> dear max,
> by referring to dinosaurs and freaks, I was mocking the contemptuous way
> technocrats dismiss their opposition, how they so rudely brush people
> aside. Sorry the irony didn't come out. Don't send my address to the


I'm sorry to say your irony was lost on me 
entirely.  I read the passage as consistent with 
the way some people betray their lack of 
attention to important political events in the 

> Unabomber; it's not very nice of you to threaten me with violence. And I

Seeing as how the UB will never walk the earth 
again as a free man, I would have thought the 
facetiousness of this would be obvious.  But 
since I too am annoyed by implications of 
physical threats, please accept my apologies for 
any misunderstanding.

> as for politics, you may want to check out Herman Gorter's and Anton
> Pannekoek's anti-parliamentary communism (ed. DA Smart), Hal Draper's first
> volume on Marx, Gary Teeple's Marx's Critique of Politics, Paul Thomas
> Alien Politics, Richard Hunt's The Political Ideas of Marx and Engels, and
> Paul Mattick's critique of the limits of Keynesian anti-cyclical
> techniques. I haven't read all this myself. What do you think of Thomas
> Ferguson's investment theory of electoral politics?

I might look at them if I had the time or 
inclination to reengage Marx, but I'm not 
quite there yet.  Thanks for the cites anyway.  
Don't know what TF's investment theory is.

Behind all this is the question of what attention 
to politics means.  My contention, flogged here 
before, is that there is too much emphasis in 
PEN-L on academic texts and too much inattention 
to really-existing politics.



Max B. Sawicky           Economic Policy Institute
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         Suite 1200
202-775-8810 (voice)     1660 L Street, NW
202-775-0819 (fax)       Washington, DC  20036

Opinions here do not necessarily represent the
views of anyone associated with the Economic
Policy Institute.

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