Why is it almost nothing is written about this bill?

Bills Introduced to Restore Rights to Detainees
By Jeralyn, Section Terror Detainees
Posted on Thu Mar 08, 2007 at 11:04:00 PM EST
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Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and Congresswoman
Jane Harman (D-CA) just introduced House bills to
restore habeas corpus and other rights to the
detainees. They are the The "Habeas Corpus Restoration
Act of 2007" and "Restoring the Constitution Act of

The ACLU says:

"Congressman Nadler and Congresswoman Harman are true
patriots for standing up for Constitutional rights and
the rule of law," said Caroline Fredrickson, Director
of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office. "We urge
Congress to act quickly to restore due process and
correct the mistake it made in passing the Military
Commissions Act last year. The Nadler-Harman bills
reaffirm America’s commitment to fairness and

As to the two bills:

The "Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007" mirrors a
bill, S. 185, offered in the Senate by Senators
Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Arlen Specter (R-PA), the
chairman and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary
Committee. This bill would restore habeas corpus for
those detained by the American government.

The "Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007" would
also reinstate habeas rights and clarify the
definition of "enemy combatants." Additionally, it
would block the federal government from making up its
own rules on torture. The Geneva Conventions have
governed American behavior during war for decades. The
bill makes clear the federal government must comply
with the Conventions, and no one in the federal
government - not even the president -- can make up
their own rules on torture and abuse.

On why these bills matter:

"There is already clear evidence that some of those
held at Guantanamo Bay shouldn’t be there," said
Christopher E. Anders, an ACLU Legislative Counsel.
"These bills ensure that those being held by our
government are afforded basic due process rights. The
fact that innocent people are being held by our
government, without charge, is an affront to our
freedoms and values."

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