Re: backticks (or slash, maybe)

2004-04-19 Thread Angel Faus
Miércoles 14 Abril 2004 14:18, Juerd wrote: I propose to use ` as a simple hash subscriptor, as an alternative to {} and . It would only be useable for \w+ keys or perhaps -?\w+. As with methods, a simple atomic (term exists only in perlreftut, afaix, but I don't know another word to describe

Re: Funky «vector» operator

2004-03-19 Thread Angel Faus
Viernes 19 Marzo 2004 13:08, Andy Wardley wrote: I'm so happy! I just found out, totally by accident, that I can type the « and » characters by pressing AltGr + Z and AltGr + X, respectively. Apologies if this is common knowledge, but it was news to me, and I thought I'd share this little

Re: The Sort Problem (was: well, The Sort Problem)

2004-02-13 Thread Angel Faus
Friday 13 February 2004 15:02, Dan Sugalski wrote: If you're *really* looking to get fancy, why not just allow the sort specification to be done with SQL? Comfortable, well-understood, already has a decade or so of stupid things welded into it [...] Heck, you could even unify map, grep,

Re: OT: Will the State of the Onion be posted online?

2003-07-15 Thread Angel Faus
Monday 14 July 2003 05:56, Robert Spier wrote: Sorry for a slightly off-topic post, but will Larry's State of the Onion be posted online soon? Yes. -R Really? I can't find anything about TPC7 in this page.. -angel

Re: is static?

2003-03-19 Thread Angel Faus
block. Perhaps we should just go with that: property $foo = 0; Or whatever word we choose, I don't care: prop $foo = 0; What about: prof $foo; $foo = 0; Is this equivalent to prof $foo = 0? If it is not, I would claim this to be a major violation of the principle of

Re: [SUMMARY] A6: Type Inference (was Re: A6: Strict signature checking)

2003-03-14 Thread Angel Faus
Friday 14 March 2003 20:06, Michael Lazzaro wrote: 3) If an untyped var is used for a typed parameter, a simple dataflow analysis is used to determine whether the compiler can guarantee that, at that point, an untyped var will _always_ contain values of a known, specific type. If so, the type

Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Angel Faus
Damian Conway wrote: But large projects -- where typing will be most important -- *can't* deal with that. That's the point of typing: to specify and enforce interface contracts. At compile-time if at all possible. One quick question about this. If I write: sub foo (Bar $f) {..} my $x =

Re: Using imcc as JIT optimizer

2003-02-26 Thread Angel Faus
[ you seem to be living some hors ahead in time ] Yep, sorry about that. The problem stays the same: spilling processors to parrot's or parrots to array. Thinking a bit more about it, now I believe that the best way to do it would be: (1) First, do a register allocation for machine

Re: Using imcc as JIT optimizer

2003-02-25 Thread Angel Faus
I explained very badly. The issue is not spilling (at the parrot level) The problem is: if you only pick the highest priority parrot registers and put them in real registers you are losing oportunities where copying the date once will save you from copying it many times. You are, in some

Re: Using imcc as JIT optimizer

2003-02-25 Thread Angel Faus
Saturday 22 February 2003 16:28, Leopold Toetsch wrote: Gopal V wrote: If memory serves me right, Leopold Toetsch wrote: Ok .. well I sort of understood that the first N registers will be the ones MAPped ?. So I thought re-ordering/sorting was the operation performed. Yep. Register

Re: L2R/R2L syntax

2003-01-17 Thread Angel Faus
I have to wonder how many people actually like this syntax, and how many only say they do because it's Damian Conway who proposed it. And map/grep aren't specialized syntax, you could do the same thing with a sub with a prototype of (block, *@list). I have to say that I am not specially

Re: seperate() and/or Array.cull

2002-12-05 Thread Angel Faus
Michael G Schwern wrote: and that's just entirely too much work. I'd love to be able to do it with a grep like thing. (@switches, @args) = seperate /^-/, @ARGV; seperate() simply returns two lists. One of elements which match, one of elements which don't. I think Perl 6 will allow


