Re: [PEN-L] Marbury versus Jordan

2007-07-30 Thread Michael Hoover
bought a pair a few weeks ago, i like them a lot... mh On 7/19/07, Louis Proyect [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Michael Jordan was no doubt the greater basketball player, but Stephon Marbury's $14.95 basketball shoes elevates him socially and ethically. This makes me all the more determined to

Re: [PEN-L] Nationalism and State Ownership Seen as Main Threats to Oil Supply

2007-05-12 Thread Michael Hoover
or politically right countries) 'public' or 'social'... michael hoover

Re: [PEN-L] Demonstrations today

2007-05-02 Thread Michael Hoover
to the florida association of farmworkers (among others) for its efforts... michael hoover On 5/1/07, Julio Huato [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Any local report on the May 1 demonstrations for immigrants' rights in different places of the U.S.?

Re: [PEN-L] neoliberalism

2007-04-16 Thread Michael Hoover
(gag me with moon unit zappa's spoon on that one) the recent past, the present, and the ostensibly forseeable future... michael hoover

Re: [PEN-L] neoliberalism

2007-04-16 Thread Michael Hoover
On 4/16/07, Bill Lear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Monday, April 16, 2007 at 12:11:10 (-0400) Michael Hoover writes: the term neo-liberalism emerged in the 1970s to refer to aim of halting and reversing (if possible) big gov't and state intervention so they would oppose it...and since neo

Re: [PEN-L] class and language (cont)

2007-04-16 Thread Michael Hoover
full-time students without the responsibility of parenthood... the so-called 'non-traditional' student has less time for reflection as the over-all college experience is impoverished in comparison to the 'traditional' one... michael hoover

Re: [PEN-L] bush plate collection

2007-04-03 Thread Michael Hoover
didn't he say that in the first oval office national tv address to the nation a few days after 9/11... michael hoover On 4/3/07, Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Where did he make his famous go shopping recommendation? -- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State

Re: [PEN-L] bush plate collection

2007-04-03 Thread Michael Hoover
he's repeated it several times in press conferences over the years as well... mh On 4/3/07, Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Where did he make his famous go shopping recommendation? -- Michael Perelman Economics Department California State University Chico, CA 95929 Tel. 530-898-5321

Re: [PEN-L] 40 million US Jobs ar risk from trade

2007-03-30 Thread Michael Hoover
is a little ditty that i put together some years ago as a summary of one side of marx, the side that you appear to sit on, there is, of course, *that other side*, a problem here is that a lot of folks just aren't good dialectical thinkers... michael hoover Capitalism's Progressive and Creative

Re: [PEN-L] Rethinking Mutual Aid

2007-03-27 Thread Michael Hoover
) progressive anti-immigrant fears and klan attitudes.. michael hoover

Re: [PEN-L] psychology Marxism [was: Gambling for Empire]

2007-03-12 Thread Michael Hoover
, but surely juliet mitchell and, much more recently, victor wolfenstein, deserve mention... michael hoover

Re: [PEN-L] Happiness of the rich

2007-02-10 Thread Michael Hoover
liberties recognized is that of due process when government wshes to take one's private property. Ah, there's that property thing again... Michael Hoover

Re: [PEN-L] Fox to Begin a 'More Business Friendly' News Channel

2007-02-09 Thread Michael Hoover
if one accepts a later epistemological break - that a monied guy might be ugly but he could buy the most beautiful of women for himself... Michael Hoover

[PEN-L] Battle Looms Over Right to Unionize

2007-02-08 Thread Michael Hoover
Battle looms over right to unionize Mon Feb 5, 2007 6:58 PM ET By Peter Szekely WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With Democrats in control of Congress, labor will try to make unionizing as simple as signing a card, a move which business is already challenging as an assault on the secret-ballot process.

