>The DBI has this very problem!  DBI->connect() returns DBI::db
>objects, DBI->prepare() returns DBI::st.  If you want to override the
>behavior for statement handles and connections, its not enough to just
>subclass DBI::st and DBI::db, you must also subclass DBI and override
>connect() and prepare() (and hope DBI doesn't use DBI::st or DBI::db
>anywhere else.)

Yes, I hadn't even considered that such a prominent class would have 
this problem ;)

>It works, but to quote Tim Bunce there... *sigh*.
>So anyhow, yes, this is a big, icky problem.

Quite.  By the absence of many responses to this RFC, I take it that 
there are no strong objections to the proposal.  Likewise, there 
hasn't been much talk in support of it.  I take it from the silence 
of the list that there is indeed a problem that this RFC addresses, 
but is only sufficient to fix the problem, and not necessary.

Greg Williams, Cnation, (310) 228-6924
"Wow, no intel, no microsoft, sounds like a computer
  that might... dare I say it... work!"  -LHB

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