Palast: Blacking Out Ballots Across America

2004-08-09 Thread Michael Pollak
[Palast wrote a version of this article for The Nation in May, but this one, published a month later, is much clearer, shorter and better written] One million black votes didn't count in the 2000 presidential election It's not too hard to get your vote lost -- if some politicians want it to be

Re: [Marxism] Jonathan Schell on the DP's prowar stance

2004-08-08 Thread Michael Pollak
On Sun, 8 Aug 2004, Dan Scanlan wrote: Moveon began in protest of the Clinton impeachment. It began as a letter that took a life of its own. I'd like to know more about this. I've been asked to perform at a benefit for MoveOn and need to decide. There's an extensive profile of the MoveOn and

Re: quick question

2004-07-23 Thread Michael Pollak
On Fri, 23 Jul 2004, Michael Perelman wrote: What is a good source for the share of HMO dollars that goes to care rather than profits or overhead? Just about anything written by Steffie Woolhandler of Physicians for a National Health Plan ( Here's a short one:

Apropos Albany

2004-07-22 Thread Michael Pollak
[Michael Hoover rightly pointed out that New York State's politics were worse than most other states, so people in other states might have opportunities that we in New York don't. Apropos, here's an article on a recent study that claims to show that our state political system in New York politics

Thomas Naylor on Iran/al-Qaeda fake reports of the past

2004-07-22 Thread Michael Pollak Professor Thomas Naylor of McGill writes: quote This is certainly not the the first time these tales about Iran cooperating with al-Qa'idah have surfaced. About two years ago US spooks floated via the Washington Post and

Herald: War of subversion in Iran already getting geared up

2004-07-22 Thread Michael Pollak
URL: Sunday Herald - 18 July 2004 Regime change in Iran now in Bush's sights By Jenifer Johnston _ PRESIDENT George Bush has promised that if re-elected in November he will make

LAT: Cheney to be indicted over violating laws against trading w/ Iran?

2004-07-22 Thread Michael Pollak
[That would be delicious and completely deserved. The Halliburton subsidiary in Iran had its the Halliburton name on it! It's the kind of gossamer thin disguise that is used all the time to get around offshore regulations -- but which also get enforced from time to time when people decide to

C.I.A. Plays It Safe by Accentuating the Negative

2004-07-22 Thread Michael Pollak
[An obvious point but a good one to keep in mind: there are always at least two very strong incentives toward threat assessment inflation: CYA and the drive for institutional expansion] The New York Times July 16, 2004 DISPATCHES

Re: C.I.A. Plays It Safe by Accentuating the Negative

2004-07-22 Thread Michael Pollak
On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Devine, James wrote: speaking of threat assessment inflation, there was an ad by the Committee on the Present Danger in the NY TIMES yesterday. That kind of inflation is their business. some of them were called honorable as their titles. What makes someone officially

Housing prices

2004-07-22 Thread Michael Pollak
I recently read that nominal housing prices have never declined in the US since WWII. Real prices have declined three times, durind the mid and late seventies and the early 90s, but nominal prices never. Is that really true? It makes it look as if people who think they're ever-rising, rather

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Pollak
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004, Doug Henwood wrote: maybe the three million or so people who voted for nader in 2000 should take control of local democratic executive committees, use structure in place to recruit candidates, slag off on dems who suck, use available funds to issue policy statements and press

Re: The Restorer

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Pollak
On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Louis Proyect wrote that the Turkish documentary The Restorer would be playing at the following times and channels: July 21, 8.30 pm. channel 34 Time Warner or 107 RCN, July 29, 3.00pm channel 56 TW, or 108 RCN Aug 4, 12 midnight channel 67 TW, 110 RCN. Louis, are you sure

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Pollak
On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Doug Henwood wrote: I think you're overstating things. The infiltration strategy could have some influence on who gets elected, and also on the environment in which other elected officials operate - they'll have to respond to and compromise with a whole new set of actors.

