Hi All,
Michael as luck would have it I had to go out of town immediately after
asking for some thoughts on our coverage of California budget cutbacks.  I
appreciate your comments.  Both points of view matter to us.  Both the
larger question of who will be hurt and how it will affect disabled people.

To me the main questions are to bring out as much as we can and help people
understand how important it is to unite as much as possible.  More or less
exactly what you were focused upon.  In Illinois over last few days I was
amazed at the conversations about disabled rights there.  Two interesting
points of speculation were that Newton and Cavendish were Autistic.
Especially Cavendish seems a likely savant.

I was talking to one person who does fundamental work in mathematics who
struck me as cognitively interesting.  A fundamentalist Christian doing
higher math.  The dissonance I saw in him was absolutely amazing.

There seems like so much work to be done about who we are and what is the
underlying structures of organizing people.

Anyway thanks for the response I just got back.  We'll be on the air tonight
trying to get at the issues.  The discussions over the last few days have
been helpful to us.
in solidarity,

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