2002-11-27 Thread Angel Faus
A few questions, about stuff I am not sure I got right. Sorry if this has already been resolved. - What is the default behaviour (without using any pragma) of 1/0? NaN or exception? - Are these correct? What will they do? my Int $i is bigint = 777_666_555_444_333_222_111; print $i;

Numeric literals, take 3

2002-11-27 Thread Angel Faus
Hi, This in an updated version of the numeric literals document. Hopefully it is consistent with Michael's summary, and with discussions on the list. The portions that were wrong (complex numbers, etc..) have been removed. Other parts (NaN, etc..) are still there, but I think that they

Re: Help! Strings - Numbers

2002-11-19 Thread Angel Faus
(E) We need to finalize what happens when a string isn't a number, or has additional trailing stuff. Damian gave his initial preference, but we need to verify set in stone: my int $i = 'foo'; # 0, NaN, undef, or exception? my int $i = '5foo'; # 5, NaN, undef, or exception?

RE: Continuations

2002-11-17 Thread Angel Faus
Damian Conway wrote: The formulation of coroutines I favour doesn't work like that. Every time you call a suspended coroutine it resumes from immediately after the previous Cyield than suspended it. *And* that Cyield returns the new argument list with which it was resumed. So you can write

RE: Numeric literals, take 1

2002-11-16 Thread Angel Faus
Why would Ci be a keyword? Its not in perl5, and I don't remember any discussion where non-real numbers would be part of the core language. My fault. For some strange reason I had a false idea that this had been said somewhere, and didn't check. Shame on me. -angel

Re: Numeric Literals (Summary)

2002-11-14 Thread Angel Faus
bin/oct/hex literals: 0b0110 # bin 0c0123 # oct 0x00ff # hex 0x00fF # hex, == 0x00ff 0x00FF # hex, == 0x00ff 0xf_f # ok 0x_ff # ok I thought that bin/oct/hex literals where deprecated in favour of explicit radix

Re: Literals, take 2

2002-11-14 Thread Angel Faus
Michael Lazzaro escribió: We should talk about this. My original proposal was to do this: (Case 1) base 2-10: use 0..9 (Case 2) base 11-36: use (0..9, a..z), but allow A..Z such that 0x00ff == 0x00FF which seems necessary, IMHO. (Case 3) base 37-62: use (0..9,a..z,A..Z),

Numeric literals, take 1

2002-11-14 Thread Angel Faus
Hi all, This is the numeric literals part, reformated to follow Michael's outline. It has some additions: - Complex numbers - Further explanation of NaN/Inf, with a tentative algebra table. - Caveats when using BigInts/BigRats There are some open questions, but I think I am finally not

Re: Literals, take 2

2002-11-14 Thread Angel Faus
Larry Wall escribió: : 1_2_3_4__5___6 (absurd, but doable) Nope, _ is allowed only between digits (counting a-f as digits in hex). Larry Mmm.. I thought that the whole purpose of creating a new mailing list was to prevent you from reading it. Not that I am against your presence

Literals, take 2

2002-11-13 Thread Angel Faus
Hi, Many thanks for all the feedback about the literals document. This new version integrates most of the changes. I've also added a subsection about Inf and NaN, directly coming from Michael's perlval. I've also changed the pod syntax to =section, as suggested. I've used the: =section **

Re: Outline: Numeric Types and Values

2002-11-13 Thread Angel Faus
Looks good. I'll rewrite the literals section to match this better outline. -angel

Literal Values

2002-11-12 Thread Angel Faus
I've written a frist version of the 1.1 - Literal Values subsection (in Michael's schema). It discusses the different ways of creating literal numbers and strings in perl6. There are no tests, and the format may be outdated. I will gladly resubmit this in a more complete form. I have

Re: Project Start: Section 1

2002-11-11 Thread Angel Faus
I very much dislike XML for writing. It'd be nice to use some kind of extended POD or something. Something that's mostly content, little structure. Formats with a lot of structure tend to be unproductive, and although the structure is useful, much of it is redundant and can be bypassed by

Re: Example outline for Section 1

2002-11-11 Thread Angel Faus
In my opinion, this outline puts too much weight on the first section. I would prefer it to be made of just the basic concepts and have forward references to the apropiate sections. For example: I wouldn't put the list of methods supported by each of the types in Section 1. Instead of this, I

