Allison Randal is the new Project Manager

2004-02-19 Thread Nathan Torkington
Hi, folks. As has probably been obvious to most of you, I've been really busy with my O'Reilly day job and haven't had time to attend to Perl 6 and Parrot business. With no prompting, Allison Randal stepped forward and has been taking on more and more of the day-to-day running of the show.

Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-07 Thread Nathan Torkington
Piers Cawley writes: I got some mail from a publisher off the back of my 'Not Just for Damians' article asking if I'd like to write a perl 6 book for them. Must reply really. Sure, I'd be glad to write about perl 6. Do you also want to know the next Lotto numbers, who'll win the Grand

Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-06 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: As mentioned in my other mail, I also edit for O'Reilly and Associates, who probably do have commercial interest in the development of Perl. The other ORA editors keep asking me should we sign more Perl 5 books? Is Perl 6 going to kill our sales? and I keep

Re: What is wrong with GCC's register transfer language?

2001-12-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Terrence Brannon writes: And then just write a RTL-JVM and RTL-CRL converter? I think it's time to collet these questions into a FAQ. Any volunteers? Nat

PMC support

2001-11-08 Thread Nathan Torkington
I haven't seen much activity surrounding this. I figured there'd be a flood with everyone writing support for their own favourite data types. What's up? Nat

HOW-TO write tests

2001-11-07 Thread Nathan Torkington
I want to see a document that says how Parrot implementers should write tests for the features they implement. Does *anyone* understand how to do this? If so, could you please step forward and write such a document and become a hero. I imagine a test writing HOW-TO would cover: * structure

Re: Schedule of things to come

2001-10-29 Thread Nathan Torkington
John Siracusa writes: I think we're due out in reasonably good alpha/beta shape for the summer. Heh, the phrase suitable vague springs to mind... :) There's a good reason for that, for why I've tried hard to avoid giving promises of when things would be ready. Have you seen Apache 2 and

Re: Schedule of things to come

2001-10-23 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: Okay, here's a tentative list 'o stuff that is in the works for Parrot 0.03 (and possibly 0.04): *) Scalar PMCs *) Simple I/O *) Multiple interpreter thread creation *) A simple arena allocation system *) Garbage collection Sweet! I guess Simon and you should

Re: The core platforms list

2001-09-19 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 01:22:04PM +0200, H. Merijn Brand wrote: Can't open perl script t/harness: No such file or directory MANIFEST? (using most recent parrot-nightly) Don't use parrot-nightly; use the snapshots from So parrot-nightly will only be

Constant comparisons

2001-09-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
I wanted to be able to say eq I1, 15, label1, label2 That is, to compare against a constant. I've implemented versions of the comparison opcodes that let you compare against constants. This is my first patch to Parrot. Be merciful :-) Nat (also working on test system ... stay tuned)

Re: coding standards

2001-09-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs writes: I will try to watch things as they go in and make coding standard changes immediately from now on so we don't have such a massive change. Alternatively, pumpkings could refuse to apply patches that don't conform. One or two goes around and people will learn to

RE: Constant comparisons

2001-09-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Gibbs Tanton - tgibbs writes: It seems to me that this might eventually get out of hand...could there possibly be some way to automate the generation of a family of opcodes? For example: Hear hear, the same thing occurred to me. The way that there are separate functions for each argument

Re: CVS update mailing list

2001-09-14 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: So maybe the best thing would be for people to send patches to the list and Cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] I wonder if, when RT comes online, we could use that to manage the patches. In other words, patches become open to do items, which are cleared when the patches are

Re: #include config.h or #include parrot/config.h

2001-09-13 Thread Nathan Torkington
Andy Dougherty writes: #include config.h rather than #include config.h Isn't the correct solution to this problem to say #include parrot/config.h That is, include the subdirectory prefix in all #includes. You -I the directory containing parrot/, and that avoids randomly located

Re: Muddled Boundaries - Perl 6 vs Parrot

2001-09-11 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: I am in two minds here. I want to have Parrot_... prefices on functions even if they're *not* completely necessary /pour encourager les autres/. However, I don't want to go the way of opening up everything in a public API righht now, because once you've exported a

