Re: Re: the holy trinity

2001-01-25 Thread phillp2
The London Times writes: ...The new government needs to privatise inefficient public services and industry, starved of capital and management. Privatisation will be uniquely awkward, because Serbia's public sector is not owned solely by the state. It shares ownership rights with trade

Re: Businesses Petition for an End to Deregulaiton of Power.

2001-01-21 Thread phillp2
I think Ken should have also pointed out that Alberta was the one area of Canada that was largely settled by Americans who migrated to the territory (it was not a province until 1905) around the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Paul Phillips, Economics, University of

Job Announcement

2001-01-11 Thread phillp2
December 6, 2000 Advertisement The Department of Economics at the University of Manitoba invites applications for a full-time tenure track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in one or more of the areas of history of economic thought, economic

Re: Canadian geography

2001-01-09 Thread phillp2
Gene, There was an article in todays Winnipeg Free Press on the port of Churchill. I will excerpt a bit since it deals specifically with a couple of questions you asked. The article is about the province attempting to get better insurance provisions from Lloyds for ships. "The 2000 season

Re: Canadian geography

2001-01-06 Thread phillp2
Date sent: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 11:15:34 -0800 From: Eugene Coyle [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Organization: Eco Economics To: Pen-L Pen-l [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:[PEN-L:6678] Canadian

Re: RE: Labor markets

2000-12-31 Thread phillp2
Max, You neglected to mention _The State of Working America_. I am teaching labour economics and using the Canadian version of it (_Falling Behind: The State of Working Canada, 2000) which is quite excellent. Paul Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba From: "Max

Re: Re: Re: Re: Energy deregulation

2000-12-30 Thread phillp2
Gene referred to a paper he had written prior to the California (and Alberta) debacles predicting the problems on the basis of sound economic analysis. The paper would probably, therefore, respond to all the questions raised by Beatty. I wonder if we could prevail upon Gene to post the

Re: Lawyer Jokes

2000-12-27 Thread phillp2
Justin, I had assumed that David's request for an apology was meant in humour, and my response on this was meant to also be in the way of jest. I am, in any case, one of the first to point to the damage economists do to society and the ecology in the name of economic "efficiency" but in

Re: Bankruptcy and deregulation

2000-12-26 Thread phillp2
Michael, Here is an editorial from the highly conservative Lethbridge Herald on deregulation of electricity in Alberta. Paul Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba Lethbridge Herald Friday, December 22,

Re: RE: Re: Bankruptcy and deregulation

2000-12-26 Thread phillp2
David Shemano, like most economists, particularly right-wing economists just doesn't get it. Raising the price of energy through these mechanisms only transfers income from the poor to the rich owners of the power utilities and gas companies. Since there are no alternatives to power to heat

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Bankruptcy and deregulation

2000-12-26 Thread phillp2
David Shermano wrote: First of all, I am not a right-wing economist, I am a right-wing corporate bankruptcy lawyer. I demand an apology. I offer a profound apology. And also an apology to right-wing economists for confusing them with lawyers. To quote Tom Paxton: "In ten years we're

Re: RE: Re: Quiz

2000-12-08 Thread phillp2
Aw, Shucks, Just because I am a westerner. Paul Phillips From: "Max Sawicky" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:[PEN-L:5859] RE: Re: Quiz Date sent: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 09:23:05 -0500 Send reply to: [EMAIL


2000-12-08 Thread phillp2
The discussion on co-ops has long deviated from Norm's original questions which, I don't believe, have ever been addressed. The question is why would one want to organize and support a co-op. Now being a post-Autaustic economist, I go out and look at the real world and ask, why did I, you,

Re: Re: Max Weber's Genteel Racism (was Re:weber)

2000-12-08 Thread phillp2
Tawney, _The Rise of the Gentry_ Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba So, are we saying that the main source of personnel for the bourgeois class as it rises up out of feudalism and starts to make capitalism is the feudal ruling class of lords ? And that it was not so much the

Re: Quiz

2000-12-07 Thread phillp2
Sounds like Adam the Smith, to me. Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba Send reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Max Sawicky) To: "PEN-L (E-mail)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:[PEN-L:5821] Quiz Date sent:

