There has been a lot of discussion in the other threads lately about
iterators.  I was wondering if there will be an easy way to create a
bidirectional iterator?  Toy example to show what I'm thinking:

for(1..10) {
    next if /7/;          # always skip 7
    prev if 9 && !rand 3; # occasionally backup and redo 8


More significant example:

class BigNum is Iterator:bi
    has [EMAIL PROTECTED] is Iterator:bi;
    method postfix:*=($arg) { 
        my @temp is Iterator:bi;
        my $carry = 0;
        for ([EMAIL PROTECTED]:last_to_first) { 
            my $num   = $_ * $arg + $carry;
            my $val   = $num % 10;
               $carry = int( $num / 10 );

            unshift @temp, $val;   # efficient because it's a bi Iter
        [EMAIL PROTECTED] = @temp;

Sometimes an iterator cannot be bidirectional--for example, reading
from STDIN--but that's fine; not all iterators need to be.  And yes,
if I want a linked list, I can use a module off the 6PAN, or write it
myself, but that involves objects and methods.  That's a lot of
conceptual overhead for something that may be quite simple.


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