Re: Muddled Boundaries - Perl 6 vs Parrot

2001-09-10 Thread Nathan Torkington
Bryan C. Warnock writes: It's not a prioirty, but it's so much easier to walk the correct path from the start. Since it's all Parrot, it's even easier. I agree. How about this: when the code is available (i.e., this afternoon), why don't you sit down with whoever else feels passionately

Re: Muddled Boundaries - Perl 6 vs Parrot

2001-09-10 Thread Nathan Torkington
Bryan C. Warnock writes: Like I said, just things to keep in mind. There's a slight difference between designing and coding Parrot as an interpreter backend, and coding it as a backend to Perl that other languages can use. (I'm in favor of the latter, though public opinion seems to favor

Re: An overview of the Parrot interpreter

2001-09-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Sam Tregar writes: If our PMC is a string and has a vtable which implements Perl-like string operations, this will return the length of the string. If, on the other hand, the PMC is an array, we might get back the number of elements in the array. (If that's what we want it to do.) Ok,

Where's da code?

2001-09-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon and Dan have been teasing you, I know. I'm holding them back from releasing what they have until: 1) We have a CVS server running. (Ask has done this and is now working on anonymous access). 2) We have a bugtracking system. (We're currently thinking of Bugzilla). 3) We have a

Re: Should MY:: be a real symbol table?

2001-09-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: Needless to say, this makes the optimizer's job... interesting. On the other hand, it does allow for some really powerful things to be done by code at runtime. The big thing I want it for is so I can write # - turn on strict and


2001-08-27 Thread Nathan Torkington
We're about to have a tarball of basic interpreter source (no compiler yet, only an assembler). Dan's already run into portability problems, and once it comes out we're going to need to start working on the configuration and build system. Jarkko, are you still interested in leading this? (I'm

Re: Something to hash out

2001-08-26 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: I was using .pas and .pac. Gotta think about 8.3ness, unfortunately. .pas is generally Pascal. I also think it's important we choose extensions based around their humour potential. With that in mind, I propose: .par for Parrot source, and .pao for Parrot Objects would

Anyone here with Sourceforge experience?

2001-08-25 Thread Nathan Torkington
I'd like to keep the code on Sourceforge from the get-go. I don't have much experience with Sourceforge, though, and would like to talk to someone who has. Which bits work well? Which bits aren't worth the effort? Any tips or tricks to pass on? Thanks, Nat

Re: Per-object inheritance in core a red herring?

2001-06-29 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: Doing it properly in a module is significantly more of a pain than doing it in the core. Faking it with a module means a fair amount of (reasonably slow) perl code, doing it in the core requires a few extra lines of C code in the method dispatch opcode function.

Python on Unicode etc.

2001-06-22 Thread Nathan Torkington
This is from the latest python-dev summary. It might be of interest to folks considering how to store strings. * Adding .decode() method to Unicode * Marc-Andre Lemburg asked for opinions on adding a .decode method to unicode objects:

Re: perl6-modules list?

2001-06-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
Kirrily 'Skud' Robert writes: I would like to set up a perl6-modules to discuss this topic, which I believe is separate from the question of what goes into the standard library. After talking with Skud, it sounds like it's not yet perl6 specific. I'd suggest a [EMAIL PROTECTED] list for


2001-06-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Anyone seen this? It has a little of the flavour of what we're going to do. Nat

Re: perl 6 mailing lists status

2001-05-27 Thread Nathan Torkington
Bryan C. Warnock writes: What are we going to do with the myriad mailing lists the RFC process spawned? Are they going to be recycled come design/implementation time, or are they closed/dead/gone. has them all listed as current (even though deadlines expired

Re: Master-Apprentice and a sneak peek

2001-05-21 Thread Nathan Torkington
Not to speak for Dan, but there's no code yet to review or learn from. I'd love to see someone set up a perl *5* apprentice program, and Mark-Jason Dominus has some ideas on how it might work. For perl6, though, we're not yet at a place where I think it makes sense. Right now there's so little