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Pollak
On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Doug Henwood wrote: What the conservatives did was very different. But they also had very different issues than us -- ones that 1) they deeply believed in; 2) which could be vitally affected at the most local levels; and 3) which were so far off the map that they rated

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Pollak
Those can only be affected at the state level, -- which in our state, means taking over governorship and the speakership. Nothing short of that would have any effect at all. This is curiously maximalist for you. Organized efforts can influence incumbents if they feel like their incumbency is

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Pollak
On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Michael Hoover wrote: self-selected candidates often don't care whether they get local party support or not (and sometimes prefer not), surely progressive/left folks can do better than this with whatever shell of an organization exists... I think there is now a much more

Rec for people in NY tri-state: brilliant 13 minute doc on PBS

2004-07-21 Thread Michael Pollak
[I saw this at a festival this winter. It's a wonderful movie about the ambivalences of being a woman. Funny, heart-warming, and for me at least, very informative. It gives a deeply satisfying explanation of the oft-cited statistic of why most women are wearing the wrong size bra -- which turns

National Guard needed at home to fight fires

2004-07-20 Thread Michael Pollak The New York Times July 20, 2004 Governors Tell of War's Impact on Local Needs By SARAH KERSHAW S EATTLE, July 19 - With tens of thousands of their citizen soldiers now deployed in Iraq, many of the nation's governors complained on

LAT: Dealing with Killing

2004-07-19 Thread Michael Pollak
[This is much more interesting than the usual discussion. Several fairly intelligent things get said and the video game automaton explanation barely rates a mention. But it's the the comparative stats between WWII and Vietnam which occur halfway through that really grabbed my attention. They

Can Tulipmania be explained rationally as the birth of options?

2004-07-17 Thread Michael Pollak
[Does this argument make any sense? I can't see any upside for the planters in this arrangment. It seems they would be better off doing all their deals on the spot market. And it doesn't seem to provide any explanation for the collapse. It seems they are just in love with the ratio and are

Newsweek: Medicine Without Doctors

2004-07-14 Thread Michael Pollak
[from Robert Weissman's Stop IMF list] [Long but interesting all the way through] call out quote The trouble is, few of the countries winning those grants are ready to absorb them. Their health systems have withered under austerity plans imposed by foreign creditors. Doctors and nurses have left

More Bush Hoover parallels

2004-07-14 Thread Michael Pollak
What has gotten Ms. Poller worked up is Mr. Bush's decision not to address the 95th annual convention of the N.A.A.C.P. this year, making him the first sitting president since Herbert Hoover not to meet with the group during an entire term in office, N.A.A.C.P. officials said. Full at:

Slate/Noah: Park Service terminates its truth-telling police chief

2004-07-13 Thread Michael Pollak
[An interesting addendum to the segment in F-9/11 about the paucity of patrols in the National Parks in Washington State] [It was only yesterday I heard a radio commentator wrongly holding this up as an example of a Moore-ish distortion because he thought it was a matter of state budgets that Bush

Could Moore run afoul of campaign financing restrictions?

2004-07-13 Thread Michael Pollak
[I've got a reflex that makes me look for the fishy spot every time a CATO guy says anything, even if he says he's on our side, especially if he says that. Still, some of it's got a half-plausible ring. Not sure it how it would turn out if they tried to enforce it, though.]