[PEN-L] An Island of Moguls is Latest Front in Union Battle

2007-02-02 Thread Michael Hoover
New York Times February 1, 2007 An Island of Moguls Is Latest Front in Union Battle By EDUARDO PORTER FISHER ISLAND, Fla., Jan 26 — The class struggle is coming to paradise. It's hard to tell from the Bentleys and the Jaguars debarking from the ferry, tooling past the pink flamingos in the pond

[PEN-L] NY Times: Labor Union Redefined for Freelance Workers

2007-01-29 Thread Michael Hoover
January 27, 2007 Labor Union, Redefined, for Freelance Workers By STEVEN GREENHOUSE Herding freelancers is a bit like herding cats. Both are notoriously independent. Nonetheless, Sara Horowitz has figured out a way to bring together tens of thousands of freelancers — Web designers, video

[PEN-L] 8 Arrested in 1971 Cop-Killing Tied to Black Panthers

2007-01-26 Thread Michael Hoover
8 arrested in 1971 cop-killing tied to Black Panthers By MARCUS WOHLSEN, The Associated Press Jan 23, 2007 2:49 PM SAN FRANCISCO - Eight men were arrested Tuesday in the 1971 killing of a San Francisco police officer that authorities say was part of a black power group's five-year effort to

[PEN-L] Evidence Revealed in Old Police Killing

2007-01-26 Thread Michael Hoover
Evidence Revealed in Old Police Killing By KIM CURTIS, The Associated Press Jan 25, 2007 7:20 PM SAN FRANCISCO - A fingerprint on a cigarette lighter, shotgun shells and an informant helped lead to the arrests this week of eight men accused of killing a police officer in the 1970s, according to

[PEN-L] Campus Repression at UCF Intensifies

2007-01-14 Thread Michael Hoover Campus Repression at UCF Intensifies January 12th, 2007 by Jay Jurie Orlando, FL - January 11, 2007 Late Wednesday morning, January 10, 2007, campus police at the University of Central Florida appeared at the free store table operated by the UCF SDS

Re: [PEN-L] Liberation theology

2007-01-10 Thread Michael Hoover
all the guy asserted, he had learned about revolution in church. Several years hence, Castro proposed that the CCP allow for members who professed religious faith. His motion was defeated. Michael Hoover

Re: [PEN-L] liberalism vs. Marxism [was: death of liberalism]

2007-01-04 Thread Michael Hoover
rights: he calls for the supersession of *bourgeois* individuality, independence, and freedom. The potentially negative implications of a party-controlled state seem pretty obvious given the evidence. How, then, to win what Marx and Engels called the battle of democracy? Michael Hoover

Re: [PEN-L] liberalism vs. Marxism [was: death of liberalism]

2007-01-02 Thread Michael Hoover
understanding of the potential for a more historically progressive social system that would go beyond what liberalism offers abstractly. Michael Hoover

Re: [PEN-L] Samir Amin on political Islam

2006-12-27 Thread Michael Hoover
spread into countries under British or French control: Jordan, Sudan, Syria. Organizational strategy for accomplishing its objectives included significant effort to train young people physically and militarily. Michael Hoover

Re: [PEN-L] The disappearing Peronist legacy

2006-12-26 Thread Michael Hoover
that such exists) and the Peronista legacy? Moreover, would it not be more accurate to identify Peronista *legacies*? Michael Hoover

Re: [PEN-L] Exit polls

2006-11-15 Thread Michael Hoover
On 11/14/06, Carrol Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Does it follow that if non-voters became voters, their choices would be the same as their choices when they were non-voters? I say NO. When a non-voter becomes a voter, she does so because _something_ has happened that changed her from a

Re: [PEN-L] Exit polls

2006-11-14 Thread Michael Hoover
On 11/12/06, Carrol Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Wasn't this true even in 1936? That is, FDR's huge majority that year was made up more of new voters than of Republicans who switched? Carrol yes, particularly first and second generation immigrants... interestingly, most of the portion of the

Re: [PEN-L] Divisions in US Capital?

2006-11-13 Thread Michael Hoover
On 11/13/06, Carrol Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The ruling class as a whole, as ruling, is perhaps like Althusser's conception of economic causation: that last lonely instance which never comes? Or perhaps it only emerges when its class rule becomes serioulsy threatened. Carrol aw come on,

Re: [PEN-L] Divisions in US Capital?