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stephen P. Potter writes: For example, take a look at Camel1. It was a small book; you could carry it around without building up huge biceps. You could reasonable read it in a couple of days and get started with perl. I tried to get us to maintain that in Camel2, but it grew to almost 700

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stephen P. Potter writes: | You don't need to know any of the modules in CPAN to use perl, but once | you learn how to use, your productivity will most | probably increase dramatically. Just like knowing how to use the | documentation will make you more productive. The

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stephen P. Potter writes: Objection, your honor! This is a logical extention of part of the discussion. If we're discussing what is wrong with perl5 to make perl6 better differentiating between philosophies is quite on target. The corner of the discussion about and broken

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stephen P. Potter writes: Atoms- Unicode. If everything is Unicode, you're going to have to grok Unicode (at least tangentally) to be able to use perl. Others have well dealt to this. RFC 161- Everything becomes an object. Filehandles are more object oriented in Perl6, and the special

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-17 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dave Storrs writes: While it may be true that beginners don't need to use a particular feature--or even know about it--how will they know that until they have studied it? Documentation. A curriculum, roadmap, suggested path, whatever. Nate Wiger's working on a man page to explain

Re: Damian Conway's Exegesis 2

2001-05-16 Thread Nathan Torkington
Ariel Scolnicov writes: Am I the only one here who's confused? How does the printing happen in the correct order? I mean, if I said my $x = Post order: show($root, $post)\n; print $x; then (I hope) we're agreed printing would happen in the *wrong* order (first the output of

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-16 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: People think they *must* know all the core bits of a language, and they think that consists of all the stuff we ship with perl. (And, let's face it, we ship a *lot* of stuff with perl) It's like you're not allowed to know only a part of a language anymore--that's

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-16 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dave Storrs writes: SARCASM=EXTREME Everyone, please try to stop the downhill descent of the conversation. This is not just Dave, but others in the thread too. I'm trying to understand what people fear, and why they fear it, so that I know how to respond. Ridiculing, inflaming, or

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-16 Thread Nathan Torkington
Bryan C. Warnock writes: I think the biggest fear isn't that Perl is going to grow out of its niche, but that it's going to outgrow it. It's great that Perl has been able to expand to be so many things to so many people, but not at the expense of forgetting its roots - of the whole Right

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-16 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dave Storrs writes: 1) One of the great strengths of Perl is that its learning curve is very shallow but very long. Adding more stuff to the language makes the curve steeper, because you need to hold more in your head as you learn it. I see those as orthogonal. I can add more to the

Re: perl5 to perl6

2001-05-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stephen P. Potter writes: This is quite a simple little script. The majority of the changes that are being talked about won't ever show up in this. It'd be nice if you could show something a little more complex. The point I was making is that the perl4 stuff won't change significantly.

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Stephen P. Potter writes: It seems to me that recently (the last two years or so) and especially with 6, perl is no longer the SAs friend. It is no longer a fun litle language that can be easily used to hack out solutions to problems. It is now (becoming) a full featured language, quite at

Damian Conway's Exegesis 2

2001-05-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Damian's writing a series of articles parallel to Larry's Apocalypses. These Exegesis articles will show full perl6 programs, with commentary exlaining the new features. The first Exegesis (numbered 2, to keep in sync with Larry) shows a perl6 version of a binary tree program from the Perl

Re: Damian Conway's Exegesis 2

2001-05-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Edward Peschko writes: Ok, question here. Are these exegesises 'blessed'? What is open to debate on this? As Simon says, ask whatever questions you want. print Post order: ; show($root,$post); print \n; would be better off written as: print Post order: show($root, $post)\n; wouldn't

Re: Damian Conway's Exegesis 2

2001-05-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: On Tue, May 15, 2001 at 03:47:36PM -0700, Mark Koopman wrote: i think that's the idea...they have similar meanings, so they should do similar things. hey it's the English language, i'll leave it up to someone else to come up with the 7 other ways to prove ownership of

Re: Damian Conway's Exegesis 2

2001-05-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Edward Peschko writes: Exactly. This has not been finalized in an Apocalypse - hence the question whether or not it has been 'blessed'. So - has this decision been made? I've heard Larry saying things that make me think strict and -w will not be on by default. I'll leave it to him to

