A few reflections:

1.  I think the "wag the dog" scenario is too generous for Clinton.  I do
not think that spineless jellyfish or his spindoctors are capable of
masterminding something of that sort.  Methinks, that poor excuse for a
human being acted in his more usual-self fashion: by opportunistically
sucking up to the pressure of the Pentagon hawks and big oil bigwigs in a
desperate attempt to avoid impeachmet.  

2. Who knows, maybe all that impeachment brouhaha was a Kisingeresque ploy
devised by the said hawks and bigwigs to ascertain Clinton compliance?  The
standard liberal-democrat line that the impeachment ploy has been cooked
only by a handlful of right wing characters is not very credible.

3.  Until yesterday I was against the impeachment, today I am for it.  What
worse can be said of a nation where conservative Republicans appear more
credible than their opposition?

5.  It is quite interesting to hear various government types reiterating
that "Saddam brought it upon himself."  "She brought it upon herself" is
also a standard excuse of wife batterers.  Coincidence or far-reaching
similarities in the mind-sets?

6.  It just came to me that traveling around the world with a document
showing the US logo on it is both disgraceful and unsafe.  I think I need
to renew my expired Polish passport.

7. Fuck the United States of America and its government.


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