
Sunday, August 18, 2002

UN cuts rations as Afghan food aid runs out

Simon Denyer (Reuters)
Mazar-i-Sharif, August 18

The UN's World Food Programme is being forced to cut rations for millions of
hungry and vulnerable Afghans because international donors have failed to
stump up promised cash, officials say.

Just seven months after Western nations pledged billions of dollars in aid
to help rebuild Afghanistan, money is already running out for the most basic
requirement - feeding people who continue to live on the borderline of

"The level of resources we are going to get will not be enough," said Guy
Gauvreau, the WFP's representative for northern Afghanistan.

"We're extremely worried about it. It's understandable - there's a drought
in southern Africa - but we cannot forget Afghanistan," he said.

Some six million Afghans still need food aid over the next year, according
to UN figures.

The WFP has appealed for $285 million this year but is still short of more
than $90 million - or 200,000 tonnes of food - and the lack of cash is
beginning to hurt.

Afghanistan is only slowly getting back on its feet after 23 years of war
and the worst drought in living memory. The south remains bone dry for a
fourth year, and while there has been decent rainfall in the north, many
people are still struggling.


Shortages of seeds or oxen combined with locust infestations and a lack of
security in many areas all limited the harvest, which Gauvreau says was
"good, but not enough to feed people".

Afghanistan already has one of the highest levels of infant and maternal
mortality in the world and life expectancy is among the lowest. The drought
has brought people to a unprecedented levels of destitution, aid workers

More than half the country's livestock has been lost in the last four years,
with massive deaths and distress selling last year. Rebuilding of herds is
only happening slowly this year.
"People have sold livestock, mortgaged their land, some have gone into debt,
even sold the beams of their houses," said Andrew Pinney of Irish aid agency
GOAL. "And they have sold in a terrible market, that's how desperate they
have become."

Pinney says some parents in the north have even been forced to sell their
daughters as child brides, girls as young as eight fetching between $150 and

"The practice seems to have stopped in the last six months as food aid has
produced some sort of buffer," Pinney said, adding continued support was
essential to help communities recover.

But support is running out. Only a fraction of the $4.5 billion in aid
pledged to Afghanistan in January has so far come through.

Donors have cited security concerns and Afghanistan's still limited capacity
to absorb aid, but critics blame bureaucracy and many Afghans feel the
outside world has simply failed to live up to its promises.


Humanitarian sources say Washington, which has so far provided the lion's
share of WFP's funding for Afghanistan this year, is demanding Brussels meet
more of the shortfall.
As the two capitals squabble over who should pay the bill, Gauvreau is being
forced to cut back on aid for vulnerable Afghans in the north.

Former refugees returning from abroad used to receive a one- time handout
from WFP of 250 kg of wheat to help them get back on their feet.

That ration has been cut this month to just 100 kg, and Gauvreau says he
fears a further cut to 50 kg within two weeks if aid does not arrive fast.

Crucial food-for-work programmes -- where communities receive aid in return
for digging wells or canals or improving their land -- also face the axe
throughout the north.

Gauvreau needs to find 18,000 tonnes of wheat from somewhere to truck into
the mountains before the roads close around the end of October, to help two
million people get through the harsh winter.

"What we are afraid of is that if the winterisation plan does not have
enough resources to implement, there's going to be a major nutritional
crisis in the mountain areas," he said.

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