2006-11-13 Thread Michael Hoover
On 11/13/06, Carrol Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Jim Devine wrote: it's not Lenin's dictum. It's Marx Engels' dictum. In the MANIFESTO, they write that: The executive of the modern state is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie. Yes, and note they didn't

Re: [PEN-L] Robert Pollin versus the Amherst School of Marxism

2006-11-06 Thread Michael Hoover
On 11/6/06, Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: What's post-modernism? Doug e-lists are really good example of phenomena that gang of four's jon king described to me quite a few years ago now as a dog returning to its own vomit... a possible answer to above might be: stenography of

[PEN-L] Evergreen Professors Unionize

2006-11-02 Thread Michael Hoover
Faculty members at Evergreen State College have voted to unionize, labor officials announced Tuesday. The union will represent about 260 faculty members and is part of the United Faculty of Washington State, which is affiliated with both the American Federation of Teachers and the National

Re: [PEN-L] paris commune and dictatorship of the proletariat

2006-10-31 Thread Michael Hoover
On 10/31/06, Charles Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yes, you help Lou Pro out there. He referred Yoshie to _The Civil War in France_ ,but it's Engels elsewhere ,not Marx in _The Civil War in France_ who says the Commune was the dictatorship of the proletariat. From: michael a. lebowitz

Re: [PEN-L] Stan Goff, Bill Fletcher and the 2-party system

2006-10-30 Thread Michael Hoover
achieve much. The independent-leverage strategy that he proposes in contrast is comprised of two options: third party (although he considers several possibilities - African-American, multiethnic, labor-based) or oscillation (a return to balance of power theory). Michael Hoover

Re: [PEN-L] New York Times Says Dem Congress Won't Have Authority to Change Course of Iraq War

2006-10-30 Thread Michael Hoover
On 10/27/06, Yoshie Furuhashi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I read the same article and also wondered what it meant. Then, it occurred to me that maybe the NYT reporter meant to suggest that the Democratic Party leaders will not do anything radical like denying the President his war funds or

[PEN-L] MIchael Franti Film: I Know I'm Not Alone

2006-10-25 Thread Michael Hoover
saw michael franti - beatnigs/disposable heroes/spearhead - film last night at the local food coop here in jackson, ms...doc about trip he took to iraq, israel, occupied territories...pretty good... website:

[PEN-L] And It's Everyone Against Ortega

2006-10-22 Thread Michael Hoover
ELECTIONS-NICARAGUA: And It's Everyone Against Daniel Ortega José Adán Silva MANAGUA, Oct 19 (IPS) - The possibility of a victory for the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) in Nicaragua's Nov. 5 elections has unleashed what is virtually an all-out political war against its presidential

[PEN-L] Doctrine Doctrine Doctrine: Monroe Truman Meet Bush

2006-10-22 Thread Michael Hoover
Bush issues doctrine for US control of space Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington Thursday October 19 2006 The Guardian George Bush has staked out a bold claim to the final frontier, asserting vigorously America's right to deny access to space to any adversary hostile to US interests, it emerged

Re: [PEN-L] paradox of class and leadership--another paradox...

2006-10-16 Thread Michael Hoover
On 10/16/06, Yoshie Furuhashi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I haven't been following the Nicaraguan election campaigns this year, but apparently Daniel Ortega is leading in the polls: Two candidates have a chance to stop Ortega: Eduardo Montealegre, who leads the National Liberal Alliance ticket,

Re: [PEN-L] paradox of class and leadership--another paradox...

2006-10-15 Thread Michael Hoover
On 10/15/06, Yoshie Furuhashi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Term limits may help. So far, almost all socialist leaders whom revolution elevated to the highest office of their country have acted as the faqih for their respective nation, ruling for their lifetime. Yoshie and in at least one

Re: [PEN-L] Lower Standards Help Army Bring in Recruits

2006-10-14 Thread Michael Hoover
On 10/12/06, Yoshie Furuhashi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: In a couple of years, judges will begin offering a choice to the newly sentenced: prison or the Army? Yoshie above was choice offered to friend of mine in mid-70s, she chose the navy... mh

