On 6 April 2017 at 06:10, James E Keenan <jkee...@pobox.com> wrote:
> "[T]esting for what end users using the cpan toolchains will see" was
> precisely what I was focusing on in this exercise

Right. That's useful to /an/ audience. Its just not inherently useful
information for me.

Because this is a problem that will either be a problem for end users
outside the CPAN toolchain RealSoonNow ( for which there are many ),
and this problem will continue to be a RealProblem for the next few
years, and then it will become a SeriouslyBadRealProblem in the near
future when this workaround gets removed.

That's what you should be keeping firmly in mind here: This hack
doesn't fix problems, it suppresses them.

Its a tool we provide for users convenience as a compromise for how
much we have broken.

But from the context of people who are CPAN *authors*, these instances
should be considered "severe errors", despite the fact users can elide

For instance, you could wave your hand and pretend the MI-in-inc
problem didn't exist easily *weeks* ago, because Installing
Module::Install magically makes it go away ( which I suspect your
smoking rig ended up doing at some point as well, hiding that class of
error even though other people with the same tools as you would have
had broken UX )

And even in the absence of this env flag, you could have *kinda*
pretended there was no bug to see here by finding some other ENV
mechanism to reinsert '.' in @INC.

That doesn't change the reality that outside the scope of a whole 4
programs that people often use which implement this hack /instead of/
making the user do it, that these CPAN modules are now regretfully

Just the intersection you've optimised for is "regretfully broken but
with the right magic you won't see it"

To me, this is more a "well, we can sweep it under the carpet and the
room will look like I tied it, so no problem right?" answer to a
problem that needs a proper clean.

Its not *totally* useless, but its just very near-sighted in what its
utility really is.

( Those decaying morsels of food that should have been properly dealt
with will attract pests and rot, you wont' see them now, but you will
see them )


KENTNL - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL

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