Afghanistan's Potemkin Development

2004-07-09 Thread Michael Pollak
[Succinct last paragraph] URL: The New York Times July 9, 2004 OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR The Two Sides of Kabul By CHRISTINA LAMB K ABUL, Afghanistan Look, the swimming pool is in the shape of a martini glass, boasts Alex, as he shows

Peter Berger on Laurie Mylroie's conspiricist influence

2004-07-07 Thread Michael Pollak,2763,1254072,00.html Monday July 5, 2004 The Guardian Did one woman's obsession take America to war? She is a conspiracy theorist whose political conceits have consistently been proved wrong. So why were Bush and his aides so keen to

Nir Rosen critiques Robert Kaplan on Falluja

2004-07-07 Thread Michael Pollak
[Rosen's letter to editor to the Atlantic, posted by Juan Cole] Guest Comment on Fallujah and Kaplan: Nir Rosen Journalist Nir Rosen, who has spent most of the past year in Iraq and has fluent Arabic, recently

USAT: Memo on torture of foreign fighters in Iraq

2004-07-06 Thread Michael Pollak
[Interesting memo because it seems to prove more clearly than any other that torture was systematically applied to insurgents in Iraq. Everyone guesses that by now, but this seems like proof.] [It also contains in passing the statistic that acccording to the US military's own figures, less than


2004-07-01 Thread Michael Pollak
[See comment at end] The New York Times July 1, 2004 Corrections A n article yesterday about Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun, the American marine held by kidnappers in Iraq, quoted incompletely from a comment by a cousin of his in

Using the government to push Big Pharma's most profitable drugs

2004-06-22 Thread Michael Pollak
[From Sam Smith's Undernews] URL: British Journal of Medicine Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness Jeanne Lenzer New York A sweeping mental health initiative will be unveiled by President George W Bush in July.

Re: WSJ Reporters to Conduct Byline Strike

2004-06-17 Thread Michael Pollak
On Tue, 15 Jun 2004, Ben Bradlee was quoted as saying: Nobody gives a rat's ass about bylines. - Ben Bradlee, during a Washington Post byline strike in the 70s. Spoken as a true boss -- and justified in context. But I don't think it necessarily applies to this one. In the ferocious 1975-76

Singer: The institional illogic of military outsourcing

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Pollak
URL: The New York Times June 15, 2004 OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR Nation Builders and Low Bidders in Iraq By P. W. SINGER W ASHINGTON From the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison to the mutilation of American civilians at Falluja, many of the

Eating the seed corn of infrastructure

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Pollak The New York Times June 15, 2004 Cable Thievery Is Darkening Daily Life in Mozambique By MICHAEL WINES ! 7 SEPTEMBER, Mozambique - At first blush, it may not seem odd that Mozambican businesses are doing a brisk trade

Giving Ashcroft the brush off

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Pollak
[The credibility gap starts to become visible] [From Slate's Today's Papers] snip Apparently tiring of Attorney General Ashcroft's habit of slightly spinning terror cases, *nobody* fronts his announcement that a Somali man has been indicted for his role in an alleged plot to blow up an Ohio

WSJ Reporters to Conduct Byline Strike

2004-06-15 Thread Michael Pollak
[Well here's a creative tactic in a labor dispute making it onto the front page of the WSJ. I just asked a friend who is a reporter there and he says yep, it's on -- he has a front page piece tomorrow running with no byline and considers it a matter of pride. Things are getting rancorous.]

Sinclair Lewis quote

2004-06-14 Thread Michael Pollak
[Got it from A.W.A.D, so don't know the exact source] It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. -Upton Sinclair, novelist and reformer (1878-1968) Michael

Sacred outsourcing

2004-06-13 Thread Michael Pollak The New York Times June 13, 2004 Short on Priests, U.S. Catholics Outsource Prayers to Indian Clergy By SARITHA RAI B ANGALORE, India - With Roman Catholic clergy in short supply in the United States, Indian priests are

Newsflash: Reagan still dead!