[PEN-L] Lower Standards Help Army Bring in Recruits

2006-10-12 Thread Michael Hoover
Oct. 9, 2006, 9:26PM Lower standards help Army bring in recruits It beat its goal by allowing more scores below a set aptitude level Associated Press WASHINGTON - The U.S. Army recruited more than 2,600 soldiers under new lower aptitude standards this year, helping the service beat its goal of

[PEN-L] JFK: It's Horace Greeley's Fault

2006-10-10 Thread Michael Hoover
found below while going through kennedy's public papers, wonder which member of his staff fed him the not quite accurate story, marx didn't get paid for unprinted articles, moreover, the paper sometimes published his articles either as unsigned editorials or as from our foreign correspondent for

Re: [PEN-L] Golfing for Bush

2006-09-29 Thread Michael Hoover
On 9/27/06, Michael Perelman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Bruce Selcraig Playing the patriot game In a Sports Illustrated survey of 76 US Tour players published in March, 88% said they supported the American invasion of Iraq, and 91% supported

[PEN-L] Pensacola Pizza Delivery Drivers Union

2006-09-23 Thread Michael Hoover
Pizza delivery drivers form a union By MELISSA NELSON, Associated Press Writer Fri Sep 22, 5:26 PM ET PENSACOLA, Fla. - Eleven Domino's employees hoping to make a little more dough and get a bigger slice of the profits have formed the nation's first union of pizza delivery drivers. The

Re: [PEN-L] Chavez catches hell from DP

2006-09-22 Thread Michael Hoover
On 9/22/06, Carrol Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Presidents are neither dumb nor smart. Administrations are. And this administration has been about average or above averate. Its policies are unpopular, but it's a tough world. The next administration (DP or RP) will do no better by the standards

[PEN-L] Survey of Faith in U.S.

2006-09-14 Thread Michael Hoover
Americans more spiritual than thought, study finds By The Associated Press Monday September 11, 2006 More Americans are active in religious groups than previously thought and many others without ties to congregations still believe in God or a higher power, according to a broad survey of faith

[PEN-L] Government-Funded Report Dismisses Gulf War Syndrome

2006-09-14 Thread Michael Hoover
Government-funded report dismisses idea of Gulf War syndrome The Associated Press TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2006 WASHINGTON There is no such thing as Gulf War syndrome, even though U.S. and foreign veterans of the war report more symptoms of illness than do soldiers who did not serve in the Persian

[PEN-L] Detroit Cancels Classes as Teachers Defy Court

2006-09-13 Thread Michael Hoover
Detroit cancels classes as teachers defy court Catherine Jun, Amy Lee and Kim Kozlowski / The Detroit News DETROIT -- School officials are set to return to court today to seek sanctions against the 92 percent of Detroit Public Schools teachers who defied a court order and failed to return to

[PEN-L] Striking Teachers Reach Tentative Pact

2006-09-13 Thread Michael Hoover
September 13, 2006 Striking Teachers Reach Tentative Pact By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DETROIT, Sept. 12 (AP) — The city's striking teachers and the school district reached a tentative contract agreement overnight, clearing the way for a possible return to work after 16 days on the picket line. The

Re: [PEN-L] There Is Silence in the Streets; Where Have All the Protesters Gone?

2006-09-10 Thread Michael Hoover
On 9/10/06, Yoshie Furuhashi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Even the New York Times bemoans the absence of an anti-war movement. :-0 -- Yoshie Published on Thursday, August 31, 2006 by the New York Times There Is Silence in the Streets; Where Have All

Re: [PEN-L] There Is Silence in the Streets; Where Have All the Protesters Gone?

2006-09-10 Thread Michael Hoover
On 9/10/06, Michael Hoover [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: once again, black students at south carolina state in orangeburg - 2 murdered and 27 wounded - and here at jackson state in mississippi - 2 murdered and 12 wounded - are left out of the rotting stinking carcass of 'the '60s', really shameful

Re: [PEN-L] Leftist philosophers informing IDF brutality?

