Information from Beyond: Norman Bethune is Shocked Appalled

2004-08-03 Thread Hari Kumar
The below was written for a different purpose, after my recent extended period of teaching in Shanghai. It is not a profound economic analysis at all, rather it is a view of the heatlh services. Even there I have omitted stats for lack of time to research them, tho' this will follow. Purpose was

Extent of Medical adverse evetns in Canada

2004-05-25 Thread Hari Kumar Abstract The Canadian Adverse Events Study: the incidence of adverse events among hospital patients in Canada G. Ross Baker, Peter G. Norton, Virginia Flintoft, Rgis Blais, Adalsteinn Brown, Jafna Cox, Ed Etchells, William A. Ghali, Philip Hbert,

Russian health care

2004-05-16 Thread Hari Kumar
. I admittedly have not seen whether the younger generations have filled that older emigre-left 'technogap'. Hari Kumar

From New Scientist: How Well Thought Out Was the USA Tortures Iraqi citizens?

2004-05-12 Thread Hari Kumar Seen on Leftist Trainspotters: Abuse of Iraqis 'well thought through' 16:58 10 May 04 news service The type of mistreatment Iraqi prisoners have suffered at the hands of US soldiers is unlikely to have occurred without

Imperialist booty

2004-05-10 Thread Hari Kumar
of Maoism was to confuse developing radical movements in the West, as to who their first and immediate allies were. The substitution of the Angolan peasant as your immediate ally (for e.g.) rather than the white worker down the block or two or three etc - is pretty devastating. Cheers, Hari Kumar

re Paris Commune: (Was Re: capitalism = progressive?)

2004-04-24 Thread Hari Kumar
Mike Ballard: I agree with most of your observations and I'm not trying to play one-upsmanship here; but Marx and many others thought that the French--espeically the workers of Paris--had reached at least a level of class consciousness sufficient to begin to junk the old State machinery and to

Re: Mark Jones was right

2004-04-11 Thread Hari Kumar
Soula: "Jones was not only right.. his little peace on the castration of Japanese capital was one good piece of Leninist analysis" Could someone give me a link to that please? Thx, Hari

World Bank Asian Univeristy reforms

2004-04-09 Thread Hari Kumar
On the CKMP list: Hassan Nasir wrote : The Awakening of the Sleeping Giant By Riaz Ahmed Teachers throughout South Asia are protesting against the government policy sponsored by the World-Bank of introducing drastic reforms in universities, colleges, schools and hospitals. The proposed

Re: From Your Friends at Dissent

2004-04-07 Thread Hari Kumar
Michael P: "But it appeals to young people. It is very effective for students.I am negotiating with an agent now. She is insisting that I make everything "dumber" to make the work popular. To do so would require opening me up to the kind of questions that Zinn is getting --

Nader at 12% says Oz

2004-03-23 Thread Hari Kumar
At:,5744,9060859%255E1702,00.html I fully realise that talking to a self-professed Stalinist-Hoxhaist, as though he/she/it is sane, is probably quite taboo - quite infra-dig - amongst true intellectuals - but could you possible try? Just

Nader-Am I missing the Point(s)?

2004-03-21 Thread Hari Kumar
Hello Michael: Sincerely, am not trying to stir the pot. Of course given the situation, it is not unreasonable that participants feel agitated on this matter. I do fully respect applaud your sterling efforts to keep sane discussion here - rather than a virulent insanity - on this list. But a

Saudi Arabia - References?

2004-03-15 Thread Hari Kumar
. All very confusing. But the contradictions in Saudi seem close to exploding point - to a naive outsider on a quick jaunt. Thanks in advance to those who can assist. Hari Kumar

Re: article on MR website

2004-02-29 Thread Hari Kumar
Michael Yates wrote: What went wrong? Looking at the broad sweep of history, we can perhaps identify some of the forces at work and bad decisions taken. First, as Marx pointed out, capitalism creates workers in its own image. It is hard for workers to grasp the nature of their circumstances, ..