Re: The eternal use XXX instead of POD debate (was: Project Start: Section 1)

2002-11-11 Thread Angel Faus
Monday 11 November 2002 20:40, Garrett Goebel wrote: The only consist support for something different than POD... was for something that is in fact very similar to, and in fact based upon POD: SDF. And the major arguments for

Re: branch dump

2002-11-11 Thread Angel Faus
Hmm wouldn't the JIT benifit from a pre knowledge of basic blocks and types or some information ? ... (I seem to think so ...). I would think so, because if, for example, the JIT wants to do a full register allocation to map parrot registers to machine registers, it would certainly need

RE: Initial notes

2002-11-09 Thread Angel Faus
Should start small. No tutorials until docs tests are done. No working on A3 until A2 behaviors are *locked*, to whatever extent that proves possible. Comments? I think that the best way would be to create an schema of a language manual, and fill the documents as we proceed reviewing

Re: perl6-lang Project Management

2002-11-07 Thread Angel Faus
1) We find a team of volunteers who are willing to own the task of converting each Apocalypse into a complete design. If nobody wants to write the Perl 6 user manual, then we might as well give up and go home now. So far we only need to find four, though, so it Might Just Work. I would

Re: perl6-lang Project Management

2002-11-06 Thread Angel Faus
We started off with an intense RFC process. This produced many good ideas, not-so-good ideas, and ideas with potential but desperately needing polish. If you'd like a recap, you might try MJD's article on the subject ( One of the major things

Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-30 Thread Angel Faus
LW said: :...- readline Iterate interator. Couldn't we go the python way and assume that .. is implicit in for statments: $fh = open(..); for $fh { # instead of for $fh print $_; } For explicit iteration, we could well do just with a .next method: while

Re: plaintive whine about 'for' syntax

2002-10-30 Thread Angel Faus
Wednesday 30 October 2002 22:08, Michael Lazzaro escribió: On Wednesday, October 30, 2002, at 12:48 PM, Dave Storrs wrote: for a; b - $x is rw; $y { $x = $y[5] }; I agree that it's an eyeful. How many of your issues could be solved if the above were just written: for (a;b) -

Re: [OT] Power of Lisp macros?

2002-10-25 Thread Angel Faus
Speaking about macros, I renember reading somewhere something about Scheme hygenic macros, but i didn't really understood it. Do they solve the maintenance problems of Lisp macros? Would they be applicable to perl? Thanks for any tips, -angel

Re: perl6 operator precedence table

2002-10-24 Thread Angel Faus
At the moment I like like the best, actually... like is beautiful for old-style regex matching, but I find it confusing for the new smart abilities: $varlike Class:Foo # $var is instance of Class:Foo $item like %hash # %hash{$item} is true $digit like (0..10) #

Re: Indeterminate math

2002-10-15 Thread Angel Faus
Mathematically, 1/0 is not +Infinity. It's undefined/indeterminate in the set of rational numbers. The IEEE may say otherwise. Mathematically, 1/0 is whatever you define it to be. And it is perfectly correct to assume that operations happen in the extended real line, and thus that 1/0 is

Re: Indeterminate math

2002-10-15 Thread Angel Faus
Mathematically, 1/0 is whatever you define it to be. Well, sure. That's as axiomatic as saying, mathematically, the number one is whatever you define it to be. But a mathematical system that has a definition which is inconsistent with the rest of the system is a flawed one. If you let

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Perl6 OO Cookbook, v0.1

2002-10-10 Thread Angel Faus
Hi, Many thanks Michael, this is very useful, really. I had lost all the OO discussion and this document is very helpful. I really like the part of context transformations, I hope something like this gets in. Just a silly note: Recipe 1.9: Using Subroutines as Objects Problem: You want

Re: Passing arguments

2002-09-20 Thread Angel Faus
Larry said: BTW, latest leaning is toward = rather than //= for parameter defaults, ... Horray! Sorry. Couldn't resist. :-) -angel Simple men are happy with simple presents

