Date sent:        Thu, 17 Dec 1998 09:00:05 -0500
To:               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:             Jamestown Foundation <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:          17 December 1998 Monitor - Vol.IV, No.233

Thursday, December 17, 1998


RUSSIA CONDEMNS ATTACKS ON IRAQ. Russian diplomats last night harshly
criticized yesterday's launching of air attacks on Iraq by U.S. and British
forces. In a statement issued by Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov during a
to Madrid, Moscow condemned the air strikes as a breach of the UN charter
and called for the military actions to be terminated immediately. "No one
has a right to act independently on behalf of the United Nations, still
to assume the functions of a judge of the world," Ivanov was quoted as
saying. "We shall demand an immediate termination of the military action,
which would make it possible to resume the political process to bring about
a settlement of the Iraq crisis." Ivanov's statement also warned of the
gravest consequences should Russian nationals currently in Baghdad be
by the air strikes. Ivanov broke off his visit to Spain yesterday in order
to return to Moscow for consultations with the government (Itar-Tass,
December 16).

The angry Russian reaction to yesterday's air strikes came at the end of a
day during which UN Security Council members met in an emergency session to
discuss the latest crisis in Iraq. It was the third time that the council
had met for that reason in the past fourteen months. Yesterday's meeting
occasioned by a report delivered to council members on Tuesday night by
UNSCOM chief Richard Butler. Butler's report, which formed the basis for
decision by Washington and London yesterday to go forward with the attacks,
bluntly accused Baghdad of having failed to honor a pledge given last month
that it would cooperate fully with UN weapons inspectors. Yesterday Butler
ordered UNSCOM personnel out of Iraq in anticipation of the U.S. and
military actions (International agencies, December 16).

Russia, which has long made clear its sympathy for Iraqi denunciations of
the UNSCOM chief, yesterday criticized Butler harshly both for the
of his report and for his decision to withdraw UN personnel from Iraq. In
New York, Russia's UN ambassador, Sergei Lavrov, reportedly led a "line by
line attack" on Butler's report during yesterday's UN Security Council
meeting. Lavrov was said to have accused Butler of lying. He said that the
UNSCOM chief had presented a far more positive picture of Iraqi cooperation
with UN inspectors during a visit to Moscow by Butler on December 4
(International agencies, December 16; Washington Post, December 17).
Minister Ivanov had expressed optimism after that meeting that sanctions
against Iraq might soon be lifted (see the Monitor, December 8).

Ivanov, meanwhile, suggested yesterday that Butler himself had been at
partly responsible for any Iraqi failures to cooperate with the UN. The
Russian foreign minister accused Butler of "rudely exceeding his powers" in
Iraq and of having conducted himself in a way that served "to aggravate the
situation and fan up tension over Iraq." Ivanov said that Butler had
exceeded his authority on previous occasions as well, and urged the UNSCOM
chief to resign from his post if, in Ivanov's words, he was not up to the
demands of the job (Washington Post, December 17).

Russia was joined yesterday in its condemnation of the U.S. and British air
strikes by China and France. The three countries have consistently been the
Security Council's most forceful advocates for an easing of sanctions on
Iraq. Russia and France, not coincidentally, stand to profit handsomely
a number of major business deals with Iraq which can be implemented only
after the lifting of sanctions. Meanwhile, yesterday's air strikes won
support across the political spectrum in Britain but not in the United
States, where several congressional Republican leaders accused the Clinton
administration of acting to divert an impending impeachment vote. Canada
Germany voiced their support for yesterday's military actions
agencies, December 16).

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