Re: science in the corporate interest; yet another iteration

2004-02-27 Thread Hari Kumar
% of applications to the Canadian Inst Hlth Res will get funded. I know the NIH is about as bad, if not worse. Wonder what the reformists on the list would proffer as solutions? Hari Kumar

Stats OED: [Was Re: demo fervor]

2004-02-27 Thread Hari Kumar
Sabri Oncu : Heteroskedastic means non-constant variance. If you look at the way the data varies with time, the fluctuations are larger initially and the fluctuations attenuate as the time progresses, although they appear to get larger again towards the end. Moreover, you just have 13


2004-02-21 Thread Hari Kumar
THANKS very much Julio! The Herfindahl is the sum of the squared market shares. H = 1 means monopoly. H = 1/n (for n very large) means a perfectly competitive market. Julio ___

Re: US infant mortality increasing ? To Joanna

2004-02-21 Thread Hari Kumar
Joanna: Hari, I think you should add another factor to your list: women are not only giving birth later, but having children in a fairly stressed state (because of working full time until the last minute)...and having to

Simple Question please.

2004-02-20 Thread Hari Kumar
Surely it'd be possible to correlate Herfindahls Ginis, no? Hasn't someone done this? Doug gini I understand as a coefficient allowing some guess at level of equality. What is a Hefindahl please? Thanks, Hari

Re: US infant mortality increasing ? from 12 Feb

2004-02-20 Thread Hari Kumar
Says Juriaan: CDC suggests the 2002 rise in American infant mortality may be a one-time blip, and the US infant mortality rate for 2003 is expected to drop. Previous CDC research suggested the recent rise in infant mortality may reflect the long trend among American women toward delaying

Re: Psychoanalysis happiness being transient - Masquerades as a book plug for David Healey

2004-02-17 Thread Hari Kumar
to these sort of problems. He got turfed from a Chair-in-waiting for warning of the dangers of this class of drugs, as Elli Lilley had funded the Chair. So Michael P - Sorry for the ramble, but I suppose it does have an economic component. Hari Kumar

reply:yo-da-ladeee.. .yo-da-lay-deeeeeee Rockefeller (was Iowa)

2004-02-01 Thread Hari Kumar
"Rocky money was also tied to medical science and the Flexner Report. . .which helped create bio-medicine a century ago. . .the scourge of social medicine. . . Brian McKenna." Hi Brian: (i) The 'scourge' of social medicine? But that great apostle of social medicine - Virchow was at the

Public Inquiry into Arar case announced

2004-01-28 Thread Hari Kumar
Ken Hanley: I am very surprised by this. I thought that Martin would avoid an inquiry. Cheers, Ken Hanly

Ontario Strains its' Doctors

2004-01-27 Thread Hari Kumar
Many Ontario doctors are so fed up with the lack of resources in the health system that they're considering either retiring or leaving the province, suggests a new poll released Tuesday. One in every six doctors in the province is seriously considering leaving Ontario, while another 22 per cent

Completely off-topic - but hot tip - Frayn's Copenhagen

2004-01-25 Thread Hari Kumar
Anyone seen the play by Michael Frayn on the Heisenberg-Bohr relationship? Strongly suggest those in the Toronto area try to see it. It is in my view, a multi-faceted dialectical play of the highest interest. The acting is superb - bar the somewhat always-the-same mannerisms of Martha Henry. Hari

Re M.Moore etc

2004-01-19 Thread Hari Kumar
MP wrote (paraphrased): you put it better than I did; Doug Henwood wrote: Fighting a Republican party that passionately believes in mostly horrible things is pretty hard when you're a party of capital that, given its constituencies, has to act like the popular party at the same time. That

Re: Michael Moore et al: To Louis

2004-01-18 Thread Hari Kumar
Louis: I am clear that I misunderstood you - when you clairfy in tihs ntoe that you are not an 'abstentinis'. With repsects to the Green party I suppose you are quite aware of infomration on Portside today, that they won a signficant vote (I think in the SF area). My apologies, I caught one

Re: Michael Moore et al -Carrol Cox

2004-01-18 Thread Hari Kumar
CC: 4. If a real fascist (or some new kind authoritarian populism) were to arise in the U.S. it could not be defeated by DP politicians. It could only be defeated by the unity of a _real_ social democratic party _and_ the 21st c. equivalent of a communist movement. But those urging us to support

Re: Michael Moore et al

2004-01-17 Thread Hari Kumar
I trust this is not too old a thread to allow further comment. I know that PEN-ers may be allergic to the name, but still - I was surprised that the old Leninist adage of Support them (=social democracy) like a rope supports a hanged man - did not come up. Though the intent of Jim C's return to

Not Understanding What This Has to do with Fidel Economics.. but Does Anatomy Rule?

