>Well, this is one way to look at it...
>>A CLEAR View
>>Volume 3 Number 14
>>September 16, 1996
>>"Every time a species goes extinct, we're bouncing
>>a check in the trust fund that God called us to
>>-- Peter Illyan of Christians for Environmental
>>Stewardship, a group protesting at the GOP
>>convention in San Diego.

This is literally wrong even if the underlying assumption is accepted.
Species go extinct all the time. It is not the case that all extinctions
are due to human activities. What is reasonable is that the current
historically high rate of extinctions manifests poor management on our part.

Perhaps a better metaphor would be not bouncing checks but managing a stock
portfolio. Of course in any portfolio some stock prices will sometimes
decline, but if the value of the portfolio as a whole declines continually
then it would indeed be appropriate to question management.


Blair Sandler

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