Re: Private Property

2000-12-06 Thread phillp2
Property rights are not only a relationship, but also are a bundle of rights. There is no such thing as simple private property. Privatizing property, as Proudhom declared in 1849, is "theft" --"la propriete, c'est le vol." Eric Roll notes, Proudhon "accepted the view that labour


2000-12-05 Thread phillp2
Arthur K. Davis wrote an article/chapter in a book if I remember the title correctly as *American Radicals* on Veblen. Part of the title of that chapter is "the Marxian Key" or something like that. I have an offprint copy that Art gave me but I don't know if I can find it to give the full

Re: Re: Racial Blind Spot Continues toAfflictGreens

2000-12-05 Thread phillp2
Nathan, Looking from the outside, whatever the cost to Americans, getting rid of Madeline Albright has got to be a welfare gain to the rest of the world. It is surely worth 4 years of Bush to get rid of that person before she brings more disaster on the rest of the world. Paul Phillips,

(Fwd) Jesse Helms is Sparking a Real Constitutional Crisis - T

2000-12-05 Thread phillp2
--- Forwarded message follows --- Date sent: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 15:20:17 -0800 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Sid Shniad [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Jesse Helms is Sparking a Real Constitutional Crisis - The

Re: Re: co-ops

2000-12-05 Thread phillp2
Norm, If you want to study co-ops as a system, complete with their own credit union bank and education system, have a look at the history and success of the Mondragon co-ops in Spain. With all their limitations, this is probably the best example of what you are looking for. I would also


2000-12-05 Thread phillp2
Could anyone give me in a short one or two paragraph digest a) what was Microsoft charged with; b) what was it convicted of; and c) what was the remedy proposed. i.e. what sin against neoclassical orthodoxy did it transend. Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba

Re: Re: RE: Re: co-ops

2000-12-04 Thread phillp2
Yea Louis, But we don't all agree with Engels on this point (and in fact, many of us may actively disagree?). Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba Date sent: Mon, 04 Dec 2000 15:48:03 -0500 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Louis

Re: Re: Re: co-ops

2000-12-04 Thread phillp2
Like Ken, I belong to two credit unions and only one co-op (a gasoline retail co-op that returns 5c a litre (approx 20 cents a US gallon) to the membership. I also partially shop at an (aboriginal) retail grocery, workers co-op and patronize, when I can, a worker co-op courier service. By

Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Re: Re: needs, wants, definitions

2000-12-04 Thread phillp2
Barkely, But isn't that the point. Here is the EU trying to right an historic wrong by helping small producers rather than an exploitative US Corporation? Paul Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba Heck, they were just trying to keep out United Fruit-shipped bananas quite

Re: RE: Re: co-ops

2000-12-04 Thread phillp2
Coops are not so dangerous that a lender would forego their business.\ mbs Max, You should hear/see the venom hurled by private business whenever the provincial government threatens to extend the same small business subsidies to co-ops as it does to private businesses. Quite nasty.

Re: RE: Re: RE: thanks for the zillion references to Mar x? (please check the list)

2000-11-30 Thread phillp2
Norm, Let me also put in a plug for what I would consider a classic in the "applying Marx to Socialist transformation" literature -- Branko Horvat's 1982 _The Political Economy of Socialism_ (M.E. Sharpe). It contains some of the same ideas as _Against Capitalism_ but to my mind is much

(Fwd) Kostunica blames West for fighting - The Daily Telegraph

2000-11-28 Thread phillp2
--- Forwarded message follows --- Date sent: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 10:32:34 -0800 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Sid Shniad [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Kostunica blames West for fighting - The Daily Telegraph H. Will

Re: global warming talks failure

2000-11-27 Thread phillp2
From a column by Jordan Wheeler, a Cree Indian columnist with the Winnipeg Free Press, November 26, 2000. "Until environment affects profits, it won't be fixed" When I was a kid I knew an old woman who remembered life in the late 1800s. She once sat on the prairie with her grandmother as a

Re: Re: Re: Re: How far do we go?

2000-11-22 Thread phillp2
Doug, I think there is something missing in this whole debate. There are many reasons for discouraging smoking outside of moral prescription or attempting to design politically-correct personal behaviour. As a person who is subject to asthma I am violently allergic to second-had smoke. My

Re: On the subject of Cuba...

