but it's cultural to a large extent, no? don't most people in Africa
like Black people, even when the craziness about blondes is taken into
account? I've read about literature that says that people are more
likely to marry those who look like their close relatives (and other
people they are familiar with).

(BTW, that type of study suggests that "racial" differences arise
(partly?) from "sexual selection" rather than the usual Darwinian

On 5/3/05, Doug Henwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jim Devine wrote:
> >who decides who's "ugly" and who's not? Ugliness is in the eye of the
> >beholder, isn't it?
> Did you ever read Hamermesh's stuff on beauty & the labor market?
> There was surprising agreement among a panel of raters on who was
> attractive and who wasn't. Apparently there's less variation among
> beholders than we'd like to think.
> Doug

Jim Devine

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