On Wednesday, December 13, 2006, at 17:14:39, Karl O. Pinc wrote:

> On 12/13/2006 09:40:03 AM, Sylwester S. Biernacki wrote:
>> On Wednesday, December 13, 2006, at 15:59:02, Karl O. Pinc wrote:
>> > OpenBSD has ifstated, which is pretty simple to configure
>> > state engine.
>> it's true, but it's unusable here - if machine get 100% cpu load it
>> won't put down their interface.

> ifstatd will run scripts.
ifstated(8) ? ifstatd is on FreeBSD :P

> You'd have to
> write various scripts on the load balancer
> to monitor various aspects of the webservers.
> And various scripts to fiddle with the load balancing
> as a result.  The only thing ifstatd would do "automatically"
> is detect if one of the load balancer's interfaces went down
> for whatever reason.  That _is_ something that
> you'd want to do to be through.
ok, i agree, it can be useful, however the main problem is not to
check if load-balancer interface is down, but if webservers are
working and replying to i.e. HTTP or not. Load balancing in PF is just
packet redirection what makes it without a big impact on CPU or
kernel. And it makes load-balancer much more reliable than webservers.
Anyway, if you have two CARP load-balancers and wish to make checking only
once (by current MASTER) it is good to use it :)

> You could use
> snmp or roll your own for whatever
> monitoring plugin scripts you'd need.  All
> ifstatd provides is a basic control
> framework.   This is an advantage because the state engine
> approach makes things nice and modular.
ok, if it's nice or not I won't tell - I know nicer progs :P

> The only limitation is that ifstatd uses polling
> for everything but the interface detection.
There are no perfect progs (even if m$ are telling that :P)...
But imho it may not be limitation for other purposes of ifstated :)

Sylwester S. Biernacki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-NET, http://www.xnet.com.pl/

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