2000-11-18 Thread phillp2
Anthony, I believe one of the biggest shortagers is of Tylenol (or its generic alternative.) We are also going to Cuba shortly, strictly for a holiday, but are taking soap, childrens paper, crayons, pencils and such as well as medications. Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba

Re: US-Singapore FTA to be negotiated

2000-11-18 Thread phillp2
Bill, I thought you now had a reformed Labour government that eschewed this neo-liberal nonsense. Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba Date sent: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 18:10:37 +1300 From: Bill Rosenberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:

Re: Re: Re: Re: oil and socialism

2000-11-18 Thread phillp2
Obviously Gar Lives in the USA. If he lived in Canada (a cold climate), he would realize that this is nonsense. Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba Date sent: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 22:23:29 -0800 From: Gar Lipow [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send reply to:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: oil and socialism

2000-11-18 Thread phillp2
Ken and Gar, Yes, you can further insulate your houses. I have my roof double insulated, double windows etc. etc. But this raises other problems. Sick buildings. Super insulated houses are death to asthmatics (like me) or anyone suffering from alergies. If it is super insulated you can

Re: Re: oil and socialism

2000-11-18 Thread phillp2
Date sent: Sat, 18 Nov 2000 13:27:45 -0500 Yoshie, I might be happy to consider it. But first a few changes to make living in the US possible. Introduction of Medicare, Gun control legislation End to the Death Penalty Establishment of a decent public school system An adequate

Re: Re: oil and socialism

2000-11-17 Thread phillp2
A number of things bother me about this whole debate. Does Jim really believe that there is an infinite limit to how we oppress labour and that, even if there were, that that would not promote a realization crisis.? And does Yoshie really believe that we can raise all the current

Re: A UK solution to the US electoral impasse

2000-11-17 Thread phillp2
This, of course, implies that Blair is close to/is an imperial potentate who, given his performance in the Balkans, deserves to control the rate of extermination of humanity in the region. Since Britain is am historic carnivore of human values, it is difficult to argued who should be the

(Fwd) Mike's Message - serious political humour

2000-11-12 Thread phillp2
--- Forwarded message follows --- Subject:(Fwd) Mike's Message - serious political humour Priority: normal November 11, 2000 To: Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan From: Michael Moore, citizen Dear Mr. Secretary General: Help

(Fwd) Moore on Gore

2000-11-12 Thread phillp2
--- Forwarded message follows --- Date sent: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 13:49:23 -0600 Subject:(Fwd) Moore on Gore Priority: normal Michael Moore Writes to Al Gore October 31, 2000 Dear Vice-President Gore: Hi! How are you! It's been awhile since

Stop the name calling

2000-11-09 Thread phillp2
It is interesting how narcissistic this list has become -- totally focussed on the US and the selection of its imperial majesty. Now I realize how important American domestic politics is for the rest of the world -- since domestic politics in the US can result in thousands of deaths of

Re: Re: Stop the name calling

2000-11-09 Thread phillp2
Doug asks: Canada has an election coming up, no? Maybe you could tell us something about that. Doug Well, perhaps Ken and some of the others on the list should also put their takes on it, but here is mine. The governing Liberals (equivalent to your Democrats) are likely to win a

Cdn elections

2000-11-09 Thread phillp2
Just watched the first 45 minutes of the 2 hour leaders debate in the Canadian elections. 5 leaders (Liberal, Bloc, Conservative, Alliance and NDP) Yea, all national (Bloc?) parties represented, unlike the US. Kind of boring actually. Some impressions (Ken, Sam, your reactions?) 1.

