Please distribute... ron jacobs, will miller, jay moore

Q & A - the Bombing of Yugoslavia

1. Isn't NATO in Yugoslavia to encourage peace?

Making war never encourages peace.  Once the bombs began to fall, a new and
much less predictable dynamic takes over.  One achieves peace through
negotiation, not annihilation.

2. What about the peace treaty?  Didn't the Serbian/Yugoslav government
refuse to sign it?

First, the so-called peace treaty was not a negotiated peace.  It was a set
of demands made by the U.S. (with the threat of NATO military action behind
it) on both sides--the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and the government of
Yugoslavia.  After several days of arm twisting and promises, the KLA
finally agreed to sign, especially when it became apparent that the
Yugoslav government wouldn't and NATO would begin its attack.  This is not
to say the Yugoslavs don't want peace.  In fact, they signed off on every
single item except the item demanding they allow foreign troops to occupy
their territory.  No sovereign nation would do this, especially one with a
history like Serbia/Yugoslavia that is checkered with foreign invasions and

3. What about the massacres and forced expulsions of the Kosovars?  Isn't
the bombing supposed to stop this?

Use your eyes.  Have they stopped?  Since the bombing began, as many
refugees have crossed into neighboring countries as did the twelve months
before.  Now the Kosovars are not only fleeing Serbian troops and
paramilitaries, they are fleeing NATO firepower.  

4. What is Kosovo?  Why does Serbia think it has the right to control
events there?

Kosovo is a part of Serbia/Yugoslavia, just like Vermont is a part of the
United States.  Serbs consider it to be the cradle of their civilization.
Until early in this decade, Kosovo had a tremendous amount of autonomy, due
to its large Albanian population.  This autonomy was granted by the
previous government of Yugoslavia--an independent socialist government with
Marshall Tito as its president.  When President Tito died, Milosevic was
elected to the presidency and revoked the autonomous rule.  At the same
time, the International Monetary Fund, western banks, and the German and
U.S. governments began to institute a variety of measures intended to
destabilize and fragment the Yugoslav federation.   These measures ranged
from economic ones such as denying loans and demanding immediate repayment
of outstanding debts to arming separatist (some with ties to the European
fascist movement) movements in the Yugoslav republics of Croatia and
Bosnia-Hercegovina.  As for Kosovo, Serbia has indicated that it would
grant Kosovo the autonomy it once had.  However, the KLA and others now
demand independence with the eventual goal of uniting with Albanians in
Albania, Macedonia, and Greece and forming a Greater Albania.  This is not
acceptable to either the Serbs, Macedonians, or the Greeks and would
probably cause this war to spread to those countries along with Turkey (who
supports the idea) and perhaps the rest of Europe.

5. Shouldn't we want Milosevic out of there?

It is not our job to decide how other people should rule themselves.  We
have enough to worry about right here in the U.S. when it comes to that.
Besides, it could be safely argued that he would no longer be president if
NATO and the U.S. would quit attacking Serbia.  There have been movements
against his government for years.  However, now that the Yugoslav people
are being bombed, they support him more than ever before.

 6. What do NATO and the United States want with this region?

There are a few reasons for U.S. intervention in the region.  One is the
historically strategic location.  The U.S. (through NATO) would love to
extend its system of military bases to the Adriatic Sea and bases in Kosovo
would help reach this goal.  If  NATO is able to establish dominance in
this region, the alliance would greatly enhance its ability to control the
economies and peoples of Europe and Africa.  A subsidiary aspect of this
desire to establish dominance is the desire to destroy the only remaining
power in the region--Serbia.  This is a continuation of the dismantlement
of Yugoslavia referred to in question 4.  Economically speaking, Kosovo has
some of the world's largest reserves of certain metals -- reserves that
were coveted by the Germans in both world wars and are coveted today by
NATO.  Additionally, the existence of oil reserves and the possibility of
oil transportation through the region lurk as other economic reasons.



Louis Proyect


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