Re: Damian Conway's Exegesis 2

2001-05-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dave Storrs writes: at first I was alarmed and a bit appalled at a lot of the changes...e.g., the 'HASH $tree is rw' parameter declaration. Jesus, I thought if I wanted a typed languaged, I'd use C++. The more I read, however, the more I became convinced that these were actually elegant

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-10 Thread Nathan Torkington
Michael G Schwern writes: It might be useful to draw up a list of functions and features which we don't plan on changing? Maybe just run through each Perl 5 man page and highlight everything that will still be the same and post this somewhere? Damian's converted a program from the Cookbook

Re: Perl, the new generation

2001-05-10 Thread Nathan Torkington
Michael G Schwern writes: 5.6.0 style was jarring enough (and fairly well justified). Its been so long since we've had an integer increment that it should be fairly shocking. And we can always think of a scheme for codenames, and have that scheme be the theme for perl6. Hmm, if perl5 was

Re: perl5 to perl6

2001-05-10 Thread Nathan Torkington
Nathan Torkington writes: Here's a program I use to count messages in my mailfile: My point being that perl6 is not a bizarre froofroo language bearing no relationship to perl5, and that all the good stuff from perl5 will be alive and kicking in perl6. I think a lot of the panic here

perl5 to perl6

2001-05-10 Thread Nathan Torkington
Here's a program I use to count messages in my mailfile: #!/usr/bin/perl -w while () { if (($who) = /^From\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+\s+\S+)/) { @r = reverse split ' ', $who; $r[0] = sprintf(%02d, $r[0]); $count{@r}++; } } foreach (sort keys %count) { printf(%s:

Re: apo 2

2001-05-04 Thread Nathan Torkington
Michael G Schwern writes: $foo has true doesn't flow as well as $foo is true. Dunno quite what the other expected uses are. $foo has truth; # :-) This leads naturally to: $foo has the_buddha_nature; $foo has ten_days_to_live; $foo has meddled_in_my_affairs_one_too_many_times! # !

Apocalypse 2 is up

2001-05-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Larry's Second Apocalypse (that's part 2 of his travels through the Camel writing about what will change in perl 6) is on the web at: Enjoy! Nat

Re: Tying Overloading

2001-04-23 Thread Nathan Torkington
Larry Wall writes: wanted, you still get the length. If you're worried about the delayed operation, you can force numeric context with $x = +@tmp;, just as you can force string context with a unary ~. How often are you likely to do this? Speaking as a reader of code, I've always hated unary

Re: Larry's Apocalypse 1

2001-04-09 Thread Nathan Torkington
I don't think that extreme positions (minimalist! bloater!) helps here. I think the important question to ask about any given feature is: what will it let me do? Features with no good answer to this question obviously have no place in core. Attempting to align with one or another

Re: Larry's Apocalypse 1

2001-04-06 Thread Nathan Torkington
Andy Dougherty wrote: Yes, precisely. I often have one-liners embedded in larger shell scripts. Most of those survived the perl4-perl5 transition intact. I'd hope the same can be said for the perl5-perl6 transition. This is exactly the situation that Larry mentioned on Wednesday as an

Larry's Apocalypse 1

2001-04-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Not a comment at all on it? Was I accidentally unsubscribed to perl6-language? *tap* *tap* is this thing on? Nat


2001-04-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Title: [25]RFC 73: All Perl core functions should return objects [...] I'm thinking that the solution is better abstract type support for data values that happen to be represented internally by C structs. We get bogged down when we try to translate

Re: Larry's Apocalypse 1

2001-04-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Peter Scott wrote: Some of us got to reading Damian's design for Perl 5+i which was announced at the same time and are suffering from blown minds after learning how fast he wrote the thing. Consider how blown his mind is after WRITING it :-) Oh, and who put him up to that, eh? I'm sure I'd

Apocalypse 1 from Larry

2001-04-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Larry's approaching perl6 through the Programming Perl book (the Camel). He's going chapter by chapter through the Camel, writing documents about the perl6 equivalent concepts. These missives are known as "Apocalypses", for reasons best known to Larry. :-) He's churning through the RFCs,

Apocalypse 1 from Larry

2001-04-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Larry's approaching perl6 through the Programming Perl book (the Camel). He's going chapter by chapter through the Camel, writing documents about the perl6 equivalent concepts. These missives are known as "Apocalypses", for reasons best known to Larry. :-) He's churning through the RFCs,

Re: Not revisiting the RFC process (was: RFC 362...)