2003-12-21 Thread Hari Kumar
Mike ballard said: There seems to be greater recognition today that abused children tend to grow into becoming abusive parents/adults themselves. It seems to me to be a conservative cycle which has the effect of putting a psychological stopper on the social revolution. Of course, if all

Re: Amnesty International

2003-11-26 Thread Hari Kumar
Dave: Thanks very much indeed - you got the one I had fleetingly seen. Lou: Thanks for the review on AI on Palestine. Cheers thanks again, H Not to myself: must not lose URLS's, must not lose usLrp's. must not.. Re: Amnesty International by dave dorkin

Amnesty International

2003-11-25 Thread Hari Kumar
-ness, has been unsuccessful in locating said. Thanks for any help, Cheers, Hari Kumar

Re: John Nichols on James Weinstein on Oscar Wilde and the Left

2003-07-13 Thread Hari Kumar
Wilde is in the general tradition of William Morris (NEWS FROM NOWHERE, etc.) Jim D. COMMENT: Mine is a simple remark, in the context of the discussion taking place on the matter- largely irrelevant. But I do object to the simplistic equation of William Morris (A man deeply involved with forming

Re: secret history of the magna carta Michael Perelman

2003-07-06 Thread Hari Kumar
Thank M, for a good reading tip. As i read the very interesting piece from Linebaugh however, I found a sort of yearning for a past utopia. His critique of Robertson he cites early on, discredits Robertson - apparently upon the lack of evidence that King John was literate. [Since when did stop the

Liberian events to 1990

2003-07-06 Thread Hari Kumar Given the nature of current events in Liberia, I felt this above was still of use. Penned by the deceased W.B.Bland of Communist League (UK). Alliance is up-dating said piece. Hari

Re: Economists barred from court?

2003-06-28 Thread Hari Kumar
Re Andie Nachbogebornen: If Daubert is a defense weapon, and I suspect it is, it is because firms like mine probably have the money to hire better experts, .. You don't need an econ degree to do it, just some understanding of statistics and an operative bullshit detector. COMMENT: I know nothing

New Dimensions in physiology

2003-06-13 Thread Hari Kumar
Carol: Simply having someone to talk to who isn't too stupid can help with many mental illnesses, and reasonably intelligent ones will have a stock of information and gimmicks that may help more. E.g., it was useful to me to find out that the lead ball in one's stomach that often accompanies

Freud Assessing Un-Blinded Experimentation

2003-06-12 Thread Hari Kumar
Ds2UP: wrote: I'm assuming you mean medical research here; I'm entirely unsure how you'd define the concept of a double blind in social sciences research, most of which is not experimental. And even in the medical context, I think that the demand that psychoanalysis use double blind tests would be

Freud Lives!

2003-06-12 Thread Hari Kumar
Carrol wrote: Actually, psychoanalysis has virtually disappeared from psychiatry and serious neuro-science. It survives only in literary criticism and among those marxists Timpanaro described as believing the Freud never made a mistake. Fewer and fewer medical schools have psychoanalysts on their

To JD Ian re Popper: Aid to the poor benighted Marxist-Leninists Amongst Us Please!

2003-06-11 Thread Hari Kumar
The conversation went: I noticed that a major element of Crews' critique of Freudianism (in the New York REVIEW OF BOOKS a few years ago) is that it can't be falsified (following Popper's criterion). Unfortunately, this seems to apply to all_ of social science (and to Popper).

To Ian Jim: Find it very difficult to believe.

2003-04-12 Thread Hari Kumar
I would beg to differ. I simply find it rather improbable what you Samir Amin are suggesting. Although Ian, thanks for your links! I will indeed check them out. With all due respect, I think you must have a very hard time 'rationally' explaining the immoral war in Iraq - the sharp divisions

To Bill Lear: re soldiers cops

2003-04-05 Thread Hari Kumar
Bill writes: The stance toward them should be the same: they are both pawns, usually non-wealthy, fed intensive propaganda, left largely ignorant of the big picture, and placed in often dangerous situations where it is nearly impossible to do the morally correct thing. They should be held

Models of Bring 'em down

2003-04-05 Thread Hari Kumar
re-posted from ISML list ___ THE STRATFOR WEEKLY 03 April 2003 by Dr. George Friedman Baghdad Summary From the beginning of the war-planning process, Baghdad posed the greatest challenge. The United States does not want to fight an urban battle, but

re:Canada part of axis of evil?

