Don't read my last question.

We are humans...and sometimes we do/make stupid errors....   :(

  -----Mensaje original-----
  De: Guillem Cunillera Wefers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Fecha: dimecres, 5 / juny / 2002 20:46
  Asunto: [perl-win32-gui-users] Change Window properties from external module

  Hi again,

  In this case I would like to Disable a Window from a external module, I have 
declared a Window with "Our". 

  package Mailtool::gethttp;

  our $WindowGet = Win32::GUI::Window->new (

  Is this possible to change his properties externaly,
  I have tried thinks such as:

  package Mailtool::accesweb;

  use Mailtool::gethttp;

   if ($Mailtool::gethttp::WindowGet->IsVisible())

  but no results...

  The only way to do this is passing the WindoGet as a parameter ?


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