fuel tax battle goes to court Ola Awoniyi | Abuja, Nigeria 26 January 2004 15:16 Nigeria's government

All Internet voting is insecure: report

2004-01-25 Thread Grant Lee
The Register All Internet voting is insecure: report By Posted: 23/01/2004 at 11:37 GMT Online voting is fundamentally insecure due to the architecture of the Internet, according to leading cyber-security experts. Using a voting system based upon the Internet poses a serious

US-Australian free trade deal under threat

2004-01-22 Thread Grant Lee
[Looks like the dairy and sugar barons have got the US Senate by the gonads] Free trade deal with US under threat By Tim Colebatch Economics Editor The Age January 23, 2004 Prospects for a meaningful free trade agreement between Australia and the US are in jeopardy, with 31 of the 100 US

Fw: [H-LABOR] ICFTU condemns killing of Cambodian trade union leader

2004-01-22 Thread Grant Lee
Subject: ICFTU condemns killing of Cambodian trade union leader From: ICFTU Press [EMAIL PROTECTED] INTERNATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF FREE TRADE UNIONS (ICFTU) ICFTU Online: 009220104 ICFTU condemns killing of Cambodian trade union leader Brussels, January 22 (ICFTU OnLine): Cambodian

Textile war looms between US Vietnam

2004-01-08 Thread Grant Lee
VOANews.comTextile War Looms Between US, Vietnam Larry Schooler Cooleemee, North Carolina 31 Dec 2003, 19:10 UTC The United States and Vietnam re-established diplomatic relations in 1995, nearly two decades after Washington severed ties following the fall of Saigon and a long, bitter war.

Re: something new???

2003-12-21 Thread Grant Lee
From: Michael Perelman Is Qadhafi the first person in US history to make the transition from demon to statesman? Usually, it goes the other way. Stalin in 1941-45? And then back to demon again.

Re: Fidel Castro on unequal exchange

2003-12-20 Thread Grant Lee
Regarding child abuse in pre-modern societies, I think we often tend to see in such societies the things that we want to see, i.e. noble savages. And what is considered abuse in one society may be a social norm or even an obligation in another society. Infanticide, genital multilation, incest,

Scrooges take over child-care industry

2003-11-20 Thread Grant Lee
Millions milked The Age, November 17, 2003 Claims of mismanagement threaten the rapidly expanding child-care industry, writes James Kirby. Australia's child-care boom is turning ugly. Behind the painted smiles and cuddly brand names, this $3 billion service industry is at war with itself. A BRW

Childcare... (Important note)

2003-11-20 Thread Grant Lee
I would like to request that any responses to my last post do NOT use the same title as that post. Regards, Grant.

New resource -- comparative socio-econ stats

2003-11-13 Thread Grant Lee There are some surprises. For example: GDP real growth rate [7.5%] 1. East Timor 18% (2001 est.) 2. Man, Isle of 13.5% (1999 est.) 3. Kazakhstan 12.2% (2001 est.) 4. Turkmenistan 10% (2001 est.) 5. Armenia 9.6% (2001 est.) 6. Mozambique 9.2% (2001 est.) 7. Ukraine 9%

Iraqis resist ban on unions

2003-11-07 Thread Grant Lee
[When UN cops arrested a union activist in East Timor a few weeks ago, I made a comment about how even the occupiers of Iraq hadn't stooped that low --- apparently I was wrong.] IRAQ: Workers resist US ban on unions BY ALAN MAASS * * * * More than half a year after Saddam Hussein's government

Re: Engels's use of the term Marxist -- and Ours

2003-10-30 Thread Grant Lee
From: andie nachgeborenen Calling scientific socialism Marxism isn't something either of them did much According to Hal Draper, Marx never referred to scientific socialism either, although the term was already around, invented by Karl GrĂ¼n. Engels obviously _did_ use it. I believe it was

US food subsidies obesity

2003-10-11 Thread Grant Lee
[from the NYT] The shift from an agricultural-support system designed to discourage overproduction to one that encourages it dates to the early 1970's -- to the last time food prices in America climbed high enough to generate significant political heat. That happened after news of Nixon's 1972

Union activist arrested by UN in E.Timor

2003-10-07 Thread Grant Lee
[I don't believe the occupying forces in Iraq have stooped this low...well not yet anyway.] Australian unionist arrested by UN in Dili October 7, 2003 - 2:14PM United Nations police have arrested an Australian union official in East Timor in what international unions describe as unprecedented

Similarities in EU and US blackouts

2003-09-29 Thread Grant Lee
Darker days ahead for Italy as demand outstrips supplyMon 29 Sep 2003 Darker days ahead for Italy as demand outstrips supply ANALYSIS GETHIN CHAMBERLAIN AS THE lights began to come back on in Italy yesterday, politicians moved swiftly to promise the construction of 20 new power-generating

Re: Australia to Give Infected Sheep to Iraq for Ramadan

2003-09-26 Thread Grant Lee
the type of foreign aid and reconstruction that Iraqis may expect from foreign occupiers . . . a gift of infected animals rejected by ten countries . . . just in time for a Muslim holy day! Let's not jump to politically convenient conclusions based on stereotypes and scanty evidence. Note,

Re: Australia to Give Infected Sheep to Iraq for Ramadan

2003-09-26 Thread Grant Lee
No one else has wanted the sheep so far -- even for free! -- though: Give a sheep a bad name...