2003-04-04 Thread Hari Kumar
So Ken - Why do YOU think Chreiten pulled in that direction? H

Request re CNN clip

2003-04-04 Thread Hari Kumar
Does anyone have a clip/picture/reference to a very brief image shown (probably in error - shown only once that I saw anyway) when an African American man held up a picture of his son killed in Iraq said: President Bush- take a good look at this boy - remember him - because you killed him. We'd

re:Why Britain wants the war

2003-04-04 Thread Hari Kumar
Ken Thanks for that. It made a good deal of sense. What is the source pelase? Thanks again, H

Re: patriotism by andie nachgeborenen

2003-04-03 Thread Hari Kumar
rule - to erase into a true world cosmopolitanism. 3) Do Devine Yoshie feel that the national spirit that has up-lifted the Iraqi people to fight the USA imperialists is bad? This is the logical consequence that seems to me likely to flow from their utopianism. Hari Kumar

Re: patriotism by andie nachgeborenen

2003-04-03 Thread Hari Kumar
Yoshie says: It would be true to say that Japanese leftists are firmly opposed to many nationalist symbols that signify Japan's lost empire: Hinomaru, Kimigayo, Yasukuni, etc. Reply: What the hell has that to do with it? This is one of the equations I suggested was a NOT= to. It is another straw

What are Tony Blair's Chretien's Class interests?

2003-03-30 Thread Hari Kumar
.html ] So.. Is there some hurrah left in the old wilted Trillium-Maple leaf - or what is going on? Seeking Inspired Guidance, and Gratefully Yours, Cheers! Hari Kumar

Stalingrad - it's official

2003-03-27 Thread Hari Kumar
Dear Chris: I really would hope that you are right. But, again I doubt it. The "worried sick" look on Blair's face in the interviews at the War Summit with his leader Bush - certainly indicate that Blair is worried and sick. but what about exactly? Of course the longer the heroic struggle of the

Re: Re: devastating news for hegemons; by soula avramidis

2003-03-23 Thread Hari Kumar
in Cairo goes the saying in the Souk. Hari Kumar

Chris Burford: Defeat?

2003-03-23 Thread Hari Kumar
Dear Chris: you write: Saddam, vilified as an admirer of Stalin, may have taken a leaf out of Stalin's book: to play the war as a great patriotic united front against the aggressors. And as (Sir) David Frost let slip in his amiable way in an interview this morning, could Saddam be preparing

You are right Ken

2003-03-23 Thread Hari Kumar
Ken wrote: Tell me if the US commentators point out that not only Iraqis have violated Geneva conventions by putting prisoners on TV but the US did the same. In fact they did it first! I would be interested if the US stations play the grisly videos of the corpses. Some of the prisoners are

Re: death toll and media watch

2003-03-22 Thread Hari Kumar
(In Afghanistan - USA fighter pilots killed Canadian on ground exercises in friendly fire - I think N=4) - the refusal to move to court-martial by the USA authorities was timed just right. Hari Kumar

re: Iraqs weapons of mass destruction

2003-03-22 Thread Hari Kumar
Ken: The point was made to the 'Great Liberator Franks' - by the CBC press and one other reporter (could not catch who) as to whether or not the Iraqis really had WMD, or was this a lie allowing the invasion? Franks evaded the question's thrust, merely saying that they are waiting to see what

The Kurds Turks the pressures re Iraq

2003-03-19 Thread Hari Kumar

Thank you

2003-03-16 Thread Hari Kumar
Thanks Eugene! H


2003-03-15 Thread Hari Kumar
Is anyone aware of documentaries on video or via the net - on the Venezuela struggles over the last year? Thanks, Hari Kumar

re: AFL-CIO Shake up by Devine

2003-03-11 Thread Hari Kumar
Title: afl-cio shake-up: Businessweek/MARCH 17, 2003 Question: Anyone have any idea whether the salaries of these worthies are published anywhere? Hari Kumar

Re:Re: Re: Iraq's oil rents by soula avramidis

2003-01-23 Thread Hari Kumar
). Thaksn, Hari Kumar

re: Palestine Truth Tour 2003 Michael Hoover

2003-01-06 Thread Hari Kumar
Dear Michael: How may one 'book' this tour - or elements of the tour - for Canadian venues? Hari