Re: Parrot: maximizing the audience

2002-09-04 Thread Angel Faus
Dan Sugalski wrote: At 7:40 AM -0400 9/4/02, John Porter wrote: Some folks seem to think that sufficient reason exists now. That's fine. You don't have to convince some folks. You have to convince me. Being ultra-pragmatic, the name change: - costs nothing - might make some folks happier

Re: core.ops ARGDIR

2002-09-03 Thread Angel Faus
Hi Leo, This should be - from my (imcc) POV - reflected by these IN/OUT settings: op set(in PMC, in INT) op set(in PMC, in STR) op set(in PMC, in NUM) op set(out PMC, in PMC) # ok, $1 points to $2 now # P[i] = x op set(in PMC, in intkey, in x) # P[KEY] = x op set(in

Encodings - Questions

2002-08-28 Thread Angel Faus
Hi, Now that we've got ICU in, I thought it may be time to revisit the encodings implementation. I am a clamorous ignorant is unicode/encodings issues, so please be patient with me. :) From what I have asked people at IRC, and what's on the list archives, my understanding of how parrot will

Re: Off-list discussions, was Re: imcc hack for perl6 regexes

2002-08-21 Thread Angel Faus
Sure, I have no problem with it. At one time someone suggested making a separate list for Parrot compilers, so I took it as a hint that maybe we were spamming. I am all for the creation of a new list for stuff such as imcc, and perl6 compilers. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]?) So people interested

Re: imcc hack for perl6 regexes

2002-08-21 Thread Angel Faus
c) imcc becomes a middle level language. I never meant it to be an assembler. In practice intermediate languages provide other constructs such as aggregate type definition that are not available in the assembler. type i : packed int[32] type r : record { foo : int, bar : string } This

Re: [perl #15797] [PATCH] Regex speedup (with docs)

2002-08-19 Thread Angel Faus
Sunday 18 August 2002 00:38, Simon Cozens wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Sugalski) writes: Has someone looked at and maybe committed this? The reason I asked which pieces of Parrot were prototypes was because optimizing the hell out of something that's only a prototype is nothing short of


2002-07-22 Thread Angel Faus
Sunday 21 July 2002 21:34, Dan Sugalski wrote: No. They are not. You're missing the important case where the data structure is inherently and intrinsically multidimensional. my int Array foo : dimensions(3); foo[1;2;3] = 12; Or whatever the syntax is in perl to declare a 3D array

Perl6 currying

2002-05-18 Thread Angel Faus
Hi, I was reading Damian's new excellent diary entry in which he explains the new currying syntax for Perl6. (For the lazy ones it's reachable at This new feature allows to partially fill place-holder functions, such as: my div = {$^x /

RE: Globals

2002-02-13 Thread Angel Faus
Dan wrote: Yep, I've seen their plans. It's less an issue for us, at least as far as globals are concerned, since we'll be doing that with lexicals. (Python not having lexicals, after all) Globals are a bit more interesting, since bytecode-loaded modules can't guarantee global positions, since

RE: PMCs, setting, and suchlike things [forward from p6-internals]

2002-02-13 Thread Angel Faus
my $plain = $c - $d : Math::Complex # 3.0 + 0i sqrt(2 : Math::Integers) # - exception or not-a-number Not a bad idea,. I beleive that the perl6 adjective operator (for functions) will be a semicolon, not a colon. I'm not sure how it is planned to apply it to operators. Its also

RE: [pythonesque] vtable ideas

2002-02-03 Thread Angel Faus
These methods are provided so that we can play with native types in our bytecode then send them to our pmc, as otherwise every constant in our code would have to be a PMC, which is a little excessive. Things like a complex number will be represented by either a PMC class (very likely for

[pythonesque] vtable ideas

2002-02-02 Thread Angel Faus
for it. Angel Faus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: parrot rx engine

2002-01-30 Thread Angel Faus
), will also be too slow (as Brent Dax showed me when we where discussing our two regex opcodes designs). Just my 2 cents (of euros) :) --- Angel faus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Perl6::Tokeniser

2002-01-30 Thread Angel Faus
Simon wrote: : Have you an idea about what will be the 'final' : parser for the Perl 6 compiler ? (LALR(1), like Perl 5 ?) : :Yep, LALR1, probably yacc generated. I recall reading somewhere that Perl6 was going to be parsed by something very much like Parse::RecDescent, just that faster. ¿has