Re: Unfuckingbelievable

2003-09-23 Thread Grant Lee
the U.S. authorities in Baghdad so often look like they don't know what they're doing -- because they don't. Many of them are smart, talented, and eager. But they can't talk with the Army about security, they can't talk with Iraqi specialists about civil needs -- in short, they can't find out

Islamists crave more say in Malaysia, post-Mahathir

2003-09-21 Thread Grant Lee
Reuters AlertNet - FEATURE-Islamists crave more say in post-Mahathir Malaysia 21 Sep 2003 01:42:38 GMT FEATURE-Islamists crave more say in post-Mahathir Malaysia By Simon Cameron-Moore KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 21 (Reuters) - They distrust the United States, they abhor Israel, and they want to turn

Re: 9/11/73

2003-09-12 Thread Grant Lee
From: Mike Ballard Question: Can anyone provide a source for that quote about culture and getting one's gun which is attributed to Doctor Goebbels in this piece. I've heard the quote before and sometimes it has been attributed to Irone Cross winner Goering and at other times to some

Re: Unemployment at 13-year low in Australia

2003-09-12 Thread Grant Lee
Hi Melvin, I think you hit a few nails on the head in your post. The situation is not different to the US here, with some exceptions. I can't remember if you are on the LBO-talk list or not, but below are my follow-up comments there. Doug Henwood: So what's this mean? Why has the Australian

Unemployment at 13-year low in Australia

2003-09-11 Thread Grant Lee
Financial Review: Unemployment at 13-year low Unemployment at 13-year low Jim Parker 2003/09/11 Australia's unemployment rate has plunged to a 13-year low as a stunning recovery in full-time jobs further highlights the swift turnaround in the economy's fortunes. The seasonally adjusted rate of

Shell's Nigerian white collar workers hold firm

2003-09-10 Thread Grant Lee
Financial Review: Shell's Nigerian workers hold firm Shell's Nigerian workers hold firm 2003/09/10 Informal talks between the Anglo-Dutch oil giant Shell and striking Nigerian workers appeared deadlocked, two weeks into the latest labour dispute to disrupt Africa's largest oil industry. Shell's

Malaysian investment in Africa

2003-09-06 Thread Grant Lee South Africa [analysis]: Mbeki Seeks to Capitalise On Thaw in Malaysian Politics [A fine article. Check, in particular, the section on affirmative action.] Mbeki Seeks to Capitalise On Thaw in Malaysian Politics Business Day (Johannesburg) ANALYSIS September 5, 2003 Posted to the

Population ageing faster than thought

2003-09-04 Thread Grant Lee
Population ageing faster than thought - National - Population ageing faster than thought By Tim Colebatch Economics Editor September 3, 2003 Australia in 2051 is likely to have a million more people than previously thought - but most of the extras will be people over 65 years

New territories for original accumulation: extending the boundaries of the exploitable

2003-09-01 Thread Grant Lee
I think Tom Brass's work on deproletarianisation and unfree labour is relevant here (cf/eg): '... Brass (1990, 1992, 1997a) and Miles (1987) take an opposing view that unfree relations are compatible with capitalism, comprising part of capitalists' assault on the autonomy and wages of labour.

Re: Japan; farm policy

2003-08-17 Thread Grant Lee
From: michael The point I tried to make suggests that protection might make sense. Suppose, as I suggested, that the protected resource has no alternative economic uses. I understand where you're coming from. The point I'm trying to make is that tariffs are a poor welfare measure because

Re: Japan; farm policy

2003-08-16 Thread Grant Lee
Some more context to that Japanese agri-exports story: Farm product exporters like the U.S. [not to mention most developing countries] have proposed that tariffs on all agricultural products be cut to 25 percent or less. On the other hand, Japan and the EU have favored setting different tariffs

Re: Japan; farm policy

2003-08-16 Thread Grant Lee
From: michael Others probably know much more than me about this, but the Japanese farm system operates as a subsidy. I know when I was studying this situation for a book I published in 1977 that many of the farmers were elderly or people who would otherwise be unemployed. Subsidizing

Re: Japan; farm policy

2003-08-16 Thread Grant Lee
Gene: The idea of simply paying farmers to not farm suggests a hollowing out of agriculture such as is being discussed re American manufacturing. If the argument in favor of any form of protectionism is about preserving jobs/livelihoods, there is a a counter argument about the dual pain caused

Re: Japan; farm policy

2003-08-15 Thread Grant Lee
The Japan Times: Aug. 16, 2003 Japan has long been on the defensive over agricultural trade as it sought to protect the nation's farmers, but it may soon go on the offensive. The semi-governmental Japan External Trade Organization in July formed a panel of experts tasked with drawing up a

Globalised shipping torpedoed by court

2003-08-14 Thread Grant Lee - The Sydney Morning HeraldBy John Garnaut August 8, 2003 Paying foreign shipping crews foreign wages while working Australian waters, a cost-cutting scheme defended by the Howard Government, was sinking fast after a union victory yesterday. In a unanimous decision, the High Court