2006-08-29 Thread Michael Hoover
of Postmodernity: An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell, 1990. Yoshie none of the above, it is stenography of surfaces, no references needed... michael hoover

Re: [PEN-L] Leftist Journals

2006-08-23 Thread Michael Hoover
On 8/23/06, Jayson Funke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Does anyone have suggestions for other Left-oriented academic journals Jayson Funke New Political Science

[PEN-L] Strapped Renters Barter for Space

2006-08-21 Thread Michael Hoover
Strapped renters barter for space Tim Barker Orlando Sentinel Staff Writer August 21, 2006 At first, it seemed like a bizarre idea: offering to clean someone else's house in exchange for reduced, or even free, rent. But with her lease expiring and having no idea where she was going to live,

Re: [PEN-L] Hezbollah, imperialism and Chavez

2006-08-18 Thread Michael Hoover
On 8/18/06, Louis Proyect [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The Independent (London) September 13, 1999, Monday IRANIAN STUDENT PROTESTERS FACING THE DEATH PENALTY BYLINE: Rupert Cornwell AN IRANIAN revolutionary court has sentenced four people to death for their part in the rioting two months ago

[PEN-L] Food Sharing at Orlando City Hall a Success!

2006-08-17 Thread Michael Hoover

[PEN-L] Orblando Uses Decoys to Nab Beggars

2006-08-15 Thread Michael Hoover
Use of decoys to nab beggars draws scrutiny Mark Schlueb | Sentinel Staff Writer Posted August 14, 2006 Orlando police are using undercover stings to nab panhandlers downtown, a largely unknown practice now coming under scrutiny as the debate over the homeless in the City Beautiful heats up.

Re: [PEN-L] Last Lieberman Lament?

2006-08-13 Thread Michael Hoover
On 8/11/06, ravi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: But more interesting (than your last sentence), if I am getting your numbers right (and doing my math right), his real party line voting reduces to 83% i.e., when there is a conflict, he sides with the Republicans 17% of the time. Is this right? Do you

Re: [PEN-L] Last Lieberman Lament?

2006-08-13 Thread Michael Hoover
On 8/11/06, Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: isn't it easier to look at the ADA and the Union of Conservative Assholes ratings? easier yes, ada ratings are comprised of votes on 20 self-selected issues, american conservative union on 25, 'picture' is less complete as well ... mh

Re: [PEN-L] Millionaire mullahs

2006-08-12 Thread Michael Hoover
On 8/12/06, Yoshie Furuhashi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: the difference between Rafsanjani and Ahmadinejad is greater in terms of their respective economic platforms than Clinton and Dole in terms of theirs. Yoshie 1970s-era Soviet joke went something like this: we have, in our country, a choice

Re: [PEN-L] Last Lieberman Lament?

2006-08-11 Thread Michael Hoover
the existing 2-party arrangement threatened/toppled. Michael Hoover

[PEN-L] Dateline Orblando: Feeding Folks in Downtown Public Areas Banned

2006-07-26 Thread Michael Hoover
Eola homeless meals banned Over loud protest, much of downtown is ruled off-limits Rich Mckay Orlando Sentinel Staff Writer July 25, 2006 Boos, applause and raucous outbursts from the gallery laced a four-hour public hearing Monday as a majority of the Orlando City Council banned the feeding of

[PEN-L] Bad Jets

2006-07-21 Thread Michael Hoover
below was written and performed at the time of israel's 1982 bombing of beirut... New Suburbans Bad Jets Jets Bad Jets Jets Bad Jets They're flying into Beirut and they're dropping their bombs Can you hear the screams Hear the fire alarms Children are crying 'cause their mothers are dead

[PEN-L] On Dusty Corner, Laborers Band Together for More Pay

2006-07-15 Thread Michael Hoover
July 14, 2006 On Dusty Corner, Laborers Band Together for More Pay By STEVEN GREENHOUSE AGOURA HILLS, Calif., July 12 — The black Lexus stopped just yards from a large, shady oak tree, and eight copper-skinned Guatemalan men rushed over. For a minute, the woman in the car and the men haggled

Re: [PEN-L] inequality

2006-07-15 Thread Michael Hoover
season. Michael Hoover

[PEN-L] Living Large

2006-07-09 Thread Michael Hoover
Living Large Buyers' Demand for Bigger, Better Houses Shapes New Generation's Dream Home Jerry W, Jackson Orlando Sentinel Staff Writer July 9, 2006 When home buyers complain they can't afford a house because of soaring prices, what they often mean is they can't buy a decent home -- and

[PEN-L] 500,000 Clogging Tampa Streets?

