Mike Meeropol wonders:

>But the average student that I've taught has bought the "anyone can make it"
>ideology lock, stock 'n' barrel!
>I can't believe it's that bad at state supported institutions where there's
>more solidly working-class students.  At least I hope not!

Um... I'm afraid you're neglecting the gigantic increases in the costs of so-
called 'state-supported' institutions.  Maybe it's different elsewhere, but
I'm not sure I'd call UMass a 'working class' anything at this point.

But you're basic point is well-taken.  

It occurs to me that one of the un-fortunate consequences of the passing of 
generations who lived through the Great Depression is that Americans have 
forgotten what was painfully obvious in the 30s:  that capitalism can't employ
everybody, that left to its own devices it's prone to self-destruct, and that
many people are ruined through no fault of their own by the workings of the


--Mike Parkhurst

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