Sergey Cherniyenko wrote:
1. On each right click on tray icon I get following warnings

 Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at D:\perl_projects\ 
line 68.
 Argument "-notifyicons" isn't numeric in subroutine entry at 
D:\perl_projects\ line 68.
 Argument "_NotifyIcon100" isn't numeric in subroutine entry at 
D:\perl_projects\ line 68.
 Argument "-notifyicons" isn't numeric in subroutine entry at 
D:\perl_projects\ line 68.

I broke TrackPopupMenu in the V1.02 release. Please see an earlier message to this list for work-arounds:

2. Popup menu onClick handlers is not called.

You are missing the '-' on your onClick parameter definitions.

This works for me:

#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;

use Win32::GUI;

my $mw = Win32::GUI::Window->new(
        -name => 'mw',
        -size => [400, 400],
        -pos => [200, 200],
        -title => "FormsTest",
        -onTerminate => \&DoExit,
        -onMinimize => \&DoHideMe,
) or die "Creating mw failed";

my $popupMenu = Win32::GUI::Menu->new(
        "Options" => "Options",
        ">ShowMe" => {-name => "ShowMe", -onClick => \&DoShowMe},
        ">HideMe" => {-name => "HideMe", -onClick => \&DoHideMe},
        ">Exit"   => {-name => "Exit",   -onClick => \&DoExit}
) or die "Creating Menu failed";

my $icon_no = Win32::GUI::Icon->new('no!.ico') or die "Creating Icon failed"; my $icon_yes = Win32::GUI::Icon->new('yes!.ico') or die "Creating Icon failed";

my $ni = $mw->AddNotifyIcon(
        -icon => $icon_yes,
        -id => 100,
-onClick => sub{$mw->Enable(); $mw->Show(); $mw->Restore() if $mw->IsIconic();},
        -onRightClick => \&myTrack,
) or die "Adding notify icon failed";


sub DoShowMe {
  $mw->Enable() unless $mw->IsEnabled();
  $mw->Show()   unless $mw->IsVisible();
  $mw->Restore() if $mw->IsIconic();
  return 1;

sub myTrack {
  return 1;

sub DoHideMe {
  $mw->Hide() if $mw->IsVisible();
  $mw->Disable() if $mw->IsEnabled();
  return 1;

sub DoExit {
        return -1;

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