2006-07-09 Thread Michael Hoover
500,000 clogging streets? Unlikely Activist organizations and experts pooh-pooh the official estimate of half-million protesters in Tampa if the GOP picks the city as its convention site in 2008. By JANET ZINK, [St. Petersburg] Times Staff Writer Published July 5, 2006 TAMPA - The memo about

Re: [PEN-L] pen-l conspiracy? (and other responses)

2006-06-15 Thread Michael Hoover
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/14/06 9:57 AM The other interesting thing about conspiracism is how it often involves taking both the non-Marxist left and the ultraright down the same path. Progressive historian Charles Beard made the case that FDR had foreknowledge of the attack on Pearl Harbor, but so

Re: [PEN-L] pen-l conspiracy? (and the Bermuda Triangle)

2006-06-15 Thread Michael Hoover
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/14/06 11:56 AM I think we should be clearer about what kind of conspiracies we are talking about. They all involve cabals within the government that carry out some monstrous attack that are made to appear as if they were perpetrated by sworn enemies of the country. The

Re: [PEN-L] Hijacking and controlling planes into targets on 9-11-2001

2006-06-13 Thread Michael Hoover
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/13/06 3:31 PM Political Islam is just another term for radical Islam or Islamic fundamentalism, etc. It includes Hamas, al-Qaeda and other such groups. not sure that one can simply exchange above terms - political islam, radical islam, islamic fundamentalism - one for

Re: [PEN-L] Churchill Fallout: It*s About Academic Freedom

2006-05-30 Thread Michael Hoover
dismisses them as inadequate. A pre-determined conclusion, perhaps? Michael Hoover Please Note: Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from College employees regarding College business are public records, available to the public and media upon request

Re: [PEN-L] Churchill Fallout: It*s About Academic Freedom

2006-05-29 Thread Michael Hoover
, and, yes, self-serving. I've babbled enough and I'm not sure I've effectively made the point that I was trying to make that this *case* has implications for left politics, nevertheless, I think it does. Michael Hoover Please Note: Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written

[PEN-L] Terror Bill Would Limit Florida Scholars' Travel

2006-05-23 Thread Michael Hoover
Terror bill would limit Florida scholars' travels Tania Deluzuriaga Sentinel Staff Writer May 23, 2006 Florida could become one of the most restrictive states in the nation for international scholars under a proposal that would forbid professors and

Re: [PEN-L] *Federalizing* The National Guard

2006-05-16 Thread Michael Hoover
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/13/06 7:40 PM Yes! There are red herrings to be pursued! Governors constituents to be coerced! Tightening the border via BY CRAIG GORDON May 13, 2006 The National Guard plans appear to offer Bush something he badly needs - a way to do better at sealing

Re: [PEN-L] More Galgraith

2006-05-02 Thread Michael Hoover
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/02/06 5:19 PM THE QUOTABLE INTELLECTUAL Wall Street Journal April 30, 2006 John Kenneth Galbraith became a large figure on the American scene in the decades after World War II, in part because of his flair for language and writing. lest anyone forget that he was 6'8...

Re: [PEN-L] Numbers and political science

2006-05-01 Thread Michael Hoover
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/01/06 10:03 AM post-autistic economics review Issue no. 37, 28 April 2006 Prying Open American Political 'Science' Bruce Cumings and Kurt Jacobsen (University of Chicago, USA) article mentions caucus for a new political science, folks who are interested can check out

[PEN-L] University of Miami Janitors: Hungry for Recognition

2006-04-12 Thread Michael Hoover
Inside Higher Ed April 11 Hungry for Recognition Janitors at the University of Miami have entered their second week of hunger striking. Already, their efforts have gotten the attention of students, faculty members and the national media, and prompted some changes by university administrators.

