On Fri, 11 Oct 1996, Doug Henwood wrote:

> We're not talking about Bill Gates hiring a few workers out of revenue to
> perform unproductive labor. We're talking about giving half the U.S.
> workforce a big fat raise - that is, bringing the minimum wage to within
> hailing distance of the present mean. All the faux Marxoid sophistry you
> want to summon can't hide the fact that that would involve massive
> transfers of resources and a massive shift in class political power. Those
> are desirable goals, but impossible under existing arrangements.
> Am I alone in thinking this?

No, you are not alone. All (or, all but one) of my neoclassical colleagues
would agree with you.  In any case, previously on this list you described
Adolph Reed as a very fine fellow and he was one of the prime movers to
have the Labor Party convention adopt a $10 minimum wage as part of its
platform.  So, maybe you may want take the issue up with him.  Reed and I
may disagree on some things, but not on this one.  The convention, by the
way, found a $10 minimum wage non-controversial and there were 1400
delegates there.

Paul Z.

P.S.  Please define "faux Marxoid sophistry".  That's a new form of

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