I've just put a fix for this into CVS.


Robert May wrote:
OK, I think that I've narrowed it down. A readonly edit control sends a WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC message before re-drawing, rather than a WM_CTLCOLOREDIT message. In the former case the code sets the background mode to TRANSPARENT, which I think it should not be doing for an edit control - just not sure what the right change to fix it is :-)

I have also turned up an issue with the -noflicker option, where the text completely disappears (try adding -noflicker => 1 to the window creation of your script below). I suspect this is related.

I have raised 2 trackers for these issues:
https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1246429&group_id=16572&atid=116572 https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1246431&group_id=16572&atid=116572


Lloyd, Steve wrote:

The following Code demonstrates the problem.
Run the code.
Click on the button.
Use the scroll bar to scroll up.
Notice that the text all runs together.

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::GUI;
my $MainTitle = "Pauto Script Runner";
my $MainWidth=300;
my $MainHeight=300;
my $MainTop=300;
my $MainLeft=300;
our $MainWindow = new Win32::GUI::Window(
    -name   => "MainWindow",
    -text   => $MainTitle,
    -width  => $MainWidth,
    -height    => $MainHeight,
    -minsize  => [175, 120],
    -topmost => 1,
    -top    => $MainTop,
    -left    => $MainLeft,
our $Test=$MainWindow->AddTextfield(
    -name    => "ABC",
    -text    => "This is is a test ($MainWidth,$MainHeight)\r\n",
    -addstyle     => 0x1000,  #ES_WantReturn - allows the enter
key to work
    -name => "MyButton",
    -text => "ClickMe",
    -height  => 20,
    -pos  => [$MainWidth-100,$MainHeight-57  ],
sub MainWindow_Minimize {return 0;}
sub MainWindow_Maximize {return 0;}
sub MainWindow_Terminate {return -1;}
sub MyButton_Click{
    my $now=localtime();
    my $str="$now\r\nHello This is a test of the emergency broadcast
system and is only a test. Should this cause problems please report it
to the authorities.";
    my $mstr="$str"x10;

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert May [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 11:56 AM
To: Lloyd, Steve
Cc: perl-win32-gui-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [SPAM] - Re: Readonly TextEdit redraw problem. [Was: otther
thngs] - Bayesian Filter detected spam


If you can post a short example that exhibits the behaviour on your system, then I'd be happy to try it and see if I get the same behaviour here.


Lloyd, Steve wrote:

I have noticed that if scrolling in a Win32::GUI::Textfield set to readonly does not refresh the text properly.. Has anyone else seen this? It this something that could be fixed before the next release?


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Robert May
Sent: Thu 7/21/2005 6:23 PM
To: Frazier, Joe Jr
Cc: perl-win32-gui-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [SPAM] - Re: [win32gui] RE: [perl-win32-gui-users] Next

release [Was: System Tray problem after upgrade to v1.02 from v1.00] -
Bayesian Filter detected spam

Frazier, Joe Jr wrote:

I would have though that targeting a bug-fix only release for
a month's time might be realistic. I'd like to get the following done:
- fix as many of the trackers as possible
- get all the current sample code to work properly
- include all the examples from the tutorial (and check that they all work :-), fixing the tutorial as necessary
- work on the test suite
- get a semi-decent web-page up as our Homepage at SourceForge.

Hey, if possible, can someone come up with an example of using Win32::GUI with one or more background worker thread(s)?

Here's my threads example that I'm working on - funnily I was just
discussing it off-list.

#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

use threads;
use Thread::Queue;

# Win32::GUI is not very thread friendly, so ensure the worker thread # is created before you create any Win32::GUI objects print "Boss: Starting\n"; print "Boss: creating queues\n";
my $qd = Thread::Queue->new();
my $qu = Thread::Queue->new();
print "Boss: creating worker thread\n";
my $t = threads->new(\&worker);

my $working = 0; # set by the boss when the worker is working my $instruction = 1;

my $W = new Win32::GUI::Window (
    -pos => [100,100],
    -size => [200,200],
    -name => "MW",
) or die "Creating main window";

$W->AddButton (
    -text => "Execute Thread",
    -name => "But1",
) or die "Creating Button1";

# Timer is used to read results back from worker thread $W->AddTimer( "Tim1", 1000) or die "Creating Timer";


# tidy up
print "Boss: Sending kill to worker\n";
print "Boss: About to wait for worker\n";
my $r = $t->join();
print "Boss: worker completed after executing $r instructions\n";


sub But1_Click
    print "Boss: Button Clicked: starting worker ($instruction)\n";
    $working = 1;

    return 1;

sub MW_Terminate
    if($working) {
        print "Boss: Can't exit while worker is working\n";
        return 0;

    return -1;

sub Tim1_Timer
    #print "Boss: timer went off\n";

    if(my $val = $qu->dequeue_nb()) {
        print "Boss: worker finished instruction $val\n";

    return 1;

# The worker thread entry point
sub worker
    print "Worker: starting\n";
    my $count = 0;

    print "Worker: waiting for instructions\n";
    while(my $num = $qd->dequeue()) {
        print "Worker: got instruction $num\n";
        for my $i (0..5) {
            print "Worker:doing work ($i)\n";
        print "Worker: Done instruction $num\n";

    print "Worker: Terminating after $count instructions\n";
    return $count;

It wouldn't take much to turn it into a proper example. Does this seem like the right way to do it?

Something I would like to see for example would be a "list" of sites in say a Win32::GUI::Grid (or listview at worst case, if we want to

not use extensions in the examples) with one or more threads that
periodically(using a 20 second timer for example) connect to the sites
and measure response times to populate another column on the Grid.

Interesting idea - again it wouldn't be very difficult

I have seen one or two examples on the list for using threads, but it would be nice to have one in the core distribution.

Also, has anyone created a PPM for this release yet? If so, is it available on a repository, or only on the sourceforge site for


There's a PPM in the bribes repository
 |ppm install http://www.bribes.org/perl/ppm/Win32-GUI.ppd
(I haven't tested it)

I am also in dialog with ActiveState, and it *should* get in their
repository on their next build cycle (which was supposed to be last Tuesday night, but it doesn't look like it happened yet)


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