2004-06-13 Thread Michael Pollak
[speaking of wikipedia articles, here's one that seems germane] Updated: Jun 08, 2004 Encyclopedia: Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead The

KR: Dozens of missing Iraqis believed to be lost in Abu Ghraib

2004-06-12 Thread Michael Pollak
[Like a right wing nightmare of a big government police state] [NB: even the coalition official admits this off the record] [BTW, it's worth reading all the way through for its documentary cum short story value] URL:

BAS: The nuclear powered hydrogen car

2004-05-31 Thread Michael Pollak
URL: May/June 2004, Volume 60, No. 3, p. 12 BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS Bush's nuclear FreedomCAR By Bret Lortie In his 2003 State of the Union address, President George Bush proposed $1.2 billion in research

Re: Thinking for ourselves: Remembering World War II

2004-05-29 Thread Michael Pollak
Apropos the use and abuse of the memory of WWII, here's an article c/o of Sam Smith's Undernews: URL: May 23, 2004 Lancaster (PA) Sunday News Gil Smart Smart News snip Believe it or not, the writer states, the

June 30th Explained

2004-05-26 Thread Michael Pollak
In the Wednesday USA Today, the article that covers Bush's speech is subheaded: quote Occupation Will End Soon; Troops Remain Indefinitely unquote Michael

Re: Famous last words

2004-05-26 Thread Michael Pollak
On Tue May 25, Michael Perelman wrote: As far as we're concerned we've been entirely successful. That tyrant Saddam is gone and the Americans are in Baghdad. What was said before is not important. The Bush administration is looking for a scapegoat. We're ready to fall on our swords if he

Perfect Neocon Iraq Cartoon

2004-05-26 Thread Michael Pollak

Famous last words

2004-05-25 Thread Michael Pollak Chalabi stands by faulty intelligence that toppled Saddam's regime By Jack Fairweather in Baghdad and Anton La Guardia (Filed: 19/02/2004) snip Ahmad Chalabi: 'we've been entirely


2004-05-21 Thread Michael Pollak This is not perfectly executed (it's a bit tendentious), but it's easy to imagine it done perfectly, and it seems like a great idea. It does a great job of capturing what's wrong with the man's speech. It's not that he makes gaffes, but rather lards that he

Newsday: Iran wanted US to invade?

2004-05-21 Thread Michael Pollak
[If this is true, I think I'm just going to through in the towel and decide that covert intelligence is an oxymoron. Is there no country with a spy agency who can divine their own long-term interests? Are they all willing to shipwreck their country just for the chance to say they made something

Gettleman on riding with the marines

2004-05-03 Thread Michael Pollak
URL: The New York Times May 2, 2004 Into the Heart of Falluja By JEFFREY GETTLEMAN M ovement to Contact. That was the name of the mission. And the moment we set off I knew it was dicey. It was 4 a.m. The sky was inky. I was

LAT: Pentagon Corruption almost Tammany in its ripeness

2004-05-02 Thread Michael Pollak
[Hey, we won the war! Isn't it in our interests that [Americans like my friends get the contract instead of stinking Europeans! So what if US forces die in the short term for lack of good communications. I'm talking long term.]

Africans study American democracy and are politely appalled

2004-04-30 Thread Michael Pollak
URL: The New York Times April 30, 2004 Studying Albany, and Giggling Politely By MARC SANTORA A LBANY, April 29 - The people of the visiting party from Ghana, a fledgling West African democracy, spoke perfect English, but walking

State sponsored terrorism vs. amorphous reality

2004-04-09 Thread Michael Pollak
URL: New York Times April 9, 2004 One Hearing, Two Worlds By ROBERT WRIGHT snip Even a quite vigilant administration would have needed some luck to catch wind of Al Qaeda's plans. Moreover, President Bush was hardly alone in

AP: US hits mosque in Fallujah

2004-04-07 Thread Michael Pollak,1,895904.story?coll=la-home-headlines Fallouja Mosque Hit by Rocket, 40 Said Killed From Associated Press 7:41 AM PDT, April 7, 2004 FALLOUJA, Iraq -- U.S. Marines in a fierce battle for this Sunni Muslim stronghold fired rockets that

LAT: Handover lite

2004-04-07 Thread Michael Pollak
['The June 30 thing is mostly symbolic,' said Joseph S. Nye, dean of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and a former assistant defense secretary in the Clinton administration. 'What you have on June 30 essentially is a transformation of the CPA into an embassy. But it's mostly in name.'] [A

