Am 03.12.2006 um 21:45 schrieb Camiel Dobbelaar:

Try using "flags S/SA keep state" on all your tcp rules.
On exit, there is no discrimination on protocol in my rule set.
Changing that would cluttering things.

On Sat, 2 Dec 2006, Axel Rau wrote:

and exit like
        pass out quick on $dmz_if   tagged GREEN_DMZ keep state

If "flags S/SA" would just be ignored by none-tcp packets, I would be happy.
But the man page says:
        "This rule only applies to TCP packets that have the flags <a> set
           out of set <b>."
This means to me: all none-tcp packets are ignored by this rule.

So let's make a test...
and exit like
        pass out quick on $dmz_if   tagged GREEN_DMZ $tcp_options

Oh wonder, exit rules seem to work as expected. (-:)
This means:
        ***None-tcp packets being passed and kept state!***

Could someone insert this sentence in

That the good news.
Bad news is: I still see:
loose state match: TCP \ [lo=59866068 high=59877651 \
win=65535 modulator=0 wscale=0] [lo=3235423848 high=3235489347 \
win=11584 modulator=0 wscale=0] 9:4 R seq=59866068 ack=3235423848 \
len=0 ackskew=0 pkts=10:9
One more hint?

Thanks a lot, Axel
Axel Rau, ☀Frankfurt , Germany                       +49 69 9514 18 0

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