[Q} firewall machine nmbclusters,nkmempages

2003-01-28 Thread Jung
35002 mbufs allocated to packet headers 2 mbufs allocated to socket names and addresses 576/1222 mapped pages in use 11348 Kbytes allocated to network (88% in use) 0 requests for memory denied 0 requests for memory delayed 0 calls to protocol drain routines thanks -Jung

[Tip] PF/bridge connection kill

2002-11-29 Thread Jung
hi all pfctl -k does kill a only state. it doesn't connection kill. so, At yesterday i tested a tcpkill in dsniff on my test PF/bridge firewall. tcp connection kill is a useful on PF. examples on PF/bridge) pfctl -ss | grep xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ( search clent ip in state