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On Thu, 14 Oct 1999 17:01:24   Jeffrey Anjasmara wrote:
>Megawati in secret deal with Golkar over power carve-up
>By LINDSAY MURDOCH, Herald Correspondent in Jakarta
>Indonesia's opposition leader, Ms Megawati Sukarnoputri, has struck a secret
>deal to secure the presidency that would split the Golkar party of the
>floundering incumbent, Dr B.J. Habibie.
>Under the deal Golkar's chairman, Mr Akbar Tandjung, would serve as Ms
>Megawati's vice-president with a "full mandate to run everything" in return
>for supporting her presidential bid next week.
>A source close to Ms Megawati yesterday confirmed the deal had been struck
>two weeks ago at a meeting at which more than 75 Golkar MPs promised in
>signed statements they were prepared to desert Dr Habibie at the last
>Ms Megawati's presidency would be largely symbolic, with immense power
>remaining with Golkar, the party that backed the disgraced former president
>Soeharto for 32 years.
>Golkar this week re-endorsed Dr Habibie as its candidate when the 700-seat
>People's Consultative Assembly, or MPR, meets next Wednesday to choose the
>next president.
>But party delegates also gave Mr Tandjung or other members of Golkar's board
>the authority to dump the unpopular Dr Habibie and nominate another
>candidate if the MPR votes to reject an accountability speech he was due to
>make last night. The speech will be debated by MPs today and tomorrow.
>Ms Megawati's party, which won the June parliamentary election, and the
>party of the third presidential contender, Mr Abdurrahman Wahid, have
>already said they expect to reject the speech, the last hurdle in Dr
>Habibie's faltering re-election bid.
>Dr Habibie's credibility has been badly damaged by a banking scandal, East
>Timor, and failure to prosecute Soeharto over graft during his 32-year rule.
>(A Jakarta court yesterday also acquitted Soeharto's youngest son, "Tommy"
>Mandala Putra, of all charges in a corruption trial relating to a land
>Dr Habibie's speech was expected to highlight economic achievements during
>his 512 days as President, including success in boosting the rupiah's
>exchange rate, bringing down inflation and interest rates, opening rice
>procurement, passing a banking law and scrapping some monopolies.
>Mr Tandjung, 54, is an experienced political operator, having served for 10
>years in successive Soeharto cabinets.
>A recent convert to democratisation and one of the key reformists in Golkar,
>Mr Tandjung was last week elected to the powerful post of parliamentary
>Analysts say many Golkar MPs might back a Megawati-Tandjung ticket rather
>than risk losing power altogether. But they add Dr Habibie's ability to
>attract votes should not be underestimated, as he is believed to have access
>to millions of dollars to bribe MPs.
>Dr Habibie has already nominated as his running mate the head of the armed
>forces, General Wiranto, who controls a crucial 38 military-appointed seats.
>General Wiranto would be deeply unhappy about Ms Megawati winning the
>presidency without a political role for the armed forces leadership.
>Yesterday demonstrators demanding Dr Habibie step down clashed with security
>forces near parliament.
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