
In my firewall-setup, I use two OpenBSD 3.7 machines, each with two carp
interfaces (outside/inside).

Preemption is enabled in sysctl.conf on both machines, my intention was
that if one interface goes down or to BACKUP, the other one should do so,
too. So on one machine, both interfaces should be either in MASTER or in
BACKUP mode.

But during the last 6 month or so, maybe two or three times it happend
that one interface was in BACKUP an one in MASTER an the routing for the
hosts in my lan failed.

My question:

Do I have to set "advskew" in /etc/hostname.carpX for preemption to work
as I expected?

At the moment, my configuration looks like

inet vhid 2 pass bar

because its not important for me which machine is "MASTER", but if so,
both interfaces must be in MASTER mode.

Or does this sound like a bug? If so, what should I check/capture to make
a usefull bug-report?


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