2001-02-22 Thread Nathan Torkington
What bothers me about the idea of reopening the RFC proces is that the RFCs we have are already overwhelming. I think one reason we haven't seen anything from Larry yet is that the RFCs cover an enormous area, but in a disconnected and difficult to summarize and use form. I don't think there's

Re: State of PDD 0

2001-02-20 Thread Nathan Torkington
Bryan C. Warnock writes: Ask, all, are we reusing perl6-rfc as the submittal address, or will there be a new one (perl-pdd)? I'm in favour of renaming to reflect the new use of the list. Dan? Nat

Re: State of PDD 0

2001-02-20 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan Sugalski writes: I've been thinking since I sent my last mail on this that we might actually want to leave the two (PDD RFC) separate. Keep on with the RFCs for 'external' things, and PDD for the actual internals implementation of things. Ultimately, I think we're going to need at

Re: HELP: Trying to locate information about Perl 6 Language

2001-02-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
Espen Harlinn writes: I'm trying to locate information about the Perl 6 Language, i.e. what changes are proposed to the Perl language and so on. Can anyone point me in the right direction ??? In case anyone else is wondering: Nat

Re: Art Of Unix Programming on Perl

2001-02-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Kirrily Skud Robert writes: Wasn't he meant to be keeping us up to date with snippets of what he's doing/thinking about? I recall Nat posting a couple of months ago that he'd talked to Larry and Larry had said he'd do this. I think the problem is that the RFCs aren't really a list of the

Re: Art Of Unix Programming on Perl

2001-02-11 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: okay. i quit. Well, hm. I'd rather we actually made something positive out of this. Apologizing would be a good place to start. As many folks have pointed out, it's hard to find capable intelligent volunteers. And you just chased one away, a reprehensible act of

Re: Art Of Unix Programming on Perl

2001-02-11 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: I did say that I retracted my remarks. Just speaking for myself, I'd rather see an apology. A retraction is impersonal, but an apology implies you regret it. If I appear to be hounding you about it, it's because I'm appalled. I expect sensitivity and courtesy from

Re: JWZ on s/Java/Perl/

2001-01-28 Thread Nathan Torkington
Jarkko Hietaniemi writes: True, but you can't do any of all that without knowing the platform accurately (nontrivial and requires core mod or XS). Once that's done, the rest is just a matter of extending File::Spec (trivial and pure Perl). Trivial? *cough* *snigger* If it was

Re: no one is asking for Perl to be GPL-only (was Re: licensingissues)

2001-01-14 Thread Nathan Torkington
Chris Nandor writes: (Indeed, it is quite unfortunate that there are so many modules on CPAN that have chosen Artistic-only or GPL-only.) I think it is unfortunate that anyone would think someone else's choice of license is unfortunate. :) I can't even remember the topic we're supposed to

Re: no one is asking for Perl to be GPL-only (was Re: licensing issues)

2001-01-14 Thread Nathan Torkington
Chris Nandor writes: Seeing as how the RFC process is done, I don't think there is a conclusion to be had in this forum, at this point. And I have trouble seeing how watching you and Brad go back and forth is going to do anything other than raise my blood pressure :-) Perhaps it's time for

Re: We should have some YAPC talks on Perl 6

2001-01-12 Thread Nathan Torkington
John van V writes: If is unacceptable for some reason I can easily create a mailing list on Thanks for the offer, but I don't think we'll need it. I think we're hampered right now by the fact that we don't know much about what perl6 is going to look like. Until we get

We should have some YAPC talks on Perl 6

2001-01-11 Thread Nathan Torkington
--- start of forwarded message --- # CFP in English, followed by French (see below) # Third North American YAPC: First Call for Participation Yet Another Society calls for your participation in