Canada IMF

2002-12-06 Thread Hari Kumar
From the ML_ist Daily: IMF Praise for Canada The International Monetary Fund (IMF)is a financial spokesperson and organiser for the international financial oligarchy. IMF credit is routinely used to protect the investments of U.S., Canadian and other monopolies in those countries that have been

Chomsky by MP

2002-12-04 Thread Hari Kumar
Whoa! Hell's teeth - a film Made the case that Pol Pot had to move the people out of the cities in order to avoid starvation. Gad! You people give Stalinism a bad name! Pol Pot was a fascist - you are scrabbling around to find some potential 'sense' to his actions? Steve Diamond is absolutely

Re:Re: Negri explains the multitude

2002-11-15 Thread Hari Kumar
Charles: But if all this is unfair, let him come on this list and defend himself like normal human beings have to do.> Comment: Charles, please do not take this amiss, but why the hell would he? I mean while we gathered here - might get something out of this lark on PEN - what meaning does it

Re: Economy in novels

2002-11-14 Thread Hari Kumar
I am impressed by both the scope of offerings - and the volume of replies to this question! I am surprised however, by the lack of The Jungle by old Upton Sinclair; the lack of Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressel (altho' I guess it could be classed as old - tho' if Shakespeare's

Re: Polluted Air Increases medical expenses:ken hanly

2002-11-13 Thread Hari Kumar
Ken: Thanks. Have any economists done an analysis on the societal benefits resulting from reduction of emissions etc.? Given the barrage of stuff from the anti-Kyoto-ists in Canada - it might be useful grist. PS: What do you think the Chretien push on Kyotot is all about? Leave Martin with the

Who Is the More Avid Poacher?

2002-11-09 Thread Hari Kumar
Ken: There is probably a lot more poaching by Canada from the UK and particularly South Africa etc. then the US poaches from Canada. Our local hospital has two doctors from South Africa and one from Poland, and that is the total number of doctors there. REPLY: Hi Ken: Yes there is indeed a lot of

re: Building socialism with Chinese characteristics

2002-11-09 Thread Hari Kumar
Dear Ken: Your sub-heading: that is to say--- creating a smooth transition to capitalism - must prompt the question in reply: Was China ever anything other than capitalist? Cheers, H

re: US needs 1.2 million more nurses by 2010

2002-11-08 Thread Hari Kumar
Chris: This is definitely not a new problem. It has been the same with 'poaching' from Canada. It is one of the reasons that the English speaking metropolitan countries have used English countries for sourcing nurses ( drs let us add) as we have discussed on the list before. It may - I grant you

Re:re: re: From Toronto Star_Assaults on Public Health Carein

2002-11-06 Thread Hari Kumar
Dear Philip Ken: Now that the mud-slinging has (temporarily?) subsided with rapid fulminant exhaustion of the slingers, it might be actually worth continuing. Both you Ken outline many similar matters. Of course we Northern Neighbours still await with bated breath the Royal Commission (I

Hi Joanne- re 2WW - I almost forgot

2002-11-06 Thread Hari Kumar
Hi Joanne: I know, I know - I said I would not try to reply to all your points! But in amongst all the recent extraordinary mud-slinging - I had overlooked your dump on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Well, none of this will convince you, But at least it is off my chest! I will argue here, that the

Re: Re: Re-Assaults on Public Health-To Joanne Carrol

2002-11-05 Thread Hari Kumar
Hi Joanne: I agree with what I take to be your drift - the term American uttered in some circles with a hatred, can be mis-used to 'blame all Americans, for what the USA system has done. Point taken. Agreed! Hi Carrol: I am not sure why you ask such a pointed question of a simple statement. I know

Of interest Only to Yoshi

2002-11-05 Thread Hari Kumar
Yoshie: Sorry - re lateness reply sorry to address you via PEN-L [I could not easily see your address]. You asked for writers for Journal of Poverty speical issue re Latin America. Dr Jose Venturelli would be interested - he is very authoritative re child helath poverty in Latin America. See

RE: RE: Re:harmonization

2002-11-05 Thread Hari Kumar
James You acknowledge in your note below, that there may be greater inequality. So what do these overarching figures showing improvement really mean to progressives? Incidentally I understand by the term 'welfare state' a rather more substantive 'welfare' than has ever been provided. Perhaps the

Re: Re: RE: Re: RE: RE: RE: Re: RE: Re: dismantling due..To Joanna

2002-11-05 Thread Hari Kumar
Dear Joanna: I do not intend to take issue with each substantive point that you make. I am happy to do so if you choose to insist. I honestly do not think that in this forum, it is likely to be of any use. However, I do certainly take exception to an equation of Stalinism with events up to 1989.

