Jason P. wrote:
Jeremy White wrote:
Sometimes it fires the Activate, sometimes it doesnt...odd, and annoying to have it grab the cursor away, if only for brief moments, It can stop you typing at just the right time..

Very interesting example. I checked that the win32-gui show method is passing the correct parameters to the MS API function ShowWindow - and it is, so the problem is not there. The only thing I can think of is when you are manipulating the window one of the methods is somehow performing an implicit activate?

From looking at the code both Move() and Resize() use SetWindowPos without setting SWP_NOACTIVATE, so both calls will result in the window being activated. (If I understand the interaction between not using SWP_NOACTIVATE and using SWP_NOZORDER, which isn't exactly clear)

I came accross the AnimateWindow function:

That's definitely the way to go from what I have read (although I have never used it)

It appears that it is being called when I reset the size and position after hiding, and then again when the forced animation begins collapsing it down. Activate is not called again while it is collapsing, but then it already has active and focus while its doing this operation at high speed.

My thoughts are that it is somewhere doing this in the size and or location algorithms.

Both I believe.

While I have your ear regarding fancy features... Do you know of the method to display those little Tooltip messages that windows uses?

I'm not aware of perlTray (that you refer to in your other mail) - do you mean balloon tooltips? The ones that pop up looking like a speech balloon above the taskbar, sometimes with an icon in them? I seem to remember stumbling across some threads discussing this on the list - a search of the list archives might be in order?


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