Please forward to all anti-war networks.

The emergency supplemental will be voted on tomorrow (Thursday). Rep. Rohrabacher, 
supported by Rep. Kucinich, will introduce an amendment to remove funding for the war 
in Yugoslavia. Based on the previous vote on the resolution in support of the air war, 
this amendment could pass if there is grassroots pressure in favor of it. If the 
amendment passes it will dramatically increase pressure on the Administration to stop 
the bombing and seriously pursue negotiations.

Moreover, the if the Congress approves the authorization of funds the Administration 
is expected to use this to argue that the requirements of the War Powers Act have been 
fulfilled, that they have Congressional authorization for the war. Thus it is doubly 
important that this money not be approved by the House.

Please call your Rep. ASAP and ask her/him to support the Rohrabacher amendment to 
eliminate funding for the war from the emergency supplemental. It is especially urgent 
to contact those Reps who voted in favor of requiring explicit Congressional approval 
for ground troops and/or opposed the Senate Resolution supporting the air war, be they 
Democratic or Republican. The Congressional switchboard is 202-225-3121, from which 
you can be transferred to your Rep.

Robert Naiman

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