Branch: refs/heads/haarg/perlsub-whitespace
  Commit: 92803f624c2c83b6de57e602fbd6c636c54af5fb
  Author: Graham Knop <>
  Date:   2022-11-28 (Mon, 28 Nov 2022)

  Changed paths:
    M t/porting/podcheck.t

  Log Message:
  podcheck.t: clarify length requirement in verbatim sections

The error shown for verbatim text lines that are too long includes the
extra indentation from =over's, but doesn't say anything about the
indent of 4 being added to all lines. This results in output like:

  "Verbatim line length including indents exceeds 78 by"
    +1 (including 0 from =over's) near line 1824 of pod/perlsub.pod

when the reported line is only 75 characters long.

Improve the error by reporting the extra indent being applied to all

  Commit: b2bf5ecb8d141d3825dee780d1caea38aa4dd183
  Author: Graham Knop <>
  Date:   2022-11-28 (Mon, 28 Nov 2022)

  Changed paths:
    M pod/perlsub.pod

  Log Message:
  perlsub: normalize whitespace to use 4 space indents

The file was previously using a mix of indent styles. Some parts used 4
space indents, some used 4 space indents mixed with tabs. The file would
not be properly viewable with a tab width other than 8. This is normal
for many files in perl core, but they should all be fixed.

Normalize all of the indents to use 4 space indents consistently, with
no tabs.


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