Youth, as a collective, have rights which belong to them, simply because
they are youth. They are born to society, and as a group have common needs
and rights. One such right is the right to the best possible education, one
where the proper facilities and opportunities are provided so youth can
pursue their interests, gain an all-round scientific education and make
their contributions to society. They have the right to all the best in
sports, music, drama, arts facilities, etc. They have the right to be fully
informed about political affairs and participate in the governance of
society--in contributing to creating the kind of society they want to live in.
    It is time for youth to have their say on these matters. Society claims
to give youth a say, but it is usually on insignificant issues, like which
bands to bring on campus, or school mascots, etc. But when it comes to
having a say in how society is organized--politically, economically or
culturally--youth are silenced. When it comes to the collective rights of
youth, capitalism acts to deny them.
    One of the best ways for youth to have their say is to reject this
situation, reject the "success" of bourgeois life and put forward their own
vision for a new society fit for themselves. What kind of democracy can
guarantee the collective rights of the youth? How can youth organize today
to affirm their rights and have a real say in how society is organized?
    Let the voice of the youth be heard on these issues! If the youth and
students today seriously fight for their rights as a collective, they will
certainly open the path to a bright future.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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