The Canadian government has reached a financial
settlement with Arar, an apology is widely expected to
accompany that as well.
   THe position of the EU and Canada contrasts starkly
with the US position that has kept Arar on a security
watch list after a  supposed review of the evidence.
Stockwell Day our right wing pro-Bush cabinet minister
in charge of security also saw the information. He did
not change his mind that Arar was no security risk.
The so-called evidence is obviously so weak that even
one of Canadas most pro-US politicians cannnot in good
faith sign on to the US line because there is nothing
there. THe emporor has no clothes.
   Americans should be pressing Sen. Leahy to hold
more hearings on rendition in general and the Arar
case in particular. These guys need to be exposed as
the naked creeps they are.

EU Report Recommends Apology for Arar
Josh Pringle
Thursday, January 25, 2007

A new European Union report will be tabled today
suggesting Maher Arar deserves an apology and
compensation from member states.

The Globe and Mail reports the European Parliament
will vote on the report next month.

The report adds Italy should be held to account for
allowing the United States to use Rome as a stopover
base for the US flight that took Arar to Syria.



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