Jim Devine wrote,

>The laws of quantum mechanics imply that Hayek couldn't have been wrong
>_all the time_. But I think it's bad karma to bring up Hayek on pen-l,
>because there are Hayekian lurkers about who will bombard us with the Truth
>about Hayek.

Now hold on just a moment! Am I the only one in the world who thinks that
Hayekianism *rigourously applied* would produce a devastating critique of
the Thatcherite masquerade? Of course, no self-respecting Hayekian (least of
all Hayek, himself) would *dream* of rigourously applying the critique to
themselves and no one else would really *need* Hayek to unmask the
transparently self-serving inconsistencies of 'neo-liberalism'. Oh well.


Tom Walker
knoW Ware Communications  |
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