Re: RE: Re: Canadian debates

2000-11-09 Thread phillp2
Whoops, I said Alexa McDonald rather than Alexa Macdonough -- despite me being a fellow Celt, though of the Welsh persuasion. My apologies to the Scots/Irish on the list. (She comes from Nova Scotia, which has not only produced the best fiddlers in Canada, but some of the most radical

Romani Crisis Network

2000-10-22 Thread phillp2
Some on the list may be interested in this network. Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba From: "Romani Crisis Net" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:RCN - Program Date sent: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 22:42:14 GMT Dear Friends – Phralalen, Amen chi

Bush bumbling

2000-10-22 Thread phillp2
Subject:[Fwd: Bush bumbling] (fwd) A few quotes from the Republican nominee... __ "Mars is essentially in the same orbit...Mars is somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Milosevic and privatization

2000-10-19 Thread phillp2
Jim asks: thanks for this message. I have a question: wasn't one reason for the movement away from workers' control (socialized property?) is that there was excessive decentralization, which led to continuous contracting and re-contracting even within factories? Under the 1976 Law on

Re: Re: Milosevic and privatization

2000-10-19 Thread phillp2
Date sent: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 08:38:27 -0700 From: Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:[PEN-L:3248] Re: Milosevic and privatization To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I have another question

Re: Re: Re: Re: Milosevic and privatization

2000-10-18 Thread phillp2
Louis, I think both you and Chris are somewhat off base on this. The Slovenes (I can't speak so confidently of the Croats but I was teaching and living for extended periods at the time in Slovenia and in constant touch directly or indirectly with Slovene government officials) did not resent

(Fwd) When Might Makes Wrong - Chalmers Johnson in The San Fra

2000-10-09 Thread phillp2
--- Forwarded message follows --- Date sent: Sun, 08 Oct 2000 12:57:09 -0700 Subject:When Might Makes Wrong - Chalmers Johnson in The San Francisco Chronicle From: "Sid Shniad" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:


2000-10-06 Thread phillp2
I was listening to "As it Happens", the CBC news backgrounder, this evening on the events in Yugoslavia. Rather interesting. Apparently Milosevic met with the Army Chiefs and Kostinica, congratulated Kostinica on his electoral victory and announced he was going to retire temporarily from

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Economic revolutions

2000-10-06 Thread phillp2
Dennis, Yes, Slovenia has done quite nicely -- but then there has not been a father figure for years. To the extent there was, he became the president of the new Republic. To the best of my knowledge, there has been no EU money for the environment. etc. Paul Phillips, Economics,

(Fwd) Why all is not well with globalization - The Vancouver S

2000-10-06 Thread phillp2
--- Forwarded message follows --- Date sent: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 10:24:46 -0700 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Sid Shniad [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Why all is not well with globalization - The Vancouver Sun The

Re: Re: Yugoslavia

2000-10-06 Thread phillp2
Michael, I am sure there are. But what is the relevance in this case? Paul Date sent: Fri, 06 Oct 2000 18:22:42 -0700 From: Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:[PEN-L:2747] Re: Yugoslavia To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send reply

(Fwd) Milosevic speech to the people of Yugoslavia

2000-10-05 Thread phillp2
--- Forwarded message follows --- Date sent: Tue, 03 Oct 2000 14:55:39 -0700 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Sid Shniad [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Milosevic speech to the people of Yugoslavia Yugo crisis: Milosevic

Re: The best labor power to exploit

2000-10-03 Thread phillp2
Chris, I hear contradictory messages on this issue. We all hear about the shortage of 'knowledge' workers in NA but, we also hear about all the unemployed 'knowledge' workers who can't get jobs -- either because they want 'permanent' jobs (rather than contingent jobs) or because the high

Re: A correction (was Re: Re: Re: The US buys democracy for Yugoslavia.)

2000-09-25 Thread phillp2
From: "Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date sent: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 22:27:30 -0300 Subject:[PEN-L:2294] A correction (was Re: Re: Re: The US buys democracy for Yugoslavia.) Priority:

Re: Re: Re: The US buys democracy for Yugoslavia.

2000-09-25 Thread phillp2
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date sent: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 23:03:24 EDT Subject:[PEN-L:2302] Re: Re: The US buys democracy for Yugoslavia. To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] In a message dated 9/25/00

Job Opening

2000-09-19 Thread phillp2
Advertisement The Department of Economics at the University of Manitoba invites applications for a full-time tenure track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor in economic theory. The appointment will begin on July 1, 2001, or soon thereafter, subject to

Re: Re: Re: Rule Britannia

2000-09-11 Thread phillp2
At 07:59 11/09/00 +0100, Chris Burford wrote: This incident is mainly a warning to Britain about the limits of its power. The raid was a sign of weakness:- it faced losing its troops still kept as hostages, and public opinion growing doubtful again about this whole expedition.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Thatcher and nationalism

2000-09-11 Thread phillp2
But is it not equally our business what the US does to bomb, kill and maim civilians and children in Columbia, Yugoslavia, Iraq etc. etc. not also our business, particularly when it is done by the very people that Brad calls "us". Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba But the


2000-09-10 Thread phillp2
Nestor, Sorry I lost the electronic thread of this discussion.but the Canadian Centre of Policy Alternatives in its September 2000 issue has an article by Asad Ismi, "Mass murder used to open Argentina to big Corporations" -- based on loans from the Rockefeller foundations and from the CIA.