Re: Re From Toronto Star_Assaults on Public Health Care in

2002-11-04 Thread Hari Kumar
Dear Michael: You ask why there isn't a backlash? Perhaps Ken or others from C should chip in, but I would suggest this: (i) There is still enough 'heft' in the health care services to carry the majority of people, it just has not dug into enough people's real health status as yet; that is

Re: Iam Murray re Uneven Development

2002-11-03 Thread Hari Kumar
Ian: Thanks - very sharp reminders of what is really going on. I was recently a programme grant reviewer for an RFA from the NIH on reduction of racial disparities in maternal child health inequities. 5 times approximately $1.5 million were to be awarded Hari

Re: Re: Readings needed on Marxist analyses of Theater

2002-10-30 Thread Hari Kumar
Brecht - is usually cited in these discussions. I contend that he is problematic. The whole notion of 'alienating' your audience is profoundly illogical to me. His personal behaviour at various points - strikes me as momentously less than socialist. Noticeably his grovel to that McCarthy

Morgan-ists Ride On

2002-10-27 Thread Hari Kumar
Gene pioneer urges dream of human perfection By CAROLYN ABRAHAM From Saturday's Globe and Mail ts1026/Front/homeBN/breakingnews James D. Watson, the grand duke of DNA, described one of his greatest=20 fears yesterday to

re Autism etc..

2002-10-24 Thread Hari Kumar
from the Stalin Archives. But the bones of the analysis are still correct in my own personal view. Hari Kumar

re: re: Advice please re Spam. My Thanks.

2002-09-30 Thread Hari Kumar
I would like to thank both Ravi pbs for their time in reply. i) I may get back to you Ravi with more techno-specifics. ii) pbs: I understand when you say that the technical good advices, never seem to be 'possible' for the techno-faint-hearted! I count myself as in that category. iii) re the

Question to James Devine

2002-09-28 Thread Hari Kumar
Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...[W]hat is called globalisation is really another name for the dominant role of the United States. -- Henry Kissinger. QUESTION: James: Citation?

Advice Please

2002-09-28 Thread Hari Kumar
Hi folks Of Pen: Is anyone else being repetitively spammed by the most nasty anti-Palestinian messages? Many with rather nasty cartoons? All emanating from a variety of names - making it difficult to pin down who the sender is before opening? Furthermore, do any of the techie types on the list

Re: Re: Re: Re: Bush Militarism- How many Divisionsare there

2002-09-27 Thread Hari Kumar
Thanks Michael Hoover. The analysis I first read (re sectional interests the Yankees vs the Cowboys) did indeed invoke Ogelsby. It was in a work by W.B.Bland in an issue of Communist League from the 70's; discussed matters of the USA politics - from the Kennedy assassination - through to

Re: Turkey warns of action if Kurds form state

2002-09-25 Thread Hari Kumar
This does appear to corroborate the view of JS as posted earlier at:. ALLIANCE 49: TURKISH EXPANSIONISM USA-LED ANTI- IRAQI WAR. It should be of interest.

Workers CP Denmark - On Attack on Arafat Compound

2002-09-25 Thread Hari Kumar
The Lunacy Against the Palestinian People Must Stop! Break Off Diplomatic Relations with Israel Now! Statement of the WorkersÂ’ Communist Party of Denmark (APK), September 22, 2002 For how long more shall Israel be allowed to torture and humiliate the Palestinian people? Under the pretext of

re Turkish Expansionism Iraqi War

2002-09-23 Thread Hari Kumar
Dear PEN_ers, I think the following article below - should prove of interest to more than just Sabri (Whose views on this matter I would especially appreciate). I think that even those who choke at the term ML-ist, will find the analysis (especially of Kurdish interests) a little novel, of

Bush Militarism- How many Divisions are there in the capitalist class?