Re: Exposing regexp engine compiled regexp's

2001-01-06 Thread Nathan Torkington
Damian Conway writes: I once wrote a C++-based regex engine (much simpler than Perl's!) just like this. I once brutalized Henry Spencer's engine into telling me when I was on my way to a match. This was for a UI: I wanted to be able to say that the input should only match this RE, and if they

Compiler theory text available

2000-12-28 Thread Nathan Torkington
I browsed this books on the shelves at Barnes and Noble and remember mocking it because of the section on "what makes a successful language" (orthogonal, minimal, clearly defined, ...). While we won't be using C++, it looks like this might be an interesting read if you're interested in learning

Re: [Fwd: Re: [FWP] sorting text in human-order]

2000-12-27 Thread Nathan Torkington
John Porter writes: Perl6 ought to support pluggable sort algorithms, just as Perl now supports pluggable comparison functions. By "pluggable" you mean that sort() should be overridable? Nat

Bozo bit

2000-12-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
Here's a quote from Jim McCarthy's "Dynamics of Software Development" that seems relevant given the recent fracas on perl6-language-regexp: Someone once asked me, "What's the hardest thing about software development?" I didn't hesitate. "Getting people to think." Believe it or not, most

Larry update

2000-12-18 Thread Nathan Torkington
I just got off the phone with Larry. He's been laid up for three weeks with a trip to Japan followed by a virus from Japan. He's on his feet again, and continuing to work through the RFCs. He's changing the way he's doing it. Now he's going to try to find clusters of RFCs on a particular

Re: Now, to try again...

2000-12-17 Thread Nathan Torkington
Andy Dougherty writes: Now matter how we slice it, it's going to be very hard for the first person to twist perl6 to parse something that is both complex and very different from Perl6. And I'm unconvinced that this difficulty ought to hold up the entire process. It would be quite ironic if

Re: Now, to try again...

2000-12-17 Thread Nathan Torkington
Nicholas Clark writes: Would it be sane to get the parser to return suitable information on the source to let a syntax analyser (such as a highlighting editor) know that character positions 5123 to 5146 are a qq() string (So it can change the font or the colour or whatever) I think the

Re: Perl 5's non-greedy matching can be TOO greedy!

2000-12-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
Tom Christiansen writes: We may have to "agree to disagree". I shan't be doing that. I think you should, or at least agree to take it private and report back to the list once you both come to a decision. Once you've stated your position twice, there's not really much point in saying it a

Re: Perl 5's non-greedy matching can be TOO greedy!

2000-12-14 Thread Nathan Torkington
Deven T. Corzine writes: I haven't even SEEN an example where the current behavior is actually preferable than my proposed behavior, have you? (And I'd expect at least a FEW, though I suspect there are probably more counterexamples.) I think the biggest problem with your idea is that it

Re: Meta-design

2000-12-06 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: This is not a design document; it's a meta-design document - that is, it tells us what things we need to design, the things we need to consider during the design process of the Perl 6 internals. Thank you! Why does string Ceval have to screw everything up? It doesn't.

Re: Proposal for groups

2000-12-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: Yes, we should really postpone the inevitable markup language war until we have something to mark up. You channeled my very thoughts, Simon. I say that the person who *does* the work deserves the right to choose what format it is in. So long as we can make navigable

Re: Perl Apprenticeship Program

2000-12-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
David Grove writes: 3. We seem to be creating a class system. Nate, this is one that I can see as a must-be, so I'm not going in _that_ direction. But let's still consider ourselves equal, regardless of rank, ok? Otherwise, perl 6 is a wash, because it's just as much about community as it is

Re: Perl Apprenticeship Program

2000-12-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
David Grove writes: What does it take to be considered of "master" status in a certain area Basically this: if you're good at doing something and want/need someone to help with it, then you should be able to ask for an apprentice. I'd say not to get too hung up on "master" and "apprentice", as

