Re: Al Gore for overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2000

2004-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote:
You seriously misunderstand the nature of the conflict when you state that
"the US ruling class opted for war." The US ruling class was and remains
very divided over the invasion of Iraq, over whether it served or hurt US
strategic interests. I think its closer to the truth to characterize the
Iraq invasion as a hubristic adventure by the Bush administration, acting in
maverick fashion against the wishes of a large, probably major, part of its
own ruling class and the international bourgeoisie. That operation, as
anticipated, turned into a debacle, and the Bushites have since been reined
in and their early foreign policy doctrines discredited.
If the invasion went as well as the invasion of Panama or Grenada, there
would be no differences. The differences, such as they are, have not
been reflected in the choice of candidates. I don't recall huge amounts
of money being directed from Wall Street to Howard Dean.
I don't think you would argue the "sanctions were becoming ineffective" in
terms of the harm they were inflicting on the Iraqi population. It's true
that they had been ineffective in fostering the hoped-for coup, and were
being evaded and loosened in negotations through the UN. Nevertheless, it
doesn't follow from this (and there is no evidence to indicate) that a Gore
administration would have launched an invasion, especially when this would
have precipitated a rupture with its traditional and would-be allies and
weakened the authority of the UN, which the Democrats and many Republican
leaders properly view as a useful instrument of US foreign policy.
I have no idea what Gore would have done or not done. The main point I
was stressing was his counter-revolutionary appetites. How such an
execrable creature can be refashioned as some kind of leftist is beyond me.

Marxism list:

Re: Al Gore for overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2000

2004-08-07 Thread Marvin Gandall
Louis Proyect wrote:

> Marvin Gandall wrote:
> > Whether you think invasion/occupation versus sanctions/subversion
> > only a nuance of difference or is more significant than that is a matter
> > judgment, of course. Certainly, you can make a case that the sanctions
> > many lives -- perhaps as many or more than the invasion and subsequent
> > occupation. But I think, if forced to choose, the Iraqis would still
> > preferred to continue contesting and evading the sanctions rather than
> > occupation by an invading American army.
> Of course. That is why the US ruling class opted for war rather than
> sanctions. They were becoming ineffective. Wars are made by a class, not
> individuals by the way.
You seriously misunderstand the nature of the conflict when you state that
"the US ruling class opted for war." The US ruling class was and remains
very divided over the invasion of Iraq, over whether it served or hurt US
strategic interests. I think its closer to the truth to characterize the
Iraq invasion as a hubristic adventure by the Bush administration, acting in
maverick fashion against the wishes of a large, probably major, part of its
own ruling class and the international bourgeoisie. That operation, as
anticipated, turned into a debacle, and the Bushites have since been reined
in and their early foreign policy doctrines discredited.

I don't think you would argue the "sanctions were becoming ineffective" in
terms of the harm they were inflicting on the Iraqi population. It's true
that they had been ineffective in fostering the hoped-for coup, and were
being evaded and loosened in negotations through the UN. Nevertheless, it
doesn't follow from this (and there is no evidence to indicate) that a Gore
administration would have launched an invasion, especially when this would
have precipitated a rupture with its traditional and would-be allies and
weakened the authority of the UN, which the Democrats and many Republican
leaders properly view as a useful instrument of US foreign policy. As
Clinton has noted, and I believe this to be so, the Democrats would have
continued to work through the UN, prodding Blix and the inspectors to
disarm, humiliate, and neuter Saddam -- accepting this as a less certain,
but less risky, means of regime change than an invasion. They didn't have
the peculiar Saddam obsession of the Bushites, nor did they think it would
be easy to secure Iraq. Like you and I, the bipartisan foreign policy
establishment thinks more in terms of its overall class interests than

Marv Gandall

Re: Al Gore for overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2000

2004-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
Marvin Gandall wrote:
Whether you think invasion/occupation versus sanctions/subversion represents
only a nuance of difference or is more significant than that is a matter of
judgment, of course. Certainly, you can make a case that the sanctions cost
many lives -- perhaps as many or more than the invasion and subsequent
occupation. But I think, if forced to choose, the Iraqis would still have
preferred to continue contesting and evading the sanctions rather than face
occupation by an invading American army.
Of course. That is why the US ruling class opted for war rather than
sanctions. They were becoming ineffective. Wars are made by a class, not
individuals by the way.
Marxism list:

Re: Al Gore for overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2000

2004-08-07 Thread Marvin Gandall
Louis Proyect quoting the New Yorker article:

> The idea of overthrowing Saddam is not an idle fantasy-or, if it is,
> it's one that has lately occupied the minds of many American officials,
> including people close to George W. Bush. In 1998, during the period
> when Saddam was resisting the international inspection team that was
> trying to make sure he wasn't manufacturing weapons of mass destruction,
> Congress passed, and President Clinton signed, the Iraq Liberation Act,
> which made available ninety-seven million dollars in government aid to
> organizations dedicated to the overthrow of Saddam. Two of the act's
> co-sponsors were Senators Trent Lott and Joseph Lieberman-not peripheral
> figures on Capitol Hill. Clinton was unenthusiastic about the Iraq
> Liberation Act and has spent almost none of the money it provides, but
> Al Gore, during the Presidential campaign, put some distance between
> himself and Clinton on the issue of removing Saddam. In the second
> Presidential debate, after defending his Administration's Iraq record,
> he said, "I want to go further. I want to give robust support to the
> groups that are trying to overthrow Saddam Hussein."
But this -- the Iraq Liberation Act -- is old news. It's well established
that it was under the Clinton admin that the Iraq policy shifted from
containment to the overthrow of Saddam. But this was to be accomplished via
an internal military coup using Iraqi exile groups as a conduit, with the
conditions for such to be created by economic sanctions, acting in
conjunction with the UN and the Europeans. It was also, as the article
notes, a back burner issue for the Democrats.

