China's Three Gorges' project

Dam shame

Jul 4th 2002 | FENGJIE COUNTY
>From The Economist print edition

What happens to the villagers who dare to protest

IN THE village of Yaowan on the northern bank of the Yangtze River, some
residents are dreading the imminent arrival of the demolition teams that
will flatten their settlement and force its occupants to move elsewhere.
Yaowan is one of hundreds of villages and dozens of towns that will be
flooded after the world's biggest hydroelectric dam blocks the Yangtze at
the bottom of the scenic Three Gorges in June next year. Many in the
reservoir area, 600km (375 miles) long, complain that the government's
resettlement programme is unfair and plagued by corruption. Yaowan's
citizens are particularly angry.
In late May, hundreds of Yaowan's inhabitants gathered to protest against
what they say is the government's failure to compensate them adequately for
the loss of their land and houses. They blocked traffic attempting to pass
through the village, which lies on a main road running through Fengjie
County at the entrance to the gorges. Elderly villagers sat on rocks placed
in the middle of the road, until the authorities lost patience.
The government is fearful of unrest that could cast more doubt over the
controversial project and complicate the task of relocating more than 1.2m
people, or perhaps as many as 2m according to some Chinese experts.
Criticism of the project is rarely allowed to appear in China's
state-controlled media. But in 1999 a Chinese academic wrote in a leading
journal that the resettlement of reservoir-area inhabitants could become "an
explosive social problem, a source of constant social instability in our
country for the first half of the next century."
It already is a huge social problem. A scarcity of arable land means many of
those resettled will have to move far from their homes. The finance ministry
has recommended relocating them to sparsely populated areas such as Tibet
and Xinjiang, which will fuel anti-Chinese sentiment among ethnic minorities
in those areas. Compensation payments are woefully inadequate and much of
the little that is available is drained away by corruption. The government
admitted two years ago that some $58m of resettlement money, out of $2.1
billion then allocated, had been misappropriated.

But the government does not want evacuees airing their grievances in public.
Early last year, the authorities arrested four farmers in Yunyang, in the
next county upriver from Fengjie, who had complained to foreign journalists
about corruption among officials in charge of resettlement. The farmers were
accused of leaking state secrets.
In Yaowan village, hundreds of police and paramilitary troops were deployed
to stop the protests. Participants say the protests were peaceful. Officials
say some villagers violently resisted attempts to disperse them. The police
detained more than a dozen people, of whom villagers say nine remain in
custody. They say the police are still looking for organisers. "We don't
dare to speak out," says one villager. "If we do, we'll be arrested."
Protests such as those in Yaowan could become more frequent in the coming
months as the resettlement process moves into high gear. Between the start
of the Three Gorges dam construction in 1993 and the end of last year,
458,000 people were moved. This year alone, another 148,000 will have to
relocate. The aim is to complete the process by the end of the year,
including the demolition of buildings beneath the reservoir's initial water
level. But even though demolition teams have already reduced much of the
riparian settlement between the dam site and Chongqing, at the head of the
reservoir-to-be, there is much work to be done.
The government tried to create a sense of urgency in January by organising
television coverage of the dynamiting of Fengjie County's government
headquarters in Yongan and a disused power station. But much of Yongan is
still standing. Its narrow streets, known as a haunt of some the nation's
most famous classical poets, still teem with life. Its decades-old rubbish
tips have yet to be moved, if they ever will be. A Chinese newspaper said in
a forthright report in February that the reservoir, filled with refuse,
could breed disease.
Much of the new county seat, high above the river, is still a building site,
though government and Communist Party organs have already occupied their
lavish new offices and a few senior officials have moved into luxury
five-bedroom apartments overlooking the river-suspiciously comfortable given
that Fengjie is relatively poor. Most of Fengjie's urban residents will end
up with better housing. But the compensation scheme provides free housing
only up to the same size as residents' cramped homes. Since most of the new
accommodation is bigger, residents have to pay premium prices for the
additional floor space. "Ordinary people have to spend a lifetime's savings
for a new place," says the manager of a Fengjie removal company.
But the dam-builders are not holding back. On July 1st, the Chinese
Communist Party's 81st birthday, the last coffer-dam protecting the dam
itself from the full might of the Yangtze river was blown up, two months
ahead of schedule. One of the dam's most vocal critics, Dai Qing, who once
worked on a leading state newspaper, says that in spite of the project's
many drawbacks, many officials see it as a way of lining their pockets. She
laments that some former officials have already acquired enough money to
move abroad, leaving the dam and its problems for others to deal with.

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