[PEN-L] 75,000 March in Ft Myers, Florida for Immigrant Rights

2006-04-11 Thread Michael Hoover
Orlando Sentinel Marchers descend on Fort Myers to protest House bill From Wire and Staff Reports April 11, 2006 As many as 75,000 demonstrators marched Monday on Fort Myers in one of the nation's largest protests for immigrant rights. The protest grew from a gathering that initially drew a

Re: [PEN-L] Seymour Hersh: Bush actively planning to Nuke Iran

2006-04-10 Thread Michael Hoover
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/09/06 10:08 PM Yes, Bush lackes a pretext. Let's say a military barracks gets bombed or something less extreme. Bush rallies the public. He returns as commander in chief. Remember Mencken about underestimating the intelligence of the American public. But it is too early


2006-03-25 Thread Michael Hoover
Philadelphia Daily News March 24, 2006 Workers On the Slag Heap of History By David Sirota IN AGES PAST, cities in wealthy nations greeted visitors with gold-plated lions at their gates. But today, in America, the richest country on earth, the gates of many towns welcome visitors with

[PEN-L] 500 Block Downtown Nashville Streets

2006-03-21 Thread Michael Hoover
Nashville City Paper Protesters block off downtown streets By John Rodgers March 21, 2006 A group of about 500 protesters, demanding more dollars for home-based health care services and an audience with Gov. Phil Bredesen, blockaded several intersections around the state Capitol Monday,

[PEN-L] Modifies 'Abortion' Queries

2006-03-21 Thread Michael Hoover Modifies 'Abortion' Queries By Associated Press March 20, 2006, 9:12 PM EST SEATTLE -- Inc. said Monday it had modified the way its search engine handles queries for the term abortion after receiving an e-mail complaint that the results appeared biased. Until the recent

[PEN-L] Mission Accomplished

2006-03-21 Thread Michael Hoover
via FAIR... Declaring Victory Iraq Is All but Won; Now What? (Los Angeles Times headline, 4/10/03) Now that the combat phase of the war in Iraq is officially over, what begins is a debate throughout the entire U.S. government over America's unrivaled power and how best to use it. (CBS reporter

[PEN-L] Gentrification Changing Face of New Atlanta

2006-03-17 Thread Michael Hoover
The New York Times March 11, 2006 Gentrification Changing Face of New Atlanta By SHAILA DEWAN ATLANTA, March 8 * In-town living. Live-work-play. Mixed income. The buzzwords of soft-core urbanism are everywhere these days in this eternally optimistic city, used in real estate advertisements and

[PEN-L] Sussex University Library Under Occupation

2006-03-11 Thread Michael Hoover
SUSSEX UNIVERSITY LIBRARY IS UNDER OCCUPATION BY STUDENTS! Over 100 students are as I type holding Sussex University Library open all night in protest against the continued corporatisation and degradation of this Universities standards. Workshops, film showings, a naked space and old

Re: [PEN-L] query: National Association of Scholars

2006-03-11 Thread Michael Hoover
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/10/06 9:16 PM Does anyone know anything concrete about the National Association of Scholars? (It turns out that my brother, a philosophy prof, is the president of the Rhode Island chapter.) Jim Devine nas board of advisors, 'nuff said: John Agresto James David Barber

[PEN-L] From Your Friends at Foriegn Policy: Why Men Rule...and Conservatives Will Inherit the Earth

2006-03-04 Thread Michael Hoover
The Return of Patriarchy Philip Longman March/April 2006

[PEN-L] Economist Class

2006-03-03 Thread Michael Hoover
Economist Class By Mois*s Na*m March/April 2006 Practitioners of the ‘dismal science’ should stop sneering at their academic cousins in the social sciences—and start learning from them. In 1849, the Scottish essayist Thomas Carlyle labeled economics the “dismal science.” Two centuries later,

[PEN-L] Bama Class War

2006-03-03 Thread Michael Hoover
February 25, 2006 Some Alabama substitute teachers make close to minimum wage BOB JOHNSON Associated Press MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Substitute teachers in Alabama make as little as $37 a day, a figure close to the federal minimum wage of $5.15 an hour for a seven-and-a-half hour work day. The

[PEN-L] Marvel of Social Science

2006-03-03 Thread Michael Hoover
It's official: class matters A major new study shows that social background determines pupils' success. Does it mean that the government is heading in the wrong direction? Matthew Taylor reports Tuesday February 28, 2006 The Guardian It is a familiar scene: mum and dad hunched at the kitchen

Re: [PEN-L] Carlin Romano: racist

2006-02-24 Thread Michael Hoover
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/24/06 6:13 PM David B. Shemano wrote: I see marxists, tradtitional conservatives, theocrats, islamists and others united in a hostility to the technological, cosmopolitan, enlightenment project of the past several hundred years. We lefties have to contend with a lot more

[PEN-L] Campus Revolutionary?