Re: The Road to Serfdom

2003-08-14 Thread Grant Lee
Marty said: Well there is a lot surrounding the issue but I would say first of all that the left should be careful to endorse a strategy of growth that promotes exports in one country at the expense of worker well-being in others. I have neither the intention nor the ability to promote such

Re: The Road to Serfdom

2003-08-14 Thread Grant Lee
Martin Hart-Landsberg wrote: The difficulty in export-led development certainly should be clear in the case of Mexico. It succeeded over the 1990s in attracting lots of fdi and export growth. But at the cost of hollowing out its domestic industry. Now a bit of wage growth and rising

The significance of Sao Tome

2003-07-30 Thread Grant Lee
[from] July 29, 2003 Hector Igbikiowubo The bidding round for nine oil blocks in the Nigeria /Sao Tome and Principe Joint Development Zone valued at $200 million have survived the coup scare in the Island nation following the reinstatement of the deposed government headed by

Life is a strain, work is to blame

2003-07-27 Thread Grant Lee
[I know the feeling] Life is a strain and work to blame By Workplace Issues Reporter MARIA MOSCARITOLO 28jul03 OUR jobs take away family time, interfere with our sex lives and make us tired and irritable, a new survey reveals. More than half of all [Australian] workers feel their jobs make

The trouble with social capital

2003-07-23 Thread Grant Lee
[Apologies for the cross-posting.] The Australian government's Productivity Commission [sic] has just released a report on social capital. Considering the enthusiasm for the concept by mainstream politicians --- right and left --- the report is surprisingly critical, although it fits with the

Re: Query from a Venezuelan

2003-07-01 Thread Grant Lee
Louis, I think the unfortunate truth is that if the PCC had wanted to achieve anything like full economic development -- on such a small, resource-poor and politically isolated island -- it would have to have resorted to a far greater degree of coercion. That has been the case in the

Re: Query from a Venezuelan

2003-06-30 Thread Grant Lee
Louis, Oh, I see. We are dealing with gulags, aren't we. I should have realized that this is what you were getting at. For another version of reality, I recommend Edward Boorstein's The Economic Transformation of Cuba Both Boorstein's anecdote _and_ the existence of some forced labour in

Re: Fiji -stop and go - (Reality check during my last trip there)

2003-06-30 Thread Grant Lee
Aldo, The following paper on Fiji may be of interest to you: Scott MacWilliam, 2002, Poverty, corruption governance in Fiji regards, Grant.

Re: Query from a Venezuelan

2003-06-29 Thread Grant Lee
Louis, But I said that the right to work in a capitalist country, including Chavez's Venezuela or Peron's Argentina, is not the same thing as job entitlements in Cuba or the USSR, for that matter. This is a fundamental distinction. What are job entitlements really, when the alternative is a

Re: Query from a Venezuelan

2003-06-28 Thread Grant Lee
Louis, So, fine. Malaysia is not the best example. Let's compare Peron's Argentina with Menem's Argentina. Yes, Juan Peron's program was leftist, revolving around state ownership, tariffs, subsidies and so on. Nevertheless it did not go anywhere near the vital step of annihilating capital

Re: Query from a Venezuelan

2003-06-27 Thread Grant Lee
Louis, Everything is relative. Malaysia is relatively protectionist, as opposed to Argentina, for example. Until recently, both had very open markets in most sectors of their economies. I have to say that the Malaysian economy and its politics seem to be poorly understood by people outside the

Re: Query from a Venezuelan

2003-06-26 Thread Grant Lee
Jim, I think Michael is right, discussions about Stalin have been done to deathso to speak. What is important is that most people in the USSR did support the regime most of the time. It may not have lived up to the stated intention to abolish the state, but it is that stated which is crucial

Re: Query from a Venezuelan

2003-06-25 Thread Grant Lee
Jim Devine writes: Grant writes: In reality I don't really think there is much difference between state socialism and state capitalism, although the former is distinguished by the support of the working class and the stated intention to abolish the state, at some point in the future. did

Re: Query from a Venezuelan

2003-06-25 Thread Grant Lee
Louis: From the viewpoint of US capital it makes no difference whether it is excluded from a capitalist protectionist state or a socialist one. Of course it does. A socialist state like Cuba is the threat of a positive example. Malaysia is just a place that you can't make a fast buck. Tell

Query from a Venezuelan

2003-06-24 Thread Grant Lee
Louis, In fact, the USA has used every means within its disposal since the Mexican revolution of Zapata and Pancho Villa (which actually predates the Russian revolution) to crush attempts to control the wealth of a nation for its own benefit--even when this is under the direction of a

Re: Query from a Venezuelan (reply to Chris B.)

2003-06-23 Thread Grant Lee
From:Chris Burford [EMAIL PROTECTED] Coincidentally I was doing a Google search and came across this contribution to LBO-talk in October 2001 by Greg Schofield, which seems to put the issue well. [Unfortunately his email address no longer seems to be working. If anyone can forward me

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