On behalf of the Parrot team, I'm proud to announce Parrot 2.11.0
"At The ROFLBBQ". Parrot (http://parrot.org/) is a virtual machine aimed
at running all dynamic languages.

Parrot 2.11.0 is available on Parrot's FTP site, or by following the download
instructions at http://parrot.org/download.  For those who would like to
develop on Parrot, or help develop Parrot itself, we recommend using Git to
retrieve the source code to get the latest and best Parrot code.

Parrot 2.11.0 News:
New in 2.11.0
- Core
 + Just In Time native call frame generation using LibFFI
 + PIR op find_codepoint is no longer experimental, it is now supported
 + Several public functions in libparrot have been brought up to standard
   naming conventions.
 + Improved linked-list implementation in GC
 + set_addr opcode is being replaced with the new set_label opcode in
core libraries
 + Removed deprecated CodeString PMC
 + Added close, is_closed, read, readline methods to Socket
 + Added experimental MappedByteArray PMC type
 + Added Parrot_warn_experimental, to warn the user about experimental features
 + Code for frontend executables moved from src/ to frontend/
 + Support for chunked receive in LWP library.
 + Added a "quickcover" make target
- Languages
   - left the nest and is currently at https://github.com/parrot/pirc/
 + Community
   - Our README was translated into the following languages
    by Google Code-In students and mentors:
        Polish      README.polski
        Spanish     README.espanol
        German      README.deutsch
- Documentation
- Tests
 + Test coverage increase on PMCs: String, Integer, NameSpace,
Complex, EventHandler
 + 'make quickcover' target added to speed up most essential
    parts of coverage analysis
 + 'tools/dev/headerizer.pl' refactored to improve maintainability
    (no change in functionality)

Many thanks to all our contributors for making this possible, and our sponsors
for supporting this project.  Our next scheduled release is 18 January 2011.

The SHA256 sum for the download tarball is:


--Andrew Whitworth

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