On 2002.02.03 16:42 Trey Harris wrote:
> Given the following code:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -v
> use filetest 'access';
> foreach (@ARGV) {
>    print("Can", -x $_ ? "" : " NOT", " execute $_.\n");
> }
> __END__
> The filename being tested is printed at the point of filetest, i.e.  
> "Canfoo NOT execute foo.".  This is only true when the filetest pragma is
> in effect.  Comment the pragma, so that stat() rather than access() is
> used for filetests, and the output is as expected, i.e. "Can execute foo."
> or "Can NOT execute foo.".

The latest bleadperl gives me the correct answer: "Can NOT execute foo",
so it appears that this bug will be fixed in the next perl releases.

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