What should 'my $str $x; $x ~= a' return?

2008-09-14 Thread Moritz Lenz
Well, the subject line already contains my question. I wrote some tests about scalar autovivification. The short sequence: my Str $x; $x ~= 'a'; produces 'Stra' in pugs, because $x contains a Str proto object, that stringifies to the type name. From my understanding of the synopsis that's

What should 'my $str $x; $x ~= a' return?

-- Thread Moritz Lenz
-> Re: What should 'my $str $x; $x ~= a' return? perl6-language -- Thread -- -- Date -- <!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7266757337600734"; google_alternate_ad_url = "http://www.mail-

What should 'my $str $x; $x ~= a' return?

-- Thread Moritz Lenz
-> Re: What should 'my $str $x; $x ~= a' return? perl6-language -- Thread -- -- Date -- <!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7266757337600734"; google_alternate_ad_url = "http:/