It is ironic that Alberta has the lowest minimum wage
along with some of the poorest Atlantic provinces.
ALberta is oil rich with a booming economy and high
cost of living.

Minimum wage laws – The state of pay in Canada
Last Updated February 2, 2007
CBC News
Most Canadians have had only fleeting contact with the
minimum wage. Perhaps that first job as a teenager in
a fast food restaurant or working at the cash register
of a local store. Then, it was on to bigger and
better-paying jobs.

But minimum wage employment is still the reality for
many in this country. Some never manage to rise above
those so-called entry-level positions. In 2007, for
someone working full-time, that means an annual income
of less than $16,000. Some try to support a family on

Minimum wage
Number of Canadians working at or below minimum wage
in 2005:
587,000 (4.3% of all employees)

Source: Statistics Canada
The minimum wage is designed to impose a broad and
enforceable standard on employers that would guarantee
a minimum level of income for unskilled, non-unionized
workers. Minimum wage standards are also designed to
stop these workers from trying to undercut each other
by agreeing to work for less than someone else.

The minimum wage also serves as a benchmark for many
more workers who are paid above the minimum wage. Many
of these better-paid employees also see their wages
rise when the minimum wage is bumped up.

History of minimum wage legislation

If you found yourself as an unskilled, uneducated
worker in the 19th Century, you were on your own in
Canada. There were no minimum wage standards anywhere
in the country; no labour code to protect you from
exploitation. Employers could pay workers as little as
they wanted and many did just that. Craft unions
arrived in the latter part of the century and were
often able to win improvements in pay and working
conditions. By 1912, as many as 160,000 Canadians were
members of a union – often in such areas as mining and
the railways.

The first minimum wage legislation in Canada was
passed in 1918 by both British Columbia and Manitoba.
Two years later, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and
Saskatchewan followed suit. Interestingly, these early
wage laws applied only to women and only to some kinds
of employment. According to a labour law analysis by
Human Resources Development Canada, the thinking at
the time was that labour unions (which represented
male workers) could do a better job of ensuring that
men earned a living wage by bargaining on their

Hourly minimum pay for adults (as of Feb. 1, 2007)
Province Wage
B.C. $8.00
Alberta  $7.00
Saskatchewan $7.55
Manitoba $7.60
Ontario $8.00
Quebec $7.75
New Brunswick $7.00
Nova Scotia $7.15
P.E.I. $7.15
Newfoundland $7.00
Northwest Territories $8.25
Nunavut $8.50
Yukon $8.25
Other provinces and territories gradually brought in
minimum wage legislation for women and men, with
Prince Edward Island being the last province to do so
in 1960. For many years, provinces also legislated
higher minimum wages for men than for women. The
prevailing thinking was that men deserved more pay
because the family's main breadwinner was usually
male. Gender-based minimum wage rates weren't
abolished in all provinces until 1974.

There used to be a federal minimum wage too. That
applied to workers whose jobs were covered under the
Canada Labour Code – like those in banking and the
railways. But in 1996, the current provincial or
territorial rates were adopted as the federal

At one point, many provinces also had higher minimums
for workers in urban centers than for those in rural
areas – a distinction that disappeared by the 1970s.

Currently, minimum wage rates in Canada vary by less
than $2 an hour between the highest and lowest
standards. The minimums generally do not automatically
increase according to the inflation rate, but are
adjusted on an ad-hoc basis by provincial and
territorial governments. On April 1, 2007, Yukon
becomes the first jurisdiction to peg annual increases
in its minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index. A few
provinces are bound by statute to review the minimum
wage standard every year or two, but none is required
to change it. Critics point out that the legislated
minimums have often not kept pace with inflation.

All provinces provide for fines for employers who pay
covered employees less than the prescribed minimums.

Are there exceptions to the basic minimum wage rates?

Yes, and lots of them. Millions of Canadian workers
are not covered by minimum wage laws. Self-employed
workers, independent contractors, students in training
programs, and salespeople paid exclusively by
commission are almost never covered in any province or

Most provinces also have their own rules that either
exclude some kinds of workers from minimum wage
coverage or allow lower minimum rates for some kinds
of workers.

Some provinces, for instance, allow employers to pay
less to workers who serve alcohol or otherwise accept
tips. Ontario is the only province that still allows
young workers to be paid less than adults. New
Brunswick says domestic workers and live-in care
workers aren't covered by minimum wage laws. In some
other provinces, domestics are covered, but nannies
aren't. Farm labour and homeworkers are usually not
covered, but there are exceptions there too. And
depending on the jurisdiction, camp counsellors,
hunting and fishing guides, and inexperienced workers
may also have lower minimum wage provisions.

Does the minimum wage prevent poverty?

Just about everyone agrees that a minimum wage is not
a living wage. It's virtually impossible to live
independently on $16,000 a year in any major Canadian

The Vanier Institute of the Family, in its 2005
submission to the Federal Labour Standards Review,
said the minimum wage in now "not even close" to being
a living wage. "No longer can a minimum wage employee
hope to provide for a family," it said. "Even two
minimum wages in a household will not protect its
children from the short-term and long-term
consequences of poverty." Similarly, research by
Campaign 2000 (which fights child and family poverty)
said 45 per cent of all low income children in 2002
lived in families where at least one parent worked

In 2005, the Canadian Labour Congress said a single
person working full-time in Canada needed an hourly
rate of at least $10 to reach a poverty-line income.
The CLC estimates that a quarter of all workers make
less than that. Women, visible minorities,
part-timers, people with disabilities, those with less
than a high school diploma, and recent immigrants are
over-represented in the lowest-paid ranks.

So what's the solution? Some say raising minimum rates
to $10 an hour is a good place to start. But the
Canadian Chamber of Commerce says higher minimum wages
cost jobs for young and unskilled workers. "It is
estimated that a 10 per cent increase in the minimum
wage results in a 2.5 per cent decline in employment,"
the Chamber said in a 2005 paper calling for changes
to the Canada Labour Code. The Chamber also cited
research that associated high minimum wage rates with
higher school dropout rates, as teenagers are
persuaded to leave school.

Others have suggested that simply raising the minimum
wage may not be the best poverty-fighting mechanism.
They suggest wage supplements for the working poor.
The labour movement also says it's no coincidence that
the lowest paid jobs are typically non-union. And
others say better wages will result when the quality
of jobs improves.

Main sources: Human Resources Development Canada
Database on Minimum Wages, Canadian Labour Congress,
Campaign 2000, Vanier Institute of the Family,
Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Statistics Canada.


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