FT: Halliburton is the tip of the iceberg

2004-04-01 Thread Michael Pollak
[There's nothing new about boondoggles in military procurement. But there's a systematic reason why it's 20 times worse now than it's ever been before: measured by personnel, the amount of work that is outsourced is 10 times higher than it was at the time of the first Gulf war (according to Frida

That was then: different priorities

2004-04-01 Thread Michael Pollak
Copyright 2001 Associated Press All Rights Reserved Associated Press Online January 17, 2001; Wednesday LENGTH: 531 words HEADLINE: Clinton Adviser Warns of Bin Laden BYLINE: EUN-KYUNG KIM DATELINE: WASHINGTON BODY: Incoming National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice said Wednesday that

Chalabi's road to the Prime Ministership in June?

2004-03-31 Thread Michael Pollak
[So even Arnaud de Borchgrave knows the cold war is over?] URL: Commentary: Chalabi's road to victory By ARNAUD DE BORCHGRAVE UPI Editor at Large Published 3/29/2004 12:24 PM WASHINGTON, March 29 (UPI) -- With only

NYT: On the Hunt for Hearts and Minds

2004-03-30 Thread Michael Pollak
[The headline and introduction to this are completely misleading -- they make it sound like this is an approach that has promise: It is not clear whether they had won, or lost, more hearts and minds. But the day by day account that follows seems to me to leave no doubt. This seems like a

Good thing they're not splitting hairs

2004-03-30 Thread Michael Pollak
In today's Times one of Rice's minions, Franklin Miller, disputes Clarke's account of 9/11: quote In Mr. Clarke's account, in a chapter called Evacuate the White House, he heads into the Situation Room at the first word of attack and begins issuing orders to close embassies and put military

The power of the purse?

2004-03-30 Thread Michael Pollak
[From the Slate newsletter, Today's Papers] excerpt USA Today leads with a poll that has President Bush ahead of Senator Kerry 49 percent to 45 percent with Ralph Nader at 4 percent. The poll claims that in 17 battleground states where Bush has launched an ad barrage, Kerry went from a 28 point

Diversion of resources, Part II

2004-03-30 Thread Michael Pollak
First the military diverted specialized forces from Afghanistan to Iraq: URL: And now the same process is being carried out by the free market: URL: Michael


2004-03-29 Thread Michael Pollak
[Here's a word ripe for resurrection. And what a doubly apt etymology.] bushwa (BUSH-wa) noun, also bushwah Nonsense; bull. [Of uncertain origin. Perhaps a mispronunciation of bourgeois.] The tone of his (Antonin Scalia's) remarks suggested that the court had never before moved social

FT: Spanish government lied from the very beginning

2004-03-29 Thread Michael Pollak
[The FT also ran a longer and more detailed article on the same day, from which I just want to cull the following paragraph, which emphasizes that they suspected it was ETA from literally the very first moment they arrived on the scene:] [After 30 years in the front line of the battel against

Diversion of resources

2004-03-29 Thread Michael Pollak
Headline on one of the front page articles in today's FT: Afghanistan in danger of reverting to terror breeding ground, warns UN and the pullout quote is: The report notes Iraq receives '10 times as much development assistance with [a similar] population.' Michael

Under every lie - Chalabi!

2004-03-29 Thread Michael Pollak
[The fun part is 1/3 of the way down: even David Kay is unloading on the Bushits now] The Independent (UK) 29 March 2004 Iraqi defector behind America's WMD claims exposed as 'out-and-out fabricator' By Andrew Gumbel in Los Angeles The case for war against Iraq was dealt another

Newsweek: Did Chalabi Break US laws?

