> Date sent:      Mon, 16 Sep 1996 16:57:28 -0700 (PDT)
> Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From:           Michael Perelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:             Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject:        [PEN-L:6207] Dick Morris and my confession

> At the gym today, I picked up a copy of the New Federalist, which was
> lying around.  I realize that pen-l should be answering questions like
> that of the former legal services attorney and that Lyndon Larouche is
> not exactly the most reliable source of information ... but
> He has an article saying that Morris's father was Roy Cohen's cousin.
> Did't Doug reveal that Gina Kolata was Judy Bari's sister?  It went on to
> say that the cousins were very close, living in the same house and that
> Cohen was a major influence on Morris.  Is there any more truth to this
> than his revelation that the British Royal family is the leading dope
> smuggler in the world?
> -- 
> Michael Perelman
> Economics Department
> California State University
> Chico, CA 95929
> Tel. 916-898-5321

Actually Michael that is true. Nazis often will take a basic truth in 
order to make it walk far beyond where it can be properly taken and 
in order to weave in their lies and mud.

                               Jim Craven 

*  James Craven             *"Concern for man himself must always  *  
*  Dept of Economics        * constitute the chief objective of    *  
*  Clark College            * all technological effort, concern    *
*  1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd. * for the big, unsolved problems of    *  
*  Vancouver, Wa. 98663     * how to organize human work and the   * 
*  (360) 992-2283           * distribution of commodities in such  *
*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     * a manner as to assure that the       *
*                           * results of our scientific thinking   *  
*                           * may be a blessing to mankind,and not *
*                           * a curse.                             *
*                           *    Never forget this when you are    *
*                           * pondering over your diagrams and     *
*                           * equations!"                          *
*                           *   (Albert Einstein, Speech at Cal.   *
*                           *    Inst. Technology Feb, 16, 1931)   *

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