At 01:40 PM 3/25/97 -0800, Karl Carlile wrote:
>KARL:Utopianism means striving for a state of being that is
>unachievable. It means struggling for something that it is
>historically impossible to establish. Utopianism is a political
>philosophy and practice.This being utopian political activity
>hinders the struggle for socialism and in that way ultimately serves
>the interests of capitalism.
>To claim, as you do, that a certain amount of utopianism is  not only 
>healthy but necessary amounts to the same thing as saying that a 
>certain amount of reactionary politics is good. 

One need not be "utopian" to have vision.  No movement worthy of respect can
offer credible leadership or inspire people to struggle and sacrifice if
necessary for its objectives if it is without visionaries.  No movement led
by visionaries who are utopians is destined to accomplish much that will
endure. Karl and Frederick were pretty well grounded but were they not also

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