2004-03-29 Thread Michael Pollak
[By using State Department and Pentagon money to propagandize the US domestic audience?] April 5th Issue Newsweek Chalabi: A Questionable Use of U.S. Funding Under investigation: Congress is examining whether Ahmad Chalabi inappropriately used U.S. taxpayer dollars to prod

The ink that says I care

2004-03-29 Thread Michael Pollak
[Summary of an article in today's WP from Slate's Today's Papers newsletter:] quote Each day, activists fan out to collect signatures for a petition rejecting the interim constitution, which Sistani opposes. Thousands of those signatures are scanned in nightly and sent by CD to headquarters in

The lighter side of Hans Blix

2004-03-27 Thread Michael Pollak

Re: PK on HMOs

2004-03-26 Thread Michael Pollak
[A pretty good column...] And one more sizeable step in his suprisingly swift evolution away from mainstream economic thinking and towards common sense: There's a lesson in this experience. Sometimes there's no magic in the free market - in fact, it can be a hindrance. Health insurance is one

NYT: Delivery Delays Hurt U.S. Effort to Equip Iraqis

2004-03-22 Thread Michael Pollak
[This is great. Read this mundane article in the normal fashion. And then laugh out loud when you come to the buried -- and disavowed -- lede. These people at the Times have no shame.] The New York Times In America March 22, 2004 Delivery Delays Hurt U.S. Effort to Equip Iraqis By THOM

Nathan Newman on Withheld Medicare Details

2004-03-21 Thread Michael Pollak
[The $150 billion underestimate is only the beginning. The details are actually worse.] URL: March 20, 2004 Withheld Medicare Details In a classic Friday information dump, the Bush administration allowed Richard Foster, the

4th century religious wars in miniature

2004-03-19 Thread Michael Pollak
[Life imitates Onion dept.],1280,-3876471,00.html Thursday March 18, 2004 7:31 PM STATESBORO, Ga. (AP) - A couple was arrested after their argument over a theological point turned physical following a night at the movies to see ``The Passion of the

WP: The Fed's Brilliant Oversight of Banking

2004-03-17 Thread Michael Pollak Don't Expect Fed To Limit Banks' Bad Behavior By Steven Pearlstein Wednesday, March 17, 2004; Page E01 How many financial scandals does a banking company have to be involved in before the Federal Reserve will finally

Re: Will the oil run out ? Reflections from a layman

2004-03-15 Thread Michael Pollak
I didn't catch the earlier part of this thread, but what scale are we talking here? The world's largest oil producer is Russia. The largest average daily producer, but not the largest proven reserves and not the largest exporter. Michael

FT: US Jobs as Poor in Quality as in Quantity

2004-03-10 Thread Michael Pollak
Financial Times; Mar 10, 2004 Jobs data look as poor in quality as quantity By Christopher Swann in Washington Job-creation figures in the US may have struck many economists as dismal over the past few months. But even as job quantity dominates the political agenda, the quality of the few jobs

Krugman on Greenspan

2004-03-02 Thread Michael Pollak
URL: New York Times March 2, 2004 Maestro of Chutzpah By PAUL KRUGMAN T he traditional definition of chutzpah says it's when you murder your parents, then plead for clemency because you're an orphan. Alan Greenspan has chutzpah.

FT: Protecting Sugar

2004-02-14 Thread Michael Pollak
[What's interesting here is the listing of precise numbers each special interest contributed to produce this result. I wonder if we'll see more of this in articles like this now that everyone can just look it up in Charles Lewis's book _The Selling of the President_. It makes very clear the

NYT Op-Ed: Beware Generals Bearing a Grudge

2004-02-13 Thread Michael Pollak
[Nice history lesson] URL: February 13, 2004 Beware Generals Bearing a Grudge By JEAN EDWARD SMITH H UNTINGTON, W.Va. In pulling out of the Democratic presidential race, Gen. Wesley Clark ended what was once a promising quest

