given that the majority of Yugoslavia's air defense - SA-2 surface-to-air 
 missles, more modern SA-3s, mobile and shorter range SA-6s, SA-7s, and 
 SA-9s, 57mm dual ZSU-57-2 anti-aircraft guns, early warning radar, network 
 of command, control and communications equipment located at various sites, 
 infrared sights and laser ranger finders - is Soviet-made, the US military 
 is able to test every advanced avionics weapon in its arsenal against a 
 Soviet system...F-14, F-15, F-16, F-117, FA-18, B-52, B-2, A-10, Apache, 
 and even the to believe there is more than a passing interest in 
 this type of relatively low risk (for US personnel) opportunity...
 Michael Hoover

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