To continue my discussion, I lived in Puerto Rico for three years and 
worked as an Analista de Planificacion for the Planning Board of the 
government of Puerto Rico. One of my assignments was to develop 
methodological approaches (adductive rather than a priori) for 
qualitatively and quantitatively assessing the linkages and leakages 
(from final demand, tax base etc) of aspects of the underground 
economy (drugs, prostitution and bolitos).

In Puerto Rico, with about 4.2 million people on the island, about 
2/3 of the population is receiving some form of "pagos 
transferencias" (transfer payments). The typical places where 
prostitution goes on are well known. About 80% of the prostitutes are 
non-Puerto Rican (Columbianas, Dominicanas, Haitians) and of course 
there are males also involved in prostitution with the percentage who 
are non-Puerto Rican being even higher.

We were interested in such things as how many women or males 
typically live together (average six per dwelling), how long they 
typically stay on the island (average 8 months), how much they 
typically make during their stay (average $36,000), how much of their 
earnings are repatriated (average 80%), how much of their earnings 
are taken by pimps or other "overhead" (average 60%) and many other 

I had funds available to go out and pay women for their time so they 
would not be losing money; they all knew I wasn't a cop and would 
never turn them in (some who had become friends would tell others 
that I would never turn them in or assist the police in any way). I 
did not find these women and men seeing themselves as "self-
valorizing" themselves or practicing a form of "self-determination"
or "empowered" in any meaningful way. Sure some would mock the tricks 
and take delite in getting over on them but there was always a look 
of sadness and expression of marginal pleasure out of a situation of 
desperation and hopelessness. In all cases, I would give my number 
and say, if you ever need any help with the bureaucracy (for access 
to services) or any help I am able to give please call--and many did.
(Often academics do studies with no inclination or care as to what 
happens to the "subjects").

Prostitutes by virtue of their conditions of work, atomization 
(atomization is consciously designed to keep them powerless and 
unorganized) and isolation, attitudes (many were extremely anti-
communist and anti-socialist eventhough they sometimes had a hard 
time articulating what it was about communism and socialism they 
opposed) typically belong more in the lumpenproletariat than in the 
classical proletariat. Of course there are many in the 
lumpenproletariat who have progressive sympathies and have played 
progressive roles while there are also some in the proletariat who 
are reactionary and have inhibited progressive struggles. I think 
that much of Franz Fanon's work helped to break down some of the anti-
lumpenproletariat biases and stereotypes common in the left and that 
he was right on in suggesting that the potentially progressive 
sympathies and roles played among some in the lumpenproletariat have 
been grossly underestimated.

On the other hand, it was not because of petit-bourgeois morality 
that the Chinese and Cuban revolutions de jure abolished prostitution 
as one of the first official acts and worked to abolish it de facto. 
They understood that prostitution is about much more than the 
"exchange of use of genitals"; it is about commodification, which 
under capitalism is more about degradation and depreciation than 
"self-valorization" and "empowerment"; it can cause all sorts of 
problems in families (imagine the husband goes home and after giving 
his wife STDs from a visit to a prostitute says "But honey, I was 
only aiding in the empowerment and self-valorization of a fellow 
worker who just happens to be selling a different kind of product but 
essentially doing what I do at work"), for the families of 
prostitutes as well as prostitutes themselves (drug addiction, 
pimps). Further, in the Chinese and Cuban revolutions, there was an 
understanding based on bloody experience that revolution requires 
dedication, focus, discipline, sacrifice, compromise, resoluteness 
etc and that these pathetic and marginal and individualistic 
(read "atomistic") attempts at "liberation and empowerment" generally 
lead nowhere except to even more marginalization and powerlessness 
and alienation.

BTW what is this stuff about "atomistic Marxism"? On the inscription 
on Marx's grave at Highgate it says: "The Philosophers have only 
interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to 
change it." "Workers of all countries unite" It doesn't say "workers 
of all countries do your own individualistic and atomistic thing and 
cut the best deal for yourself and your own limited and jaundiced 
notions of self-empowerment and self-valorization and screw your 
oppressors in marginal individualistic and self-destructive ways.

Elements of the lumpenproletariat, petit-bourgoeis, anmd even 
nominally progressive bourgeoisie may play and have played a role in 
revolution. But I wouldn't want to build or participate in a whole 
movement based on rationalizing some of the worst tendencies and 
ideas found there.

                              Jim Craven

*                           "Those who take the most from the table,* 
*  James Craven                teach contentment.                   *
*  Dept of Economics         Those for whom the taxes are destined, *
*  Clark College               demand sacrifice.                    * 
*  1800 E. Mc Loughlin Blvd. Those who eat their fill,              *
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663        speak to the hungry,                 *
*  (360) 992-2283              of wonderful times to come.          * 
*  Fax: (360) 992-2863    Those who lead the country into the abyss,*
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]           call ruling difficult,               *
*                              for ordinary folk." (Bertolt Brecht) * 

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