Through the Bush Looking Glass

2004-02-12 Thread Michael Pollak
The New York Times In America February 12, 2004 The Khan Artist By MAUREEN DOWD W ASHINGTON I think President Bush has cleared up everything now. The U.S. invaded Iraq, which turned out not to have what our pals in Pakistan did have and were giving out willy-nilly to all the

Re: Speculating on Kerry

2004-02-08 Thread Michael Pollak
On Sat, 7 Feb 2004 Michael Perelman wrote: The electability phenomenon has the potential to allow small bits of information to cascade into huge consequences. It also means that when people learn about the problems with Kerry, they will be more easily discouraged. No on both counts. You

Re: Speculating on Kerry

2004-02-07 Thread Michael Pollak
On Sat 7 Feb, 2004, Slate's Michael Kinsley was quoted as saying: The process the Democrats are putting themselves through resembles John Maynard Keynes' famous description of the stock market. The game isn't to figure out which stocks are most likely to do well, but to figure out which

FT: Growing old gracefully

2004-01-25 Thread Michael Pollak
[The argument in a nutshell: longevity is rising even faster than forecast (and the forecasts were already unbelievable in historical context). But the elderly are also becoming much healthier than forecast -- to the point where it is likely that the average period of disability before death will

Janes: U.S. Might Strike Hezbollah in Bakaa

2004-01-23 Thread Michael Pollak
Published on Friday, January 23, 2003 by UPI Janes: U.S. Might Strike Hezbollah in Bakaa by Lou Marano WASHINGTON -- The prospect of the United States attacking Hezbollah bases in southern Lebanon is no idle threat, the editor of Jane's Intelligence Digest said Friday. URL:

Canadian Sues US for Deporting Him to Syria for Torture

2004-01-23 Thread Michael Pollak
Friday, January 23, 2003 Agence France Presse Canadian Sues US for Deporting Him to Syria for Torture NEW YORK - A Syrian-born Canadian filed a lawsuit in US federal court, accusing Attorney General John Ashcroft and other top officials of deporting him to Syria in the knowledge he would be

Re: Dean and the Iowa primary

2004-01-21 Thread Michael Pollak
On Wed, 21 Jan 2004, Louis Proyect wrote: Now that Dean has come in third in the first primary, the media smells blood and won't be happy until he is out of the race. Yeah, but that could play to his advantage. If he wins the next few -- which he well might, since Iowa is in everyway an

Re: Bush spacey science

2004-01-20 Thread Michael Pollak
On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, michael wrote: Here is a quiz. Who can find something that this adminstration has done right? Our policy towards Libya and Sudan has changed for the better. They're kind of exceptions that prove the rule -- they both happened for weird and perverse reasons and won't

Brazil Pays Parents to Help Poor Be Pupils, Not Wage Earners

2004-01-04 Thread Michael Pollak
[One cheer for Lula deparment] January 3, 2004 The New York Times Brazil Pays Parents to Help Poor Be Pupils, Not Wage Earners By CELIA W. DUGGER F ORTALEZA, Brazil Vandelson Andrade, 13, often used to skip school to work 12-hour days on the small, graceful fishing boats that sail

Re: RES: [PEN-L] Brazil Pays Parents to Help Poor Be Pupils, Not Wage Earners

2004-01-04 Thread Michael Pollak
On Sun, 4 Jan 2004, Renato Ribeiro Pompeu wrote: [One cheer for Lula deparment] As a matter of fact, these programs began long before Lula became president. They were initiated principally by municipal governments. That's why he gets one cheer instead of three. But he is increasing them

Alterman quip

2004-01-01 Thread Michael Pollak
URL: George W. (You can't distinguish between Al Qaeda and Saddam when you talk about the war on terror) Bush cannot pretend to defend deceiving the nation into war anymore. When ABC's Diane Sawyer pressed him in an interview

AP: Trouble brewing in the model transitional government

2004-01-01 Thread Michael Pollak
The New York Times In America December 31, 2003 Karzai Refuses Deal on 18th Day of Afghan Talks By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 2:36 p.m. ET KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- President Hamid Karzai's insistence on a powerful presidency under Afghanistan's new constitution is driving a