Re: Re: Re: Canada, Australia, Argentina

2000-09-09 Thread phillp2
Nestor and Bill, Let me reiterate my main point which I take you both would either agree with or at least accept as a reasonable argument. The first world war consolidated industrial capitalism in Canada and the governing elite was firmly under control of industrial capital which no longer

Re: Re: Australia

2000-09-07 Thread phillp2
I have followed this thread with some interest in part because I teach Canadian Economic History, in part because I have done some comparative work comparing Australia and Canada (shameless promotion, I published an artical in Australia's J of IR some few years ago as a result of

Re: Re: [Fwd]: [sixties-l] more on 'Steal This Movie'

2000-09-07 Thread phillp2
Michael, I realize that routine animation has been taken over by 3rd world factories, but I know we had 3 well known animators in Winnipeg (I think one was nominated for an academy award or at least the film he worked on was). They (or one or two) were contracted by Disney I believe to

(Fwd) Biotech Has Bamboozled Us All - The Manchester Guardian

2000-09-06 Thread phillp2
--- Forwarded message follows --- Date sent: Tue, 05 Sep 2000 12:41:35 -0700 To: (Recipient list suppressed) From: Sid Shniad [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:Biotech Has Bamboozled Us All - The Manchester Guardian (UK) The

Re: Random thoughts on Big Brother, advertising and the Internet

2000-09-01 Thread phillp2
Louis, This is an interesting comment and one that should be recognized more by labour economists. A number of years ago (many numbers) I was passing a campaign office of the NDP for an election that had been called, unexpectedly, just days before. I dropped in and to my surprise saw an

Re: Re: Intro Text

2000-08-28 Thread phillp2
Pardon me if I don't seem to understand the problem. When I first needed a macro intro text, I wrote notes for one that I mimeographed (yeh, those were the days) and distributed to my students. A commercial publisher picked it up and it (and a companion micro text) which went through two

Re: From Greg Elich

2000-08-24 Thread phillp2
Lou, when was Greg last in Yugoslavia? Paul Date sent: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 19:12:33 -0400 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Louis Proyect [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:[PEN-L:807] From Greg Elich Send reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Wage Determination: was Crapulism: aside bet

2000-08-22 Thread phillp2
Carrol, the point I was trying to make (evidently not very successfully) is that a depressing proportion of students are not just looking for a "good job" but quite consciously seeking jobs where they can expropriate surplus value -- they don't want just good jobs, the want to be RICH and are

Re: Re: Private versus public ownership in Yugoslavia, 1996

2000-08-22 Thread phillp2
Louis and Barkley, I think the figures quoted by Louis are reasonable reliable. The statistics quoted in the Yugoslav Stats Yearbook have always been pretty consistent in my experience. I should point out that Tomas Popovic was a personal friend of mind. In my last visit to Beograd I

Re: Re: Wage Determination: was Crapulism: a side bet

2000-08-21 Thread phillp2
Max, Before going off on a rant, let me explain those comments, asides really, that you object to. To begin at the end, (' ideology of greed') I was referring to contemporary students who are only interested in those subjects which will bring the highest salaries and fastest rising jobs,

GM Food

2000-08-21 Thread phillp2
Following the recent discussion of GM foods comes this note in the recent issue of the CCPA monitor. (July-August 2000) "GM crops are bad for the brain Genetically modified crops, hailed as the answer to global famine, are contriubting to widespread brain impairment in the developing

Re: Taiwan: 10,000 telecom workers protest (fwd)

2000-08-18 Thread phillp2
Stephen, when you copy such articles as attachments, they become unreadable to many of us as the lines are too long for our readers. Can you not reformulate the articles for email? Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba

Wage Determination: was Crapulism: a side bet

2000-08-18 Thread phillp2
Max et al., Since I am just in the process of updating and expanding my text on political economy I am also in the process of refining and developing my chapters on the labour market and wage determination. This is what prompted my previous intervention because I really fear that the

Re: Crapulism: a side bet

2000-08-15 Thread phillp2
I get the impression that this whole debate is being held in the context of a *single* labour market (neoclassical style). Once one gets into analysis based on segmented labour markets this simplistic and superficial neoclassicism does not make much sense. The labour market dynamics of

Re: qu re lit re theory of socialist international economics

2000-08-13 Thread phillp2
Garnet, This is not exactly a response to your question, though I think it is related. My experience comes from observation of Yugoslavia among the 6 republics and 2 autonomous provinces in more happier times. In fact, the reason I got interested in Yugoslavia in the first place was

Re: Re: Re: an op-ed on California energy crisis

2000-08-09 Thread phillp2
Actually, Jim, Manitoba Hydro has been making a substantial profit over the last few decades, primarily from sales of power to the US market. Manitoba's peak demand is for power in the wintertime while the US demand is highest in summer. Since most of Manitoba's power is hydro, most of the

Invisible foot

2000-07-27 Thread phillp2
Does anyone remember where and when the reference to the "invisible foot" or "invisible elbow" (in reference to market failure due to externalities) appeared? Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba

Re: Re: Phil Mirowski

2000-07-20 Thread phillp2
What I think should be recognized is that almost all the debate, pro and con re market socialism has been couched in neoclassical terms. (Indeed, if you look at my review of Jossa and Cuomo in ROPE, that is my first comment.) But the debate on MS is in NC terms because the whole debate back

Re: Re: Re: Yugoslavia

2000-07-18 Thread phillp2
I mistakenly erased Louis response to my post and his summary of Estrin's position in his 1991article. I essentially agree with a lot of what Estrin says, in particular about the failure to develop an effective capital market. But that was the point of my arguement that the 1975 move to

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Yugoslavia

2000-07-18 Thread phillp2
Louis, By and large I agree with you except that I think, had it not been for the ethnic nationalisms and an emasculated central government, reforms and economic policies could have been put in place to weather the external storm, just as (so far) Cuba has done. Paul Phillips, Economics,

Re: Schweickart on Yugoslavia

2000-07-18 Thread phillp2
Chris wrote that the Yugoslav experience contradicted all of Vanek's conditions and gave four examples. Of the four, three are debatable but this one is definitely untrue. One was free to set up any firm one wanted to providing it employed 5 or fewer employees. (In fact, a family could

Re: Yugoslavia

2000-07-17 Thread phillp2
Whew! Some people on this list must have a lot of free time or be awfully fast typists given the amount of posting that has been going on re this and related streams. Let me try to answer some of the queries and respond to some of the issues raised. The first is easy: Justin, you can order

Re: Schweickart

2000-07-16 Thread phillp2
Louis wrote: The other thing left out of the equation is the degree to which competitiveness inculcated a "dog eat dog" mentality that made it tempting for the more well-off republics like Croatia to break away. If the logic is self-improvement, why not take the law of profitability and

Re: Yugoslavia

2000-07-16 Thread phillp2
Michael, This is the first I have ever heard of this suggestion. It sounds highly improbable to me. According to all my Yugo sources, the decision was taken in 1950 largely at the suggestion/urging of Edvard Kardelj, who was a close associate of Tito's. It was a response to the failure of

Re: Re: Harry Magdoff on marketsocialism

2000-07-15 Thread phillp2
I have followed this somewhat unfocussed debate on planning vs markets with some interest since I had the opportunity to co-write the EPE entry on Market Socialism and author two other related items in the encyclopaedia. What I would suggest is that there needs to be some deeper

Re: Re: Markets and socialism

2000-07-14 Thread phillp2
Ken, We were in Cuba in January (in Satiago di Cuba) for a holiday at a resort (an excellent one that we can recommend, a favourite of pro- Cuban Canadians and very loud Italians) but although we visited Satiago and other places around the area, and did our best to talk to the locals and the