As we know, the Republicans made overthrowing the Baathist regime a foreign
policy priority. They decided to invade and occupy Iraq with US forces,
forcefully breaking with the US foreign policy establishment, the UN, and
the Europeans over this matter. Gore, again as the article notes, continued
with the Clinton line of "support to groups" inside Iraq.

Whether you think invasion/occupation versus sanctions/subversion represents
only a nuance of difference or is more significant than that is a matter of
judgment, of course. Certainly, you can make a case that the sanctions cost
many lives -- perhaps as many or more than the invasion and subsequent
occupation. But I think, if forced to choose, the Iraqis would still have
preferred to continue contesting and evading the sanctions rather than face
occupation by an invading American army. To be sure, I haven't seen any
evidence of Iraqis shrugging their shoulders and dismissing the US invasion
as being "really no different" than the UN sanctions. I've only seen this
view expressed by a minority of the US left which appears to dismiss that
there are any differences within the American ruling class and between
states which can and should be exploited in the interest of the world's

Marv Gandall

Al Gore for overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2000

2004-08-07 Thread Louis Proyect
The New Yorker
January 22, 2001
Will the new Bush team's old memories shape its foreign policy?
Let's assume, just for argument's sake, that George W. Bush's Presidency
will have certain similarities to his father's-even that it will be a
continuation of his father's, with the added elements of a surer
political touch (especially in dealing with the conservative wing of the
Republican Party) and a predilection for settling scores with people who
did the old man wrong. The Presidential term limit has automatically
taken care of Bill Clinton, the dethroner of George H. W. Bush. So who
else might there be who was a major enemy to Bush Administration One,
and could be given a comeuppance in Bush Administration Two? Might not
the first name on the list be Saddam Hussein?
It is true that Bush One administered a swift and splendid thrashing to
Saddam in the Gulf War, but he is still defiantly in power in Iraq. His
longevity rivals Fidel Castro's-Saddam has effectively been running Iraq
since the Nixon Administration. In 1993, a year when Saddam was supposed
to be history and Bush was supposed to be President, Saddam tried to
have Bush assassinated. For almost ten years, the Bush One team has had
to endure the accusation, rich in retrospective wisdom, that it could
have nailed Saddam if only it had been willing to prosecute the Gulf War
for a few more days. Now two of the leading accusees, Colin Powell and
Dick Cheney, are assuming positions at the very top of the American
government, subordinate only to the firstborn son of another of the
leading accusees. Lots of other, lesser known Gulf War planners will
probably be high-level officials in the new Bush Administration.
The idea of overthrowing Saddam is not an idle fantasy-or, if it is,
it's one that has lately occupied the minds of many American officials,
including people close to George W. Bush. In 1998, during the period
when Saddam was resisting the international inspection team that was
trying to make sure he wasn't manufacturing weapons of mass destruction,
Congress passed, and President Clinton signed, the Iraq Liberation Act,
which made available ninety-seven million dollars in government aid to
organizations dedicated to the overthrow of Saddam. Two of the act's
co-sponsors were Senators Trent Lott and Joseph Lieberman-not peripheral
figures on Capitol Hill. Clinton was unenthusiastic about the Iraq
Liberation Act and has spent almost none of the money it provides, but
Al Gore, during the Presidential campaign, put some distance between
himself and Clinton on the issue of removing Saddam. In the second
Presidential debate, after defending his Administration's Iraq record,
he said, "I want to go further. I want to give robust support to the
groups that are trying to overthrow Saddam Hussein."
It is noteworthy that so many members of the Bush officialdom, including
Bush himself, have publicly toyed with the option of toppling Saddam,
because that is not the consensus position in the foreign-policy world.
In January of 1999, shortly after the passage of the Iraq Liberation
Act, Foreign Affairs published a devastating article called "The
Rollback Fantasy," which said that arming the Iraqi National Congress
"is militarily ludicrous" and "so flawed and unrealistic that it would
lead inexorably to a replay of the Bay of Pigs." Still, the idea keeps
coming up. Kenneth Adelman, the former head of the Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency and a member of the Cheney-Rumsfeld camp, told me,
"Ideally, the first crisis would be something with Iraq. It would be a
way to make the point that it's a new world."
The Washington headquarters of the Iraq-liberation cause is located in
the basement of a brick town house in Georgetown, where a man named
Francis Brooke, who constitutes the entire (unpaid) staff of the Iraq
Liberation Action Committee, lives with his wife and children. Not long
ago, I spent a morning with Brooke, who calls to mind a
twenty-years-older Holden Caulfield. He has neatly parted blond hair,
round wire-rimmed glasses, and a boy's open face, innocent manner, and
undimmed capacity for outrage. In 1992, Brooke got a job in London with
a public-relations agency run by a former Carter Administration
political operative named John Rendon. He was assigned to publicize
atrocities committed by Saddam Hussein, and was given a peculiarly high
budget (including compensation for him of nineteen thousand dollars a
month); Rendon wouldn't name the client. Brooke soon realized that he
was working for the C.I.A. He then maneuvered himself into the most
sensitive part of the operation, assisting the Iraqi National Congress.
The congress had just been set up, with blessings and funding from the
Bush Administration, which evidently had spent the better part of the
year following the Gulf War in the hope that Saddam would fall, and
then, realizing that he wouldn't, had settled on supporting an armed