FT op-ed: Pakistan's moderate islamicists vs. its extremists

2003-12-31 Thread Michael Pollak
[The argument that the MMA has substantially moderated in a relatively short time since taking power is interesting] Financial Times; Dec 29, 2003 A perfect moment to secure peace in Kashmir By Mansoor Ijaz Early next month, Pakistan is due to host the annual South Asian Association for

FT: Modest success of secular schools in Pakistan

2003-12-31 Thread Michael Pollak
Financial Times; Dec 30, 2003 BACK PAGE - FIRST SECTION: Secular education chalks up success with Pakistan's poor By Farhan Bokhari In one of the poorest areas of Pakistan's biggest city, it is no surprise to see walls plastered with graffiti calling for volunteers to join a Taliban-style

Weapons of Mass who cares?

2003-12-21 Thread Michael Pollak
From the Today's Papers newsletter for December 18th: quote The Post says all the way on A42 that the head of the weapons of mass destruction search team, David Kay, is quitting. It's not exactly clear when Kay is going to clean out his desk, but the WP says he might not be back after the

Re: Wolf on Renminbi Flexibility

2003-12-20 Thread Michael Pollak
On Sun, 14 Dec 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: [I thought this was a surprising good discussion that covered all the bases.] Interesting though, that the general principle that in a fixed rate system the burden of adjustment falls on the deficit country, is completely ignored; ie the entire

Texas redistricting fairness

2003-12-12 Thread Michael Pollak
From today's Washington Post: Judge Patrick Higginbotham, of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit and one of three federal judges hearing the case, seemed skeptical of the Democrats' suggestion that redistricting had ever been a scrupulously fair undertaking. He recalled that former

Urgent appeal: US soldiers raid Iraqi trade union HQ

2003-12-11 Thread Michael Pollak
[passed on to me from a friend in the SEIU DC office] [As if to thicken the irony, today is International Human Rights Day] === We have just received an urgent appeal from the Iraqi Federation of Trade Unions which we feel needs to be passed on to the largest possible number of trade

Colmes loses argument to nephew

2003-12-11 Thread Michael Pollak
From last week's The Onion Alan Colmes Loses Argument With Nephew NEW YORK--Alan Colmes, the liberal co-host of the Fox News debate program Hannity Colmes, lost an argument to his nephew Bryan while babysitting the 8-year-old Monday. I wanted to stay up late to watch

Wolf on Renminbi Flexibility

2003-12-11 Thread Michael Pollak
[I thought this was a surprising good discussion that covered all the bases.] Financial Times, December 2, 2003 China must move to a flexible currency -- eventually By Martin Wolf To float or not to float, that is the question. To be more precise, it is one of the questions. The Chinese

Downgrading Ahnold

2003-12-11 Thread Michael Pollak
[He can rant all he wants about a referendum next November (now that he's missed the deadline for March). His money runs out in June] Financial Times; Dec 11, 2003 Moody's downgrade deepens Californian budgetary woes By Christopher Parkes in Los Angeles Moody's Investors Service, a top credit

Shop 'til you drop

2003-12-01 Thread Michael Pollak
URL: BBC NEWS Woman crushed in rush at DVD sale A US store chain has apologised to a woman knocked unconscious as shoppers rushed for a sale of DVD players. Patricia VanLester was knocked to the ground in the frenzied dash for

The Iraqi councils

2003-11-30 Thread Michael Pollak
[So this is the basis of democracy, huh?] New York Times November 30, 2003 BUILDING DEMOCRACY Iraqis Learn Bureaucracy at Town Hall Meetings By JOEL BRINKLEY B AGHDAD, Iraq, Nov. 29 They are the vanguard of democracy in Iraq, and they like to say they are a most unhappy lot. I

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