2002-09-22 Thread Hari Kumar
I have probably missed this due to recent absence, but what do list members think re the apparent divisions in the ruling class regarding assulting Iraq? i) Are these real divisions - or merely 'willpower'? Or do they represent mroe objective capitalist class divisions? ii) If the latter - What

Re: Re: Bush Militarism- How many Divisions are there in

2002-09-22 Thread Hari Kumar
Michael P said There are none. Carrol Said: "They are not in any politically significant sense _divisions_. ...And I think there is a reason for that: divisions in the ruling class occur only under heavy pressure from the working-class. Divisions on the international level, such as

Re:Re: Re: Forget Spencer-Bring on Ozymandias

2002-09-22 Thread Hari Kumar
PREVIOUS: 1)... what is exceptional about Americans is their mix of murderousness, infantile self pity and devastating lack of self-insight. Mark 2) Exactly. Just add America's new hyperpower status to that mix and you have the most toxic combination for world calamity since WWII. Carl.

Poverty Health Today's europe

2002-09-20 Thread Hari Kumar
Poverty explosion in eastern Europe, ex-USSR: WHO. AFP. 17 September 2002. Poverty explosion in eastern Europe, ex-USSR: WHO. COPENHAGEN -- Poverty levels have exploded in central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, according to a report by the World Health Organisation published

Glut or not?

2002-08-27 Thread Hari Kumar
At 25/08/2002 16:13, Melvin P. wrote: There is a glut of oil in the world. Wrote Mark Jones: Er, well. Even BP don't quite agree. They, like Shell, think we are at the end of the oil age. Only the satanic hordes at Exxon think otherwise for some reason.' COMMENT: Well, would one expect the

From Julian Simon-ites-To Iraqi Stalingrads-More Hyperbole

2002-08-27 Thread Hari Kumar
ORIGINAL: Proyect: The problem is that many Marxists retain a kind of Julian Simon productivist notion that advances in the means of production--even under capitalism--can solve the environmental crisis. At this stage of the game, I would have to characterize this stance as counter-revolutionary

Tuna Stocks

2002-08-27 Thread Hari Kumar
ORIGINAL: PROYECT: Obliviously socialism can solve lots of problems. But it cannot repopulate the oceans with Bluefin Tuna once they are extinct. REPLY: Hey Proyect-Englishy-Teacher- it is Obviously Or do I mean obviously? Yes?? However, real point is: i) The possibility of regeneration of


2002-08-25 Thread Hari Kumar
Julian Simon productivist notion that advances in the means of production--even under capitalism--can solve the environmental crisis. At this stage of the game, I would have to characterize this stance as counter-revolutionary. REPLY: Please tell this counter-revolutionary - who what Julian Simon

Sadness' in Middle East/Asia-Sabri

2002-08-25 Thread Hari Kumar
Dear Sabri: I do agree with your sentiemnts. Sadness inded. But .. what about a United Front to stop/try to stop . impeirlaism? A new Zimmerwald IS NEEDED. See: Zimmerwald Zimmerwald 2001- A Call re Imperialist War Afghanistan

Re:definitions Cuba Today_Ulhas

2002-08-22 Thread Hari Kumar
ULHAS: What has happened to Cuba since the USSR's demise? Is Cuba a neo-colony of some other nation? REPLY: I agree with you that this is a very good question. I frankly do not know the right answer based on data, I would be very interested in the lists' response to this question. Although from

re:Does Comprador Vs National_Dichotomy Exist? Was re: Stiglitz etc.

2002-08-22 Thread Hari Kumar
ORIGINAL: 1) Hari K: (i) I do not deny international connections - that is precisely the meaning of 'comprador'. (ii) As for domestic relations,Often the comprador elements are linked to landed aristocratic/feudal estates etc.; for instance. ... 2) Louis P: The problem in figuring

Reply: character of PRC_James Devine

2002-08-21 Thread Hari Kumar
JD WRITES: Two points: a) it's true that capitalism wasn't abolished in England, but the reforms weren't fictitious. The social-democratic management of capitalism did have some benefits to the working class (though you should ask a Brit, not me), though I think this was based on the power of the

RE:RE: Re::Stiglitz interview_Character of PRC-To JD

2002-08-21 Thread Hari Kumar
ORIGINAL: Hari writes: I suggest that the term [comprador bourgeoisie] is still meaningful. [Even despite the increasingly 'narrow' stage on which national capitalists can play in today's even more inter-penetrated world]. It describes for instance the opponents of Chavez in the recent tussles

Re: Marx Quote-to Philip

2002-08-21 Thread Hari Kumar
Can anyone off the top of their head give me the quote from Marx referring to British exploitation of India, (about the 'whitened bones' or something to that effect) and where that quote appears? REPLY: ??? Sorry I know no bones except..: But perhaps a skull or two would be helpful to

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