Branch: refs/heads/blead
  Commit: 4c1e2e1d31d9f9ceab9a194e1e9b5f2bc30798f1
  Author: Graham Knop <>
  Date:   2022-01-19 (Wed, 19 Jan 2022)

  Changed paths:
    M t/porting/authors.t

  Log Message:
  fix commit calculations in authors porting test

For pull requests, the current commit is a merge commit simulated by
github. The first parent will be from blead - anything that has been
commited since the creation of the branch. The second parent will be the
last commit on the branch, which is what we want to test.

The commit range should be all of the commits in the second parent,
excluseding the first parent. We can use HEAD^1 and HEAD^2 for these.
The merge-base does not need to be precomputed, since the .. in the
commit range does that for us.

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