Hi all,

I've been a lurker on this list for some time now (probably a year or more), but I finally got time in the last few weeks to start playing with Win32::GUI properly. Firstly can I thank the regulars for a great set of features, and to say what an improvement V1.0 is over what I had played with before.

I have been thinking about this wrapper idea for some time, as there are a number of useful 'widgets' that I would keep reusing, and think they could be packaged up for others to use. Initially I was thinking of GUI framework items: examples are splash screens, about boxes and the like, that virtually every UI wants in order to look professional, but is the almost the same over and over again. If nothing else these could serve as great examples of what can be done.

Whilst I don't have anything to contribute in this vein right now, I though this might be a good moment to introduce HyperLink.pm - a sub-classing of Win32::GUI::Label that acts as a clickable hyperlink:

Headline features are:
- change of cursor to 'hand' when hovering over the label
- by default text is blue rather than black
- by default text gets underlined when the mouse is hovering
- by default link gets launched in browser when clicked
- takes all options available to Win32::GUI::Label class
- all defaults can be turned off or otherwise controlled

There is more documentation in the file itself, and a demo script available at http://www.robmay.me.uk/win32gui/

Is this sort of packaging appropriate for others to use? I'd appreciate feedback on whether more 'widgets' like this might be useful.


Ariel Serbin wrote:

Thanks for the responses...

That's good to know about Text() on the comboboxes.
I've been doing it the other way, as well.
I'm not sure if there's any weirdness related to
having the 0-width column because I always do
fullrowselect.  I've thought about the shadow array
idea before and it is probably the best way to go. One of the benefits to having the hidden field is that
I can expand it when debugging my code, but that
doesn't seem to be a good reason to design the wrapper
in that manner.  Now that I think about it, the array
would probably be best for consistency, since there's
nowhere to hide a key field in the comboboxes.

I'm not exactly sure how I would like to implement
this either.  It would be cool to be able to do
something like:

# get some data
$sth = $dbh->prepare('select person_id, first_name,
last_name from people');


# call a method to assign ids and populate the LV.
# if called without a key field it could
# automagically assign ids


# suppose we have a button to remove items
# from the LV

btnRemove_Click {
$id = $lv_wrapper->id();
return 1;

The neat thing about the hashref idea is that columns
could be named just by setting the AS params in the
sql and everything would be taken care of.  This is a
decent model for when I'm building gui elements from a
DB, but it doesn't really match up to situations where
I build elements from an array of objects.

Any opinions?


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