Re: Meta-design

2000-12-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Bradley M. Kuhn writes: Java is portable and gives us OO, but it's slow and ugly. I am probably the biggest proponent of the "use Java to implement Perl" camp. Java is only somewhat portable. One concern that I have about the data structure design thus far (and I believe I wrote an RFC

Re: Markup wars (was Re: Proposal for groups)

2000-12-05 Thread Nathan Torkington
Bennett Todd writes: Would you accept a restatement of: as long as whatever it is can be translated into a common format, we can work with it, and the composition of the actual words is far more important than niggling over choices in preferred markup style? Sure, but that begs the question

Re: Perl Apprenticeship Program

2000-12-04 Thread Nathan Torkington
Nice. An apprentice is an administrative assistant with a career path. If people are happy to do this, we'd be happy to use them. The chairs proved weak at reporting on their list's activities (I know I was) so being able to delegate that to someboy who wanted to do it and help, would be good.

Re: Proposal for groups

2000-12-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: On Sat, Dec 02, 2000 at 09:23:42PM -0700, Nathan Torkington wrote: perl6-internals-design is for a team of no more than 10 people. And we decide those ten... how? :) Self-selecting. Who has the necessary experience to bring to the table and wants to be part

Re: Want to contribute.

2000-12-03 Thread Nathan Torkington
Filipe Brandenburger writes: I want to contribute to the Perl 6 effort, with ideas and mainly with coding in C/C++. Thanks for your interest. Here's the current state of play: Larry is putting together, at Larry speed :-), an idea of what the language will look like (all preliminaries show

Proposal for groups

2000-12-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
I think I see two problems: * a lot of people want to know what's going on, but not all have the experience to be able to follow it * it's difficult for the design to happen through the questions How about we do this to design the architecture and API: perl6-internals-design is for a team

Another XS type of thing: Orchard/C

2000-11-15 Thread Nathan Torkington
--- start of forwarded message --- From: Ken MacLeod [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Orchard/C 0.2.3 preview release available Date: 15 Nov 2000 09:38:56 -0600 Half of the Perl interface into Orchard/C is complete, you can now call C functions and return C objects to

Re: Critique available

2000-11-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
John Porter writes: David Grove wrote: This branch of the discussion is getting us nowhere fast. Nat


2000-11-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
Dan, Jarkko, etc. How about we try to identify the big units we'll be working on? parser optimizer bytecode runtime dispatcher (w/knowledge of dynaloading) data-types regex memory My idea of development is something like this: * identify the units/modules * map relationships

Re: Critique available

2000-11-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: Agree 100% to every point. I don't. A constructive critique of the Perl 6 RFC process might be useful. This onslaught of negativity is not. The Perl 6 RFC process got people talking about the future, and we have a

Re: Design

2000-11-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
Ken Fox writes: Nathan Torkington wrote: Robustness Portability Maintainability Testability Reusability Speed Simplicity Size Hey, whoa. Aren't we pre-maturely optimizing the development process? Not in deciding priorities. These are factors of architecture

Re: Design

2000-11-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
Another angle is to collect a set of mantras, design principles if you will, something like: Avoid copying. Avoid premature optimization. Be extensible. Be orthogonal. Orthogonal be. Be portable. Be scalable. Quite right. This is the standard

Re: Critique available

2000-11-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
Simon Cozens writes: On Thu, Nov 02, 2000 at 02:01:45PM +, David Grove wrote: Absolutely and double the vulgarity. I can't imagine that the article was posted at all. Several of us (you guys) have _some_ pull at O'Reilly... please suggest that the article be pulled. Of course,

Re: Critique available

2000-11-02 Thread Nathan Torkington
David Grove writes: I'm not suggesting censorship. I'm questioning O'Reilly's position. I don't think this has anything to do with O'Reilly--Mark wrote the article, and it's on because of that. Our rebuttal will also go there. O'Reilly hasn't got anything to gain by putting the

Also, rest of Larry's talk transcribed

2000-10-30 Thread Nathan Torkington
Here's the rest of my transcription of Larry's talk. He hasn't had time to proofread it, so I'm posting it now in the interest of getting it out. Ask, please add it to your page at When you do, please send mail to pudge and mjd so they can announce the completed transcription on

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