RE: [ Re: ^=~]

2002-01-23 Thread Angel Faus
the following be correct perl6? @sorted_by_size = - $file { [$file, -s $file] } .sort - @a, @b { @a[1] = @b[1] } .map - @pair { @pair[0] } -- Angel Faus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Apoc4 - A little wish

2002-01-19 Thread Angel Faus
is doing a great job of taking the coolest things of other languages and integrating them into a choerent design, so i do have a hope. [:)] This is of course related to Ruby's iterators, that take a somehow opposite solution to solve a similar problem. - Angel Faus [EMAIL

Re: Apoc4 - A little wish

2002-01-19 Thread Angel Faus
Sorry for the 4 times posts, i was testing a new mail program and it didn't prove too good. Now i feel so ashamed :-[ -angel

[PATCH] multimethod ops

2001-11-27 Thread Angel Faus
. This patch should make it. I have not included STRING arguments, because I don't know which multimethod should be called (native, unicode or other). Tests are updated too. Sincerly, Angel Faus [EMAIL PROTECTED] Description: Binary data

RE: PMC Classes Preprocessor

2001-11-26 Thread Angel Faus
to add new methods in vtable.tbl, without worrying about old ..pmc files. btw, sorry for that silly Text::Balanced dependency. I stupidly assumed it was a standard module without checking. Sincerly, --- Angel Faus [EMAIL PROTECTED] Description: Binary data

Re: [Proposal] Regex documentation

2001-11-25 Thread Angel Faus
my proposal... Probably there is no way to catch up, but I would like to see it anyway. Meanwhile, I'll shut up my mouth and update regex.pod to reflect your proposal. Sincerly, --- Angel Faus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Psyco - Python specializing compiler

2001-11-20 Thread Angel Faus
:// ; they have some very nice documents that explain all with a great detail. I wonder whether Parrot could stole some ideas of this.. Just mi half a cent. -Angel Faus [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A serious stab at regexes

2001-11-10 Thread Angel Faus
by Jeffrey Friedl in the Mastering Regexs book claiming that it would be much faster) How agressive are we going to be with this kind of optimitzations? Or are we going to rely in a very smart JIT compiler? --- Angel Faus [EMAIL PROTECTED] diff -crN parrot_current/parrot/Parrot

RE: Portability update

2001-11-06 Thread Angel Faus
A fresh checkout (both after and before Dan's portability patch) gives me a lot of failed tests on cygwin. ¿Is it me or is it really a problem? Dan said it's tested on cygwin... $ make test Failed TestStatus Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed

RE: A serious stab at regexes

2001-11-05 Thread Angel Faus
Hi Brent, # I have been uncapable of expressing nested groups or # alternation with your model, and I would say that this # is because the engine needs some way to save not only # the index into the string, but also the point of the # regex where it can branch on a backtack. I've been a bit

Re: A serious stab at regexes

2001-11-04 Thread Angel Faus
Brent Dax : Okay, this bunch of ops is a serious attempt at regular expressions. I had a discussion with japhy on this in the Monastery (, and I've come up with something flexible enough to actually (maybe) work. Attached is a patch to

Re: Experimental regex support

2001-11-02 Thread Angel Faus
::pasm { die unimplemented \n; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME BabyRegex - compiles a regular expression down to Parrot bytecode =head1 SYNOPSIS use BabyRegex; BabyRegex-new($REx)-pasm; =head1 SEE ALSO The CYAPE::Regex documentation. =head1 AUTHOR Angel Faus [EMAIL PROTECTED

Experimental regex support

2001-11-01 Thread Angel Faus
, --- Angel Faus [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1814a1815,1882 AUTO_OP matchexactly(sc, s, i, ic){ STRING* temp; if (string_length($2) = $3) { RETREL($4); } temp = string_substr(interpreter, $2, $3 , string_length($1), NULL

RE: Revamping the build system

2001-10-22 Thread Angel Faus
programming your own Task classes. This article: does a very good job at giving you a feeling of how it works. In my limited expierence, this is something very similar to what we would need for parrot/perl6. Just my half a cent, Angel Faus