Re: Re: Re: Up a Hayek in a kayak without a paddle

2000-07-13 Thread phillp2
Carrol, haven't you heard of efficient market theory? There are no inefficiencies in a capitalist market economy. As far as I can tell, almost all (or all) critiques of the possibility of planning assume that the planning must be *successful* in some large and sweeping sense. But there is

Re: racial disparity in wages

2000-07-08 Thread phillp2
Michael, Can you translate this into English so we know what you are asking? Paul Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba. Date sent: Sat, 08 Jul 2000 18:01:42 -0700 From: Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The Monetary Gospel According to Krehm

2000-07-05 Thread phillp2
Sorry, this was a typo. The late Lynne Turgeon _had_ some association Doug, I believe Lynne Turgeon has some association with COMER Paul Paul Phillips Economics, University of Manitoba Date sent:Tue, 4 Jul 2000 15:27:44 -0400 To: [EMAIL

RE:We used 10 times as much energy in the 20th century as in the 1,000 previousyears (fwd)

2000-07-03 Thread phillp2
This debate has been interesting but is getting somewhat repetitious and, at points, a little silly. There can be no logical doubt that a finite resource will ultimately run out, the quicker the exponential increase in use occurs. (Doug seems to be somewhat illogical on this issue.) I.e.

Re: Re: Re: water water everywhere

2000-06-30 Thread phillp2
Date sent: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 15:11:18 -0700 From: Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:[PEN-L:21086] Re: Re: water water everywhere Send reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Canada, of course, is the

Re: Re: RE: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [Fwd: Position in the World-System and National Emissions of]

2000-06-30 Thread phillp2
Ken, When I was chair of the Manitoba Milk Control Board/ Milk Prices Review Commission we found that medium size producers where by far the most efficient producers -- i.e about 60 milking cows. Large producers were not efficient and small producers were not either although in this case,

Re: Re: Re: water water everywhere

2000-06-30 Thread phillp2
Careful Michael, Canada has a large STOCK of fresh water, but a limited FLOW of 'excess' fresh water. If I remember the figures correctly, only about 15 % of Canada's water could be exported without severely causing a water crisis in Canada. This would hardly solve California's water

Re: RE: RE:We used 10 times as much energy in the 20th century as in the 1,000 previousyears (fwd)

2000-06-27 Thread phillp2
Why is population growth a non-issue? Exponential population growth is no more sustainable than exponential energy consumption if only because, in the long run, exponential population growth means exponential energy consumption. Paul Phillips, Economics, University of Manitoba

Re: Re: RE: Re: Dollarize This

2000-04-18 Thread phillp2
Jim, Correct me if I am wrong, but is dollarization any different from in the EMU with fixed exchange rates for the small countries? Paul Date sent: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 12:57:54 -0700 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Fwd: New from the CCPA] boundary=------------6517B68DFB8C70A821D50ABF

2000-04-18 Thread phillp2
Ken, I checked the web site for "Falling Behind" and it wasn't listed. A pity since I had intended to order a copy. Paul Date sent: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 15:08:47 -0500 From: Ken Hanly [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To:

Re: Good review of guns, germs, steel

2000-04-10 Thread phillp2
You wrote: Also, it's so grand in its ambition that historically specific moments come off looking merely like manifestations of general, immutable laws. So much for agency, responsibility, and finally politics, or the notion that anything could have been (could be) different. It has

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: the expression political economy (fwd)

2000-04-09 Thread phillp2
Mine wrote: However,as you know, there are some Marxists in the Marxist tradition who uncritically subcribe to the notions of "orthodox" economics and free market capitalism. This, I would charecterize as economic determinism, has interesting commonalities with liberal economics since it

Re: Re: Re: Re: the expression political economy

2000-04-08 Thread phillp2
Michael wrote: Usually today people use the term when they are writing are the margins of neo-classical economics (that includes Buchanan). I have always liked Branko Horvats definition of political economy as "a fusion of economic and political theory into one single social theory." In

(Fwd) Blasphemous Black Blasts Bishop

2000-04-07 Thread phillp2
--- Forwarded Message Follows --- From: "Paul Phillips" [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date sent: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 01:47:19 -0500 Subject:(Fwd) Priority: normal I thought all Pen-l-ers with an

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