2006-02-20 Thread Michael Hoover
Tony Marx has a radical plan to get more poor kids into top colleges, starting with Amherst

[PEN-L] Economist (UK): Japan, Land of Rising Indicators

2006-02-18 Thread Michael Hoover
Japan, land of the rising indicators Feb 17th 2006 From The Economist Global Agenda Japan's GDP grew at a surprisingly strong annualised rate of 5.5% in the fourth quarter of 2005. It looks like the economy may finally be leaving ten years of stagnation behind. But can its export-led growth

[PEN-L] Sticking Up for the Bg Guys

2006-02-18 Thread Michael Hoover
Sticking Up for the Big Guys By Onnesha Roychoudhuri, AlterNet Posted on February 17, 2006, Printed on February 18, 2006 Page through a recent copy of the New York Times or Washington Post, and you're likely to find quite a few articles on the unethical

Re: [PEN-L] animal farm

2006-02-17 Thread Michael Hoover
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/17/06 11:48 AM Political scientists, I am told, often deplore the fact that in the US, the job of being head of government is unified with that of head of state, unlike in (say) England, where the prime minister's job is quite different from that of the Queen, or France and

[PEN-L] NY Times: 2 Major Construction Unions Plan to Leave AFL-CIO

2006-02-15 Thread Michael Hoover
February 15, 2006 2 Major Construction Unions Plan to Leave A.F.L.-C.I.O. Unit. By STEVEN GREENHOUSE The national labor movement suffered a new split yesterday when two major construction unions * the laborers and the operating engineers * announced that they were quitting the Building and

[PEN-L] Labor Party Builder/February 2006

2006-02-11 Thread Michael Hoover
PARTY BUILDER February 2006 IN THIS ISSUE: Labor Party News - February 2006 * The Case for South Carolina * SC Campaign: How You Can Help * In Memoriam: Ernie Rousselle * The Phrase that Pays- Capitol Hill Shop Steward * No Comment click here to read Labor Party News ABOUT THE LABOR PARTY The

[PEN-L] Horowitz List of 100 Most Dangerous Professors in U.S.

2006-02-07 Thread Michael Hoover
The Professor's Colleges and Universities Arcadia University: Warren Haffar Ball State University: George Wolfe Baylor University: Marc Ellis Boston University: Howard Zinn Brandeis University: Gordon Fellman, Dessima Williams Brooklyn College: Priya Parmar, Timothy Shortell Cal State University,

[PEN-L] Query on U.S. Gov't Spending

2006-01-30 Thread Michael Hoover
i have some figures (in percentages) indicating shift towards federal gov't spending, 1929-1999, unfortunately, my notes are spotty and i'm missing several decades, i did quick look but couldn't locate data on-line, any help directing me towards such info would be most appreciated... mh

Re: [PEN-L] Query on U.S. Gov't Spending

2006-01-30 Thread Michael Hoover
thanks much... [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/30/06 3:08 PM Michael: You can get this material on the Congressional Budget Office website. Joel Blau Michael Hoover wrote: i have some figures (in percentages) indicating shift towards federal gov't spending, 1929-1999, unfortunately, my notes

Re: [PEN-L] Query on U.S. Gov't Spending

2006-01-30 Thread Michael Hoover
, January 30, 2006 3:08 PM To: PEN-L@SUS.CSUCHICO.EDU Subject: Re: [PEN-L] Query on U.S. Gov't Spending Michael: You can get this material on the Congressional Budget Office website. Joel Blau Michael Hoover wrote: i have some figures